SRC-AMY C.S.S.B. 186 78(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 186 78R8034 ESH-DBy: Janek Education 3/4/2003 Committee Report (Substituted) DIGEST AND PURPOSE Currently, Texas law requires that academic performance indicators include dropout and district completion rates but does not specify how those rates should be computed. Texas law also requires that performance indicators include the percentage of student taking end-of-course assessment instruments. C.S.S.B. 186 requires computation of dropout rates in accordance with standards adopted by the National Center for Education Statistics of the United States Department of Education and deletes the requirement that performance indicators include the percentage of student taking end-ofcourse assessment instruments. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Reenacts and amends Section 39.051(b), Education Code, as amended by Chapters 8, 725, 834, and 1420, Acts of the 77th Legislature, Regular Session, as follows: (b) Requires dropout rates, including dropout rates and district completion rates for grade levels 9 through 12, be computed in accordance with standards and definitions adopted by the National Center for Education Statistics of the United States Department of Education. Deletes existing Subsection 9 which required the percentage of students taking end-of-course assessment instruments adopted under Section 39.023(d) (Adoption and Administration of Instruments) to be included as a performance indicator relating to the computation of public school dropout and completion rates. Replaces "subchapter" with "chapter" referring to exemption from the assessment program. Redesignates Subsection 11 as 10. SECTION 2. Makes application of this Act prospective to the 2005-2006 school year. SECTION 3. Effective date: September 1, 2003. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE CHANGES Differs from the original by making the Act applicable to the 2005-2006 school year, rather than the 2003-2004 school year in SECTION 2, and establishing the effective date in SECTION 3 as September 1, 2003, without the possibility of immediate effectiveness upon receiving a two-thirds vote.