S.B. 260 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

S.B. 260
By: Shapleigh
Licensing & Administrative Procedures
Committee Report (Unamended)


Currently, the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying (board) protects
the public by ensuring that qualified surveyors prepare accurate surveys,
which result in the orderly use of land. The board enforces the
Professional Land Surveying Practices Act and investigates and resolves
complaints against land surveyors. The Sunset Commission found that
licensing of surveyors is needed to protect the economic welfare of Texans
and that some of the process lacks needed structure and is too informal.
S.B. 260 continues the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying for 12
years and adds structure to the board's licensing and enforcement
processes. S.B. 260 clarifies the board's authority to create advisory
committees to help the board develop exams; requires the board to
establish its enforcement process in rule; authorizes the board to order
restitution as part of an agreement in an informal settlement conference;
and provides that dismissed complaints cannot be disclosed to the public.  


It is the committee's opinion that rulemaking authority is expressly
granted to the Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying in SECTION 10
(Section 1071.151, Occupations Code), SECTION 11 (Section 1071.1515,
Occupations Code), SECTION 26 (Section 1071.4035, Occupations Code),
SECTION 27 (Section 1071.404, Occupations Code), SECTION 28 (Section
1071.452, Occupations Code), and SECTION 29 (Section 1071.552, Occupations
Code) of this bill.  


SECTION 1. Amends Section 1071.003, Occupations Code, as follows: Sec.
1071.003. APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. Continues the Texas Board of
Professional Land Surveying (board) for a 12-year period until September
1, 2015.  

SECTION 2. Amends Section 1071.051(a) and (g), Occupations Code, as
follows: (a) Decreases the number of members of the Texas Board of
Professional Land Surveying from ten to nine. Decreases the number of
board members who are registered professional land surveyor members
actively engaged in the practice of professional surveying from four to
three. (g) Requires appointments to the board to be made without regard to
race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or national origin of the

SECTION 3. Amends Section 1071.053, Occupations Code, to update standard
Sunset language relating to conflicts of interests applicable to board
members and employees.  

SECTION 4. Amends Section 1071.054(a), Occupations Code, to provide that
members of the board appointed by the governor serve staggered six-year
terms, with the terms of approximately onethird of those members expiring
on January 31 of each odd-numbered year. 
SECTION 5. Amends Sections 1071.056(a) and (c), Occupations Code, to
update standard Sunset language relating to the grounds for removal of
board members.  

SECTION 6. Amends Chapter 1071B, Occupations Code, by adding Section
1071.059, as follows: Sec. 1071.059. TRAINING. (a) Prohibits a person who
is appointed to and qualifies for office as a board member from voting,
deliberating, or being counted as a member in attendance at a board
meeting until the person completes a training program that complies with
this section. (b) Requires the training program to provide the person with
certain information. (c) Provides that a person appointed to the board is
entitled to reimbursement, as provided by the General Appropriations Act,
for the travel expenses incurred in attending the training program
regardless of whether the attendance at the program occurs before or after
the person qualifies for office.  

SECTION 7. Amends Section 1071.104, Occupations Code, as follows: Sec.
Requires the executive director or the executive director's designee to
provide to members of the board and to board employees, as often as
necessary, information regarding the requirements for office or employment
under this chapter, including information regarding a person's
responsibilities under applicable laws relating to standards of conduct
for state officers or employees.  

SECTION 8. Amends Section 1071.106, Occupations Code, to update standard
Sunset language requiring the executive director to maintain an equal
employment opportunity program.  

SECTION 9. Amends Chapter 1071C, Occupations Code, by adding Section
1071.107, as follows: Sec. 1071.107. INFORMATION ON STATE EMPLOYEE
INCENTIVE PROGRAM. Requires the executive director or the executive
director's designee to provide to board employees information and training
on the benefits and methods of participation in the state employee
incentive program under Chapter 2108B, Government Code (State Employee
Incentive Program).  

SECTION 10. Amends Section 1071.151, Occupations Code, by adding
Subsection (c), to require the board by rule to establish the enforcement
process for a violation of this chapter or a board rule.  

SECTION 11. Amends Chapter 1071D, Occupations Code, by adding Section
1071.1515, as follows: Sec. 1071.1515. RULES ON CONSEQUENCES OF CRIMINAL
CONVICTION. Requires the board to adopt rules necessary to comply with
Chapter 53 (Consequences of Criminal Conviction).  

SECTION 12. Amends Chapter 1071D, Occupations Code, by adding Sections
1071.1525, 1071.1526, and 1071.158, as follows: Sec. 1071.1525. NEGOTIATED
board to develop and implement a policy to encourage the use of negotiated
rulemaking procedures under Chapter 2008, Government Code, for the
adoption of board rules and the appropriate alternative dispute resolution
procedures under Chapter 2009, Government Code, to assist in the
resolution of internal and external disputes under the board's
jurisdiction. (b) Requires the board's procedures relating to alternative
dispute resolution to conform, to the extent possible, to any model
guidelines issued by the State Office of Administrative Hearings regarding
the use of alternative dispute resolution by state agencies. (c) Requires
the board to designate a trained person to coordinate the implementation
of the policy adopted under Subsection (a), serve as a resource for any
training necessary for implementation of the negotiated rulemaking or
alternative dispute resolution procedures, and collect data on the
effectiveness of the procedures as implemented by the board. Sec.
1071.1526. FEES. Requires the board to set fees in amounts reasonable and
necessary to cover the costs of administering this chapter. Sec. 1071.158.
TECHNOLOGY POLICY. Requires the board to develop and implement a policy
requiring the executive director  and board employees to research and
propose appropriate technological solutions to improve the board's ability
to perform its functions. Requires the technological solutions to meet
certain criteria.  

SECTION 13. Amends Section 1071.203, Occupations Code, to require the
board to accept a complaint regardless of whether the complaint is

SECTION 14. Amends Section 1071.204, Occupations Code, to update standard
Sunset language requiring information to be maintained on complaints.  

SECTION 15. Amends Section 1071.252(b), Occupations Code, to update
standard Sunset language regarding applications and their acceptance
regardless of whether the applications are notarized.  

SECTION 16. Amends Section 1071.257, Occupations Code, to update standard
Sunset language regarding examination results and notification.  

SECTION 17. Amends Section 1071.258, Occupations Code, to authorize an
applicant who fails an examination to apply to take a subsequent
examination by filing an updated application and paying an additional
examination fee set by the board, rather than a fee not to exceed $100.  

SECTION 18. Amends Section 1071.259(b), Occupations Code, to update
standard Sunset language regarding the issuance of certification.  

SECTION 19. Amends Section 1071.262, Occupations Code, to provide for the
replacement of certain certificates upon payment of a fee set by the
board, rather than a fee of $20.  

SECTION 20. Amends Section 1071.263(b), Occupations Code, to require a
registration holder on inactive status to pay an annual fee set by the
board, rather than a fee of $10.  

SECTION 21. Amends Section 1071.301(a), Occupations Code, to authorize the
board by rule to adopt a system under which certificates of registration
and licenses expire on various dates during the year. Requires the board
to prorate certificate and license fees on a monthly basis so that each
certificate or license holder pays only that portion of the certificate or
license fee that is allocable to the number of months during which the
certificate or license is valid, for the year in which the certificate or
license expiration date is changed. Provides that on renewal of the
certificate or license on the new expiration date, the total certificate
or license renewal fee is payable.  

SECTION 22. Amends Section 1071.302, Occupations Code, to require the
board to send written notice of the impending expiration to the person at
a person's last known address according to the board's records, not later
than the 30th day before the date the person's certificate of registration
or license is scheduled to expire.  

SECTION 23. Amends Section 1071.303, Occupations Code, to update standard
Sunset language regarding procedures for renewal of a certificate of
registration or license.  

SECTION 24. Amends Section 1071.401(a), Occupations Code, to update
standard Sunset language regarding the board's revocation of a certificate
of registration or license.  

 SECTION 25. Amends Section 1071.402, Occupations Code, by amending
Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (c) - (g), as follows: (b) Requires
the board to assign an employee or contract with an investigator to
investigate each alleged violation of this chapter or a board rule that is
reported to the board. Authorizes the board to employ investigators and
inspectors as necessary to properly enforce this chapter. (c) Authorizes a
board employee investigating an alleged violation to dismiss a complaint
that is without merit or determine whether a person has committed the
violation and recommend sanctions to the board. (d) Requires a board
employee investigating an alleged violation to report the dismissal of a
complaint under Subsection (c) (1) to the board in the manner required by
the board. (e) Authorizes the person making a complaint that is dismissed
under Subsection (c) (1) to request reconsideration of the dismissal by
the board. (f) Authorizes the board to appoint a subcommittee of the board
that includes at least one board member who represents the public to
assist in an investigation. Prohibits a member of a subcommittee or a
member of the board who consults with board personnel or an investigator
on a complaint from voting at a board disciplinary hearing related to the
complaint. (g) Prohibits the board from taking into consideration a
previously dismissed complaint while resolving a complaint before the
board. Authorizes the board to take into consideration any previous
violation of this chapter or a board rule when assessing a sanction or
penalty for a complaint before the board.  

SECTION 26. Amends Chapter 1071I, Occupations Code, by adding Section
1071.4035, as follows: Sec. 1071.4035. INFORMAL SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE;
RESTITUTION. (a) Requires the board by rule to establish guidelines for an
informal settlement conference related to a complaint filed with the
board. (b) Authorizes the board to order a person licensed or registered
under this chapter to pay restitution to a consumer as provided in an
agreement resulting from an informal settlement conference instead of or
in addition to assessing an administrative penalty under this chapter,
subject to Subsection (c). (c) Prohibits the amount of restitution ordered
as provided in an agreement resulting from an informal settlement
conference from exceeding the amount the consumer paid to the person for a
service regulated by this chapter. Prohibits the board from requiring
payment of other damages or estimating harm in a restitution order.  

SECTION 27. Amends Section 1071.404, Occupations Code, by adding
Subsection (b), to require the board by rule to adopt written guidelines
to ensure that probation is administered consistently.  

SECTION 28. Amends Section 1071.452, Occupations Code, by adding
Subsection (c), to require the board by rule to adopt an administrative
penalty schedule for violations of this chapter or board rules to ensure
that the amounts of penalties imposed are appropriate to the violation.  

SECTION 29. Amends Chapter 1071, Occupations Code, by adding Subchapter L,
EXAMINATION ADVISORY COMMITTEES. Authorizes the board to establish
examination advisory committees to assist the board in developing each
examination required by this chapter. Sec. 1071.552. BOARD RULES. (a)
Requires the board by rule to establish the purpose, role, responsibility,
and goals of an examination advisory committee, determine the size of and
quorum requirements for an examination advisory committee, determine the
qualifications of an examination advisory committee member, which may
include experience and geographic location requirements, provide a process
for the appointment of examination advisory committee members, establish
the term of office for examination advisory committee members, and
determine the training requirements for an examination advisory committee
member. (b) Requires the board by rule to define the examination
development process under this chapter, including the board's interaction
with the examination advisory committees during the process. Sec.
1071.553. ELIGIBILITY OF BOARD MEMBER. (a) Prohibits a board member from
serving as a voting member of an examination advisory committee. (b)
Authorizes a board member to attend an examination advisory committee
meeting to act as a liaison with the board. Sec. 1071.554. MEETINGS. (a)
Provides that except as provided by Subsection (b) the meetings of an
examination advisory committee are open meetings under Chapter 551,
Government Code  (Open Meetings). (b) Authorizes an examination advisory
committee to hold a closed meeting to consider a test item or information
related to a test item as provided by Section 551.088, Government Code.
Sec. 1071.555. APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. (a) Provides that except as
provided by Subsection (b), an examination advisory committee is subject
to Chapter 2110, Government Code (State Agency Advisory Committees). (b)
Provides that Section 2110.002(b), Government Code, does not apply to the
appointment of examination advisory committee members. Sec. 1071.556.
EXAMINATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE DUTIES. Requires the examination advisory
committee to develop the examinations required by this chapter in
accordance with board rules and to perform other tasks assigned by the

SECTION 30. Applies standard Sunset language requiring the board to adopt
rules, set fees, guidelines, and administer penalties.  

SECTION 31. Applies standard Sunset language for this Act to take
precedence over previous Acts. 

SECTION 32. (a) Requires a rule adopted by the board in effect on the
effective date of this act to remain in effect as a rule of the board
until superseded by a new rule adopted by the board. (b) Makes the
application of the changes in law made by this Act by Sections 1071.053
and 1071.059, Occupations Code, in the prohibitions on or qualifications
of members of the board prospective. (c) Makes the change in law made by
this Act to Chapter 1071, Occupations Code, relating to the investigation
of a complaint prospective. (d) Provides that of the four positions on the
Texas Board of Professional Land Surveying held by registered professional
land surveyor members, one of the positions is abolished on September 1,
2003. Requires the four members who hold those positions to determine by
unanimous agreement or by lot which of the four positions is abolished on
September 1, 2003, on or before September 1, 2003. Requires the members to
inform the president of the board of that determination.  

SECTION 33. Effective date: September 1, 2003.


September 1, 2003.