Senate Research Center   S.B. 297
78R2999 RCJ-FBy: Janek
Intergovernmental Relations
As Filed


In 1997, the 75th Texas Legislature repealed legislation related to the
firefighters' relief and retirement fund and created new legislation which
governs the fund in cities having a population of not less than 1.6
million. As proposed, S.B. 297 repeals current legislation related to the
firefighters' relief and retirement fund in municipalities of at least 1.6
million and presents new language to advance the administration of the


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to
a state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 1, Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., by renumbering
Subdivision (1) as Subdivision (1-a) and amending Subdivisions (1) and
(7), as follows: 

(1)  Defines "active service."  

  (1-a)  Redesignated from existing Subdivision (1).  

  (7) Deletes current language from the definition of "DROP account."

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 2(b), Article 6243e.2 (1), V.T.C.S., to require
the name of the board of trustees to be known as "(name of municipality)
Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund Board of Trustees" and the fund
to be known as "(name of municipality) Firefighters' Relief and Retirement
Fund." Deletes language from existing text. 
SECTION 3.  Amends Section 3, Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., by adding
Subsections (j)-(p), as follows: 

(j)  Authorizes the Firefighters' Relief and Retirement Fund Board of
Trustees (board) to pay with fund assets, and distribute to survivors of
deceased firefighters, commemorative flags and similar memorabilia, having
a value of $75 or less, to honor service rendered by the firefighters. 

(k)  Authorizes the board to accept gifts and donations to the fund.
Requires the gifts and donations to be added to the fund for the use of
the fund. 

(l)  Provides that the trustees, executive director, and employees of the
fund are fully protected and free of liability for any action taken or
omission made or any action or omission suffered by them in good faith in
the performance of their duties for the fund. 

(m)  Provides that a gathering of any number of trustees to investigate,
research, or review, prospective or current investments, without formal
action by the trustees, is not a deliberation or meeting for purposes of
Chapter 551, Government Code (Open Meetings),  and is not required to be
open to the public. 

(n)  Authorizes the board, or a committee of the board sitting in review
of medical or psychiatric records, to consider the medical or psychiatric
records of multiple individual applicants for disability benefits within a
single closed session under Section 551.078, Government Code (Medical
Board or Medical Committee), but requires any action on an application to
be taken on an individual basis. 

(o)  Authorizes the board to delegate all or part of its duties concerning
benefits provided under this article to a pension benefits committee
composed of five trustees appointed by the board chair.  Provides that all
actions of the committee concerning benefits provided under this article
are final, unless otherwise provided by the policies and procedures
approved by the board.  Authorizes the chair of the board to appoint a
trustee as an alternate member of the committee. 

(p)  Authorizes the board to delegate all or part of its duties under this
article concerning personnel matters, the making of fund policies and
procedures, and the conduct of other administrative matters, to a
personnel and procedures committee composed of five trustees appointed by
the board chair.  Provides that all actions of the committee concerning
these matters are final, unless otherwise provided by the policies and
procedures approved by the board or the committee.  Authorizes the board
chair to appoint a trustee as an alternate member of the committee. 

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 4(d), Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., to add a
reference to Section 7(b) regarding the total monthly benefit payable to
an eligible survivor of a deceased member. 

SECTION 5.  Amends Sections 5 (a), (c)-(e), (g), (i)-(k), and (m), Article
6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., as follows: 

(a)  Provides that the increase to a DROP participant's monthly benefit at
retirement does not apply to benefits payable under Subsection (1) of this

  (c)  Makes a nonsubstantive change.

(d)  Requires that the credit to the member's DROP account be at an annual
rate of not less than five percent nor greater than ten percent,
irrespective of actual earnings.   Deletes current language from existing
text related to a DROP account credited with losses and makes conforming

(e) Deletes current language from existing text..

(g) Makes conforming changes.

(i)  Provides that a salary earned or additional years of participation
completed after the member's DROP election becomes effective may not be
considered in the computation of retirement or death benefits except for
the limited purpose of percentage increases provided under Subsection (a)
of this section.  

  (j) (5)  Makes a nonsubstantive change.

(6-7)  Authorizes certain surviving spouses to elect to maintain the DROP
account with the fund in the same manner described by Subsections (e),
(f), and (g) of this section if there are no eligible survivors, in
accordance with the member's beneficiary designation filed with the board,
or, if the member failed to file a valid beneficiary designation, to the
member's estate; and if the conditions described by  Subdivision (1), (2),
or (6) of this subsection exist.  Creates a new subdivision.   

(k)  Requires an eligible beneficiary's share of a deceased member's DROP
account to be distributed as soon as administratively practicable after
the member's death in the form of a single lump-sum payment, unless the
surviving spouse makes the election permitted by Subsection (j) (7) of
this section. 

  (m)  Authorizes a DROP participant with a break in service to receive
service credit                 within DROP for days worked after the
regular expiration of the permitted                         DROP period.
Requires the service credit to be limited to the number of days
in which the participant experienced a break in service or the number of
days                     required to constitute 10 years of DROP
participation, whichever is smaller. 

SECTION 6.  Amends Section 6, Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., by adding a
new Subsection (g) and relettering existing Subsections (g) and (h) , as

(g)  Requires the pension benefits committee to review, on a case-by-case
basis, existing benefit payments to members, and to survivors of deceased
members, who retired as a result of a disability with 20 or more years of
service under a provision of any predecessor statute previously governing
the fund.  Provides that the review will determine whether the member's
disability was an on-duty disability that satisfies the requirements of
Subsection (b) or (c) of this section.  Provides that a determination that
a member's disability was an on-duty disability, as described above, will
apply only on a prospective basis beginning with January 1 of the calendar
year in which the determination is made, and will not affect the amount of
the member's or survivor's benefits.  Requires the committee  to make its
review and determination under this subsection on the basis of the medical
evidence and any other relevant non-testimonial evidence that was
previously submitted in connection with the prior application for
benefits, except that if the committee finds that the historical file is
insufficient to make the determination, supplemental evidence of a
probative nature may be adduced and accepted to help make the

  (h)  Redesignates existing Subsection (g) as (h).

  (i)  Redesignates existing Subsection (h) as (i).

SECTION 7.  Amends Sections 7(b), (e), and (g), Article 6243e.2(1),
V.T.C.S., as follows: 

(b)  Requires any benefit an eligible spouse may be granted under Section
10A of this article to be reduced in the same proportion as the reduced
benefit provided by this subsection.  Provides that this subsection may
not be construed to effect any reduction to an eligible spouse of benefits
otherwise payable under Section 4(d) of this article.  Makes
nonsubstantive changes. 

(e) (4) Requires the $5,000 death benefit, if the member is not survived
by an eligible spouse, an eligible child, or an eligible parent, to be
paid to the deceased member's estate or to the member's court-approved
small estate through its legal representative. 

(g)  Requires the benefit provided by this subsection, if a member fails
to properly designate a beneficiary, to be payable to the member's estate
or to the member's courtapproved small estate through its legal
representative on application by the estate or legal representative.   

SECTION 8.  Amends Section 11, Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., by amending
Subsections (b), (d), (f), (h), and (m) and adding Subsections (n)-(p), as

 (b)  Requires the amounts of all benefits that the member or the member's
beneficiaries may become entitled to receive from the fund to be computed
on the basis of the schedule of benefits in effect for the fund at the
member's election either on the day the member leaves active service or on
the day the member ceased to carry out the member's regular duties as a
firefighter.  Deletes current language from existing text. 

  (d)  Requires contributions, benefits, and service credit with respect
to qualified             military service, notwithstanding any provision
of this article to the contrary, to be provided in accordance with Section
414(u) of the code.  Requires a member who is engaged in active duty in
any of the military services of the United States to receive credited
pension service for the period of the military service, if the member
returns to employment with the employer municipality's fire department
with an honorable discharge within the period required by the federal
reemployment Act and the period of military service does not exceed the
period prescribed by that Act.  Provides that if a member sustains an
injury while on military leave under the terms of the federal reemployment
Act, pension benefits are payable based on the off-duty disability benefit
provisions prescribed by Section 6(e) of this article.  Provides that if a
member dies while on military leave under the terms of the federal
reemployment Act, death benefits are payable to eligible survivors based
on the off-duty death benefits prescribed by Section 7 of this article.
Provides that this subsection is intended to comply with the federal
reemployment Act.  Authorizes the board to make, maintain, and amend
policies and procedures as desirable or necessary to implement the federal
reemployment act.  Defines "federal reemployment Act" as used in this

(f)  Provides that in this article, an authorization to receive a benefit
"beginning on the effective date of the member's termination of active
service" includes authority for the member to instead elect to make the
member's pension effective on the date the member ceases to carry out the
member's regular duties as a firefighter.  Makes a conforming change. 

(h)  Authorizes a benefit payable under this article to a minor or other
person under a legal disability to be made only to the legal guardian of
the person, or as provided by Subsection (g) of this section.  Deletes
current language from existing text regarding payment to a conservator or
guardian of that person's estate. 

  (m) (1)  Makes a nonsubstantive change.

(n)  Authorizes the fund, if one or more persons have been given a power
of attorney effective to direct distribution of benefits to any person
eligible to receive benefits under this article and the fund receives
conflicting directions as to those distributions, to withhold benefits
until either the final result of judicial proceedings determining which
directive prevails or the fund receives a signed agreement between
attorneys-in-fact, and principals, if applicable, on distribution
directives that completely resolves the conflict.  Provides that the fund
may not be made a party to any proceeding or suit concerning or involving
the distribution of benefits under conflicting directives. 

(o)  Authorizes the fund to offset amounts received wrongly or in error
from the fund by any person receiving benefit payments under this article
by making deductions from future benefit payments otherwise payable to the
person or the person's beneficiaries.  Provides that this remedy is not
exclusive of any other remedy available to the fund. 

(p)  Provides that a person who has a claim for a benefit under this
article and is not under a legal disability has until the second
anniversary of the date of eligibility for the benefit to apply to the
fund for the benefit.  Provides that this subsection does not apply to any
election made under Subsection (f) of this section.  

 SECTION 9.  Amends Sections 13(c) and (d), Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S.,
as follows: 

(c)  Requires each member in active service to make contributions to the
fund in an amount equal to 8.35, rather than 7.7, percent of the member's
salary at the time of the contribution, and as of July 1, 2004, in an
amount equal to nine percent of the member's salary at the time of the

(d)  Requires the municipality's contribution rate to be composed of the
normal cost plus the level percentage of salary payment required to
amortize the unfunded actuarial liability over a constant period of 30,
rather than 40, years. 

SECTION 10.  Amends Section 16(a), Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., to delete
current language from existing text regarding the physical examination
undertaken by firefighters. 

SECTION 11.  Amends Section 17, Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S, by amending
Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections (d) and (e), as follows: 

(a)  Provides that information contained in records that are in the
custody of a fund is not public information.  Makes a conforming change. 

(a) (1) (B)  Provides that information contained in records that are in
the custody of a fund is not public information unless the information is
disclosed to the individual's attorney, guardian, executor, administrator,
or conservator, or other legal representative of the individual's estate
or court-approved small estate or other person who the board determines is
acting in the interest of the individual or the individual's estate;  

(a)(1)(C)  Provides that information contained in records that are in the
custody of a fund is not public information unless the information is
disclosed to a spouse or former spouse of the individual, or the attorney
of the spouse or former spouse, if the information concerns the spouse's
or former spouse's interest in member accounts, benefits, or other amounts
payable by the fund. 

(b)  Provides that notwithstanding Subsection (a) of this section, the
fund may disclose the status or identity of certain individuals as well as
the individual's dates of service, date of death, last rank held, and the
divisions of the fire department of the municipality in which service has
been rendered. 

(d)  Provides that the release of information concerning members,
retirees, or beneficiaries to departments of the municipality or to other
municipal employee pension funds or systems of the municipality, in order
to implement or advance the purposes of this article is permitted under
this section.  Provides that the release of that information does not
constitute any waiver of confidentiality by the fund or any waiver as to
the confidentiality of the information under the statutes and policies
governing the receiving municipal department or employee pension fund or

(e)  Provides that the publication and provision by the fund of a
retiree's address, e-mail address, telephone number, dates of service,
last rank held, and the divisions of the fire department of the
municipality in which service was rendered, within compilations or
directories of this information concerning fund retirees, is permitted
under this section. Authorizes the fund, in its sole discretion, to
provide or distribute those compilations as it deems is in the best
interest of the retirees in general.  Authorizes a retiree to prevent the
publication under this subsection of information relating to the retiree
by giving advance written notice to the fund.        

 SECTION 12.  Amends Section 18(b), Article 6243e.2(1), V.T.C.S., to
authorize the board to maintain a proportional retirement program under
this section.  Deletes current language from existing text regarding the
provisions governing a participating retirement system.  

SECTION 13.  Repealer:  Section 13(h), Article 6243e.2(1) (Firefighter's
relief and retirement fund in municipalities of at least 1,600,000
population ), V.T.C.S. 

SECTION 14.  Effective date:  September 1, 2003.