S.B. 474 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

S.B. 474
By: Lucio
Public Health
Committee Report (Unamended)


Under current Texas law, no entity exists for the express purpose of
strengthening and improving 
programs aimed at promoting the nutritional health of Texas schoolchildren.

S.B. 474 establishes an interim study on nutrition and health in public


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.  The Act sets forth legislative findings regarding
childhood obesity 
and other child health issues.

JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE.  The Act establishes a joint interim committee
for the purposes of this Act and sets forth the composition of the joint
interim committee.  The Act requires the interim committee, to the extent
that funds are available, to hold hearings throughout the state to perform
certain functions.  The Act authorizes the interim committee to consult
with the School Health Advisory Council to carry out its duties. 

REPORT.  The Act requires, to the extent that funds are available, the
interim committee, not later than October 1, 2004, to submit to the
governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
representatives a report of the committee's findings and recommendations
under this Act. 


The Act takes effect on the 91st day after adjournment.