Senate Research CenterS.B. 871
By: Shapiro
Criminal Justice


S.B. 871 adds clarifying language stating that the Texas Department of
Public Safety (DPS) shall determine which local law enforcement agency
serves as the primary registration authority for a person required to
register as a sex offender and directs DPS of notify the sex offender of
his/her primary local law enforcement  registration authority.  


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to
a state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Article 62.01, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Subdivisions (8) and (9) to define "public or private institution of
higher education" and "authority for campus security." 

SECTION 2.  Amends Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Article 62.0102, as follows: 
(a)  Requires the Department of Public Safety (DPS) to determine, for each
person subject to registration under this chapter, which local law
enforcement authority serves as the person's primary registration
authority based on the municipality or county in which the person resides
or, as provided by Article 62.061, as added by Chapters 1193 and 1415,
Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, the municipality or
county in which the person works or attends school. 

(b)  Requires the DPS to notify each person subject to registration under
this chapter of the person's primary registration authority in a timely

SECTION 3.  Amends Article 62.011, Code of Criminal Procedure, as follows:

(a)   Provides that a  person is employed or carries on a vocation for
purposes of this chapter if the person works or volunteers on a full-time
or part-time basis for a consecutive period exceeding 14 days or for an
aggregate period exceeding 30 days in a calendar year.  Specifies that a
person works for purposes of this subsection regardless of whether the
person works for compensation or for governmental or educational benefit. 

(b)  Provides that a person is a student for purposes of this chapter if
the person enrolls on a full-time or part-time basis in any educational
facility, including a  public or private primary or secondary school,
including a high school or alternative learning center; or a public or
private institution of higher education.  Deletes text providing that a
person is a student for purposes of this chapter if the person enrolls on
a full time or part time basis in any educational facility, including a
college, university, community college, or technical or trade institute. 

 SECTION 4.  Amends Articles 62.02(b), (c), and (g), Code of Criminal
Procedure, as follows:  

(b)  Requires DPS to provide the Texas Department of Criminal Justice
(TDJC), the Texas Youth Commission (TYC), the Texas Juvenile Probation
Commission (TJPC), and each local law enforcement authority, authority for
campus security, county jail, and court with a form for registering
persons required by this chapter to register.  Requires the registration
form to include certain information, including  an indication as to
whether the person is or will be employed, carrying on a vocation, or a
student at a particular public or private institution of higher education
in this state or another state, and the name and address of that

(c)  Requires the local law enforcement authority with whom the person
registered to send a copy of the registration form to the department and,
if the person resides on the campus of a public or private institution of
higher education, to any authority for campus security for that
institution, not later than the third day after a person's registering. 

(g)  Requires the person, if the person is employed, carries on a
vocation, or is a student at a public or private institution of higher
education in another state and if an authority for campus security exists
at the institution, to also register with that authority not later than
the 10th day after the date on which the person begins to work or attend

SECTION 5.  Amends Articles 62.03(a), (e), and (h), Code of Criminal
Procedure, as follows: 

(a)  Makes conforming changes.

(e)   Requires the authority to immediately publish a notice in English
and Spanish in the newspaper of greatest paid circulation in the county in
which the person subject to registration intends to reside or, if there is
no newspaper of paid circulation in that county, in the newspaper of
greatest general circulation in the county, except as provided by Article
62.031.  Requires the authority, if the authority publishes notice under
this subsection, to publish a duplicate notice in the newspaper, with any
necessary corrections, during the week immediately following the week of
initial publication.  Requires the local law enforcement authority to
immediately provide notice to the superintendent of the public school
district and to the administrator of any private primary or secondary
school located in the public school district in which the person subject
to registration intends to reside by mail to the office of the
superintendent or administrator, as appropriate, in accordance with
Article 62.032.  Deletes text requiring the local enforcement authority to
verify the age of a person subject to registration.  Deletes text
referencing Section 25.02, Penal Code.  

(h) Requires an official of the penal institution to inform a releasee
subject to registration of certain requirements, before the person is due
to be released from a penal institution in this state.  

SECTION 6.  Amends Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Articles 62.031 and 62.032, as follows: 

Art.  62.031.  Art. 62.031.  LIMITATIONS ON NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION.  (a)
Prohibits a local law enforcement authority from  publishing a  notice in
a newspaper under Article 62.03(e) or 62.04(f) if the basis on which the
person is subject to registration is  an adjudication of delinquent
conduct; or a conviction or a deferred adjudication for an offense under
Section 25.02 (Prohibited Sexual Conduct),  Penal Code, or an offense
under the laws of another state, federal law, or the Uniform Code of
Military Justice that contains elements substantially similar to the
elements of an offense under Section 25.02, Penal Code, if the victim was
at the time of the offense a child younger than 17 years of age. 

(b)  Prohibits a local law enforcement authority, in addition to the
prohibition on  publication established under Subsection (a), from
publishing notice in a newspaper under Article 62.04(f) if the person
subject to registration is assigned a numeric risk level of one.  

ADMINISTRATOR.  (a)  Requires a local law enforcement authority, under
certain conditions, to provide notice to the superintendent and each
administrator under Article 62.03(e) or 62.04(f). 
(b)  Prohibits a  local law enforcement authority from providing notice to
the superintendent or any administrator under Article 62.03(e) or 62.04(f)
if the basis on which the person is subject to registration is a
conviction, a deferred adjudication, or an adjudication of delinquent
conduct for an offense under Section 25.02, Penal Code, or an offense
under the laws of another state, federal law, or the Uniform Code of
Military Justice that contains elements substantially similar to the
elements of an offense under that section. 

SECTION 7.  Amends Articles 62.04 (a), (b), (e), and (f), Code of Criminal
Procedure, as follows: 

(a)  Makes a conforming change.

(b)  Makes a conforming change.

(e)  Requires the person, if a person who reports to a local law
enforcement authority under Subsection (a) does not move on or before the
anticipated move date or does not move to the new address provided to the
authority, to take certain actions, including not later than the seventh
day after the anticipated move date, reporting to the local law
enforcement authority designated as the person's primary registration
authority by DPS, rather than with whom the person last registered not
later than the seventh day after the anticipated move date, and provide an
explanation to the authority regarding any changes in anticipated move
date and intended residence.   
(f)  Deletes text providing for the local law enforcement authority to
take certain actions, if the victim is a child younger than 17 years of
age or the person subject to the registration is 17 years of age or older
and a student enrolled in a public or private secondary school, regardless
of the basis on which the person is subject to registration or the
person's numeric risk level. Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 8.  Amends Article 62.05, Code of Criminal Procedure, as follows:

LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY.  (a)  Requires the supervising officer, not later
than the seventh day after the date the supervising officer receives
relevant information, to notify the local law enforcement authority of any
change in the person's job or educational status in which the person
becomes employed, begins to carry on a vocation or becomes a student at a
particular public or private institution of higher education, or
terminates the person's status in that capacity.  Makes conforming and
nonsubstantives changes. 

(b)   Requires the local law enforcement authority, not later than the
seventh day after the date it receives the relevant information, to notify
DPS of any change in the person's job or educational status in which the
person becomes employed, begins to carry on a vocation, or becomes a
student at a particular public or private institution of higher education
or terminates the person's status in that capacity.  Makes conforming

SECTION 9.  Amends Articles 62.06 (a), (b) and (d), Code of Criminal
Procedure, to make conforming changes. 
SECTION 10.  Amends Article 62.061(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, as
added by Chapter 444, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999,
to make a conforming change. 

SECTION 11.  Amends Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Article 62.064, as follows: 

HIGHER EDUCATION.  (a)  Provides that not later than the seventh day after
the date on which the person begins to work or attend school, a person
required to register under Article 62.061, as added by Chapters 1193 and
1415, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, or any other
provisions of this chapter who is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a
student at a public or private institution of higher education in this
state shall report that fact to the authority for campus security for that
institution; or, 
if an authority for campus security for that institution does not exist,
the local law enforcement authority of:  the municipality in which the
institution is located or  the county in which the institution is located,
if the institution is not located in a municipality. 

(b)  Requires a person described by Subsection (a) to provide the
authority for campus security or the local law enforcement authority with
all information the person is required to provide under Article 62.02(b). 

(c)  Requires a person described by Subsection (a) to notify the authority
for campus security or the local law enforcement authority not later than
the seventh day after the date of termination of the person's status as a
worker or student at the institution. 

(d)  Requires the authority for campus security or the local law
enforcement authority to promptly forward to the administrative office of
the institution any information received from the person under this
article and any information received from the department under Article

(e)  Provides that Subsection (a)(2) does not require a person to register
at a local law enforcement authority if the person is otherwise required
by this chapter to register at that authority. 

(f)  Provides that this article does not impose the requirements of public
notification or notification to public or private primary or secondary
schools on an authority for campus security or a local law enforcement
authority, if those requirements relate to a person about whom the
authority is not otherwise required by this chapter to make notifications. 

(g)  Establishes that the requirements of this article supersede those of
Article 62.062 for a person required to register under both this article
and Article 62.062, notwithstanding Article 62.062.  

(h)  Provides that regardless of the date on which the person began to
work or attend school, a person described by Subsection (a) who is
employed, carrying on a vocation, or is a student at a public or private
institution of higher education in this state on September 1, 2003, shall
report that fact not later than October 1, 2003, to the appropriate
authority as described by Subsection (a).  Provides that this subsection
expires September 1, 2004. 

SECTION 12.  Amends Article 62.08, Code of Criminal Procedure, by amending
Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (h) and (i), as follows: 

(b)  Makes a conforming change.
(h)  Requires DPS, not later than the third day after the date on which
the applicable information becomes available through the person's
registration or verification of registration or under Article 62.05, to
send notice of any person required to register under this chapter who is
or will be employed, carrying on a vocation, or a student at a public or
private institution of higher education in this state to certain entities. 

(i)  Requires DPS, on the written request of an institution of higher
education described by Subsection (h) that identifies an individual and
states that the individual has applied to work or study at the
institution, to release any information described by Subsection (a) to the

SECTION 13.  Amends Articles 62.09(a) and (d), Code of Criminal Procedure,
to make conforming changes. 

SECTION 14.  Reenacts Article 62.12(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, as
amended by Chapters 211 and 1297, Acts of the 77th Legislature, Regular
Session, 2001, and amends it by deleting text referencing Chapter 1193,
Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999.  

SECTION 15.  Amends Article 62.13, Code of Criminal Procedure, by amending
Subsections (k), (o), (q) and (r) and adding Subsection (q-1), as follows: 

(k)-(o)  Makes conforming changes.

(q)  Requires a copy of court orders, if the court grants the motion, to
be sent to each  public or private agency or organization that the court
determines may be in possession of sex offender registration information
pertaining to the person required to register under this chapter and,  at
the request of the person required to register under this chapter, each
public or private agency or organization that at any time following the
initial dissemination of the order under Subdivision (1) gains possession
of sex offender registration information pertaining to that person, if the
agency or organization did not otherwise receive a copy of the order under
Subdivision (1). 

(q-1)  Requires an order under Subsection (g) to require the recipient to
conform its records to the court's orders either by deleting the sex
offender registration information or changing its status to nonpublic, as
the order requires.  Prohibits a public or private institution of higher
education from being required to delete the sex offender registration
information under this subsection. 

(r)  Makes a conforming change.

SECTION 16.  Amends Subdivision (4), Section 841.002, Health and Safety
Code, to redefine "council." 

SECTION 17.  Amends Sections 841.005, 841.006, and 841.007, Health and
Safety Code, as follows: 

Sec.  841.005.  OFFICE OF STATE COUNSEL FOR OFFENDERS.  (a)  Requires the
Office of State Counsel for Offenders to represent an indigent person
subject to civil commitment proceeding under this chapter, except as
provided by Subsection (b).  

(b)  Requires the court, if for any reason the Office of State Counsel for
Offenders is unable to represent an indigent person described by
Subsection (a) at a civil commitment proceeding under this chapter, to
appoint other counsel to represent the indigent person. 

Sec.  841.006.  APPLICATION OF CHAPTER.  Provides that this chapter does
not create for the committed person a cause of action against another
person for failure to give notice  within a period required by Subchapter
B, C, or D. 

Provides that the Council on Sex Offender Treatment is responsible for
providing appropriate and necessary treatment and supervision through the
case management system. 

SECTION 18.  Amends Section 841.022, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

 (a)  Requires the multi-disciplinary team (team) to be composed of
certain individuals. 

(b)  Authorizes the team to request the assistance of other persons in
making an assessment, rather than a determination, under this section. 

(c)  Requires the team, not later than the 60th day, rather than the 30th
day, after the date the team receives notice under Section 841.021(a) or
(b) to take certain actions.  Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 19.  Amends Section 841.023, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

(a)  Requires the expert to make a clinical assessment based on testing
for psychopathy, a clinical interview, and other appropriate assessments
and techniques to aid DPS in its assessment, rather than determination.
Makes conforming changes.  

 (b)  Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 20.  Amends Section 841.041(b), Health and Safety Code, to require
a petition to be filed not later than the 90th day, rather than the 60th
day, after the person is referred to the attorney representing the state
and served on the person as soon as practicable after the date the
petition is filed.  

SECTION 21.  Amends Section 841.061, Health and Safety Code, by amending
Subsections (a), (c), and (d) and adding Subsection (f), as follows:  

(a)  Requires the judge, not later than the 270th day, rather than the
60th day, after the date a petition is served on the person, rather than
filed, under Section 841.041, to conduct a trial to determine whether the
person is sexually violent predator. 

(c)  Provides that the person and the state are each entitled to an
immediate examination of the person by an expert.  Requires all components
of the examination to be completed not later than the 90th day before the
date of the trial. 

(d)  Provides that Subsection (f) is an exception to additional rights of
the person at the trial.  

(f)  Provides that a person who is on trial to determine the person's
status as a sexually violent predator is required to submit to all expert
examinations that are required or permitted of the state to prepare for
the person's trial.  Specifies that a person who fails to submit to expert
examination on the state's behalf as required by this subsection is
subject to certain consequences. 

SECTION 22.  Amends Section 841.063, Health and Safety Code, to authorize
the judge to continue a trial or hearing conducted under this chapter,
rather than under Section 841.061, if the person is not substantially
prejudiced by the continuance. 

SECTION 23.  Amends Section 841.081, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

 (a)  Provides that the commitment order is effective immediately on entry
of the order, except that the outpatient treatment and supervision begins
on the person's release from a secure correctional facility or discharge
from a state hospital and continues until the person's behavioral
abnormality has changed to the extent that the person is no longer likely
to engage in a predatory act of sexual violence.  

(b)  Authorizes a case manager, at any time after the entry of a
commitment order under Subsection (a), to provide to the person
instruction regarding the requirements associated with the order,
regardless of whether the person is incarcerated at the time of the

SECTION 24.  Amends Section 841.082, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

(a)  Sets forth requirements regarding a person's outpatient civil

(b)  Authorizes the judge to request assistance from the council in
determining appropriate residence for the person. 

 (c)  Redesignated from existing Subsection (b).

(d)  Redesignated from existing Subsection (c).  Requires the judge,
immediately after the case becomes final for purposes of appeal, rather
than immediately after the person's commitment, to transfer the
jurisdiction of the case to a district court,  having jurisdiction in the
county in which the person, rather than defendant, is residing, except
that the judge retains jurisdiction of the case with respect to a civil
commitment proceeding conducted under Subchapters F and G. 

(e)  Authorizes the requirements imposed under Subsection (a) to be
modified at any time after the notice to each affected party to the
proceedings and a hearing. 

SECTION 25.  Amends Sections 841.083(b), (c), and (d), Health and Safety
Code, as follows: 

 (b)  Makes a nonsubstantive change.

(c)  Requires DPS, if the equipment necessary to implement that service is
available through a contract entered into by the Texas Building and
Procurement Commission, to  acquire that equipment through that contract,
rather than for the equipment necessary to implement those services.  

(d)  Requires the council to enter into an interagency agreement with TDJC
for any necessary supervised housing.  Requires the council to reimburse
TDJC for housing costs under this section. 

SECTION 26.  Amends Section 841.084, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

Sec.  841.084.  New heading: STATUS REPORTS AND OTHER INFORMATION.  (a)
Requires a treatment provider or a supervision provider, other than the
case manager or tracking service personnel, to submit, monthly or more
frequently if required by the case manager, a report to the case manager
stating whether the person is complying with treatment or supervision
requirements, as applicable.  

(b)  Authorizes the tracking service personnel to provide to the case
manager specific information relating to the person, including the
person's compliance with a tracking requirement or involvement in criminal
activity, if the council and DPS have entered into a memorandum of
understanding governing  the release of the information by the tracking
personnel; and the use or dissemination of the information by the case
manager; and the release, use, or dissemination is not prohibited by other
law or  agreement.  

SECTION 27.  Amends Sections 841.142(a), (c), and (d), Health and Safety
Code, to make conforming changes. 

SECTION 28.  Amends Section 841.144, Health and Safety Code, as follows:

(a)  Specifies that a person subject to a civil commitment proceeding
under this chapter is entitled to the assistance of counsel at all stages
of the proceedings, immediately after the filing of a petition under
Section 841.041, rather than at all stages of the civil commitment
proceeding this chapter. 

(b)  Requires the court, if the person is indigent, to appoint counsel as
appropriate under Section 841.005, rather than through the Office of State
Counsel for Offenders, to assist the person. 

SECTION 29.  Amends Sections 841.146(b) and (c), Health and Safety Code,
as follows: 

(b)  Provides that except as otherwise provided by this subsection, a
civil commitment proceeding is subject  to the rules of procedure and
appeal for civil cases.  Establishes that to the extent of any conflict
between this chapter and the rules of procedure and appeal for civil
cases, this chapter controls. 

(c)  Requires the State of Texas, in amount not to exceed $2,500, rather
than $1,600, to pay all costs associated with a civil commitment
proceeding conducted under Subchapter D.  Requires the State of Texas to
pay the reasonable costs of state or appointed counsel or expert for any
other civil commitment proceeding conducted under this chapter and
requires to pay the reasonable cost of the person's outpatient treatment
and supervision.  Deletes text requiring the State of Texas to pay the
cost for any civil commitment proceeding under this chapter. 

SECTION 30.  Amends Subchapter H, Chapter 841, Health and Safety Code, by
adding Sections 841.1461, 841.1462, 841.1463, and 841.150, as follows: 

OF SEXUALLY VIOLENT PREDATOR.  Provides that a person who suffers from a
behavioral abnormality as determined under this chapter is not because of
that abnormality a person of unsound mind for purposes of Section 15-a,
Article I, Texas Constitution. 

Establishes that personal information, including a home address, home
telephone number, and social security account number, that identifies the
victim of a person subject to a civil commitment proceeding under this
chapter is privileged from discovery by that person. 
JURISDICTIONAL ERROR.  Provides that the periods within which notice must
be given under this chapter are binding on all appropriate persons as
provided by this chapter, but a failure to give notice within the relevant
period is not a jurisdictional error. 

VERDICTS ON ORDER OF CIVIL COMMITMENT.  (a) Establishes that except as
provided by Subsection (b), certain convictions, judgments, or verdicts do
not affect an order of civil commitment under this chapter. 

(b)  Provides that the statutory duties imposed by this chapter are
suspended for the  duration of any confinement of a person who receives a
conviction described by Subsection (a)(2). 

SECTION 31.  Amends Section 841.147, Health and Safety Code, to provide
that certain persons are immune from liability for good faith conduct
under this chapter. 

SECTION 32.  Makes application of Chapter 841, Health and Safety Code, as
amended by this Act, prospective.  

SECTION 33.  (a)  Requires DPS to establish the procedures required by
Subsections (h) and (i), Article 62.08, Code of Criminal Procedure, as
added by this Act, not later than October 1, 2003. 

 (b)  Makes application of Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure,

SECTION 34.  Effective date: September 1, 2003.