C.S.S.B. 871 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

C.S.S.B. 871
By: Shapiro
Law Enforcement
Committee Report (Substituted)


C.S.S.B. 871 addresses a variety of issues related to sex offender
registration by amending Chapter 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
First, in order to ensure that notifications are made under proper
circumstances and not published where the crime is incest, the bill
clarifies which offenses require newspaper publication and notification to
schools.  Second, in order to ensure that Texas laws comply with federal
guidelines for the state to receive continued federal funding under the
Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexual Violent Offender
Registration Act, C.S.S.B. 871 requires students and employees of an
institution of higher education who are required to register as sex
offenders to register with the authority for campus security and includes
provisions to ensure monitoring of a sex offender employed by or attending
an institution of higher education and regarding reports of status


It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any
additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or


SECTION 1.  Amends Article 62.01, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Subdivisions (8) and (9) to define "public or private institution of
higher education" and "authority for campus security."  

SECTION 2.  Adds Article 62.0102 to the Code of Criminal Procedure, to
require DPS to determine, for each person subject to registration under
Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, which local law enforcement
authority serves as the person's primary registration authority based on
the municipality or county in which the person resides or, as provided by
Article 62.061, the municipality or county in which the person works or
attends school.  Further requires DPS to notify each person subject to
registration under this chapter of the person's primary registration
authority in a timely manner.  

SECTION 3.  Amends Article 62.011, Code of Criminal Procedure, to provide
that a person is employed or carries on a vocation for purposes of this
chapter if the person volunteers on a full-time or part-time basis for a
consecutive period exceeding 14 days or for an aggregate period exceeding
30 days in a calendar year. Provides that a person works for purposes of
this subsection regardless of whether the person works for compensation or
for governmental or educational benefit.  Clarifies that enrollment on a
full-time or part-time basis qualifies a person as a student for purposes
of this chapter.  

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 62.02, Code of Criminal Procedure, to require
DPS to provide an authority for campus security with a form for
registering persons under this chapter, and to require the form to
indicate whether the person is or will be employed, carrying on a
vocation, or a student at a particular public or private institution of
higher education in this state or another state, and the name and address
of that institution.  Further amends Section 62.02, Code of Criminal
Procedure, to require a person subject to registration who is an employee
or student at an institution of higher education in another state, if an
authority for campus security exists at the institution, to register with
that authority not later than the 10th day after the date on which the
person begins to work or attend school. 

 SECTION 5.  Amends Article 62.03, Code of Criminal Procedure, as follows:
(a) Clarifies that an official of a penal institution must inform a person
prior to their release that they must report within 7 days to the law
enforcement agency designated as the primary registration authority by the
department, rather than reporting to the person they last registered with
and that they must notify appropriate entities of any change in status as
described by Art. 62.05.  Further provides an officer of a penal
institution shall require a person to sign a written statement that the
person was informed of the person's duties as described by Subsection (h),
which details what information must be provided to a person subject to
registration before the person is released. 
(e)  Removes language relating to the requirement of notice publication in
a newspaper regarding a conviction or deferred adjudication for an offense
under Section 25.02 of the Penal Code, and creates an exception from the
notification requirements when limited by Article 62.031, added by this
Act.  Further amends Article 62.03(e) by removing language limiting the
requirement that a local law enforcement agency provide notice to school
officials in the school district in which the person subject to
registration intends to reside to those cases wherein the victim was a
child under 17 years old or the person subject to registration is 17 or
older and a student enrolled in secondary school. Adds requirement that
the local authority provide notice to schools by adding that the notice
must be made in accordance with the new Article 62.032, added by this Act. 
(h)  Requires a person who intends to be employed or study at an
institution of higher learning to register with an authority for campus
security, if one exists, not later than the 10th day after the date the
person begins to work or attend school.  Requires the person to register
with the authority for campus security or, if none exists, the local law
enforcement authority of the municipality or county in which the
institution is located, regardless of the state in which the person
intends to reside, not later than the seventh day after the date on which
the person begins to work or attend school. Requires the person to notify
the appropriate authority for campus security or local law enforcement of
the termination of a person's status as a worker or student no later than
seven days after termination.  

SECTION 6.  Amends Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Articles 62.031 and 62.032, as follows: 
Article 62.031: Limitations on Newspaper Publication.  Clarifies that a
local law enforcement authority is prohibited from publishing notice in a
newspaper under Article 62.03(e) or 62.04(f) if the basis on which the
person is subject to registration is an adjudication of delinquent conduct
or if the basis is a conviction or deferred adjudication for an offense
under Section 25.02, Penal Code, or the laws of another state, federal
law, or the Uniform Code of Military Justice that contains elements
substantially similar to the elements of an offense under Section 25.02,
Penal Code, if the victim of the offense was younger than 17 years of age.
Prohibits newspaper publication if the person subject to registration is
assigned a numeric risk level of one.   

Article 62.032: Circumstances Requiring Notice to Superintendent or School
Administrator. Requires a local law enforcement authority to provide
notice, pursuant to Article 62.03(e) or 62.04(f), to the superintendent
and each administrator of every school in the school district in which the
registrant resides only if the victim was at the time of the offense a
child younger than 17 years of age or a student enrolled in a public or
private secondary school; the person subject to registration is a student
enrolled in a public or private secondary school, or the basis on which
the person is subject to registration is a conviction, a deferred
adjudication, or an adjudication of delinquent conduct for an offense
under Section 43.25 (Sexual Performance by a Child) or 43.26 (Possession
or Promotion of Child Pornography), Penal Code, or an offense under the
laws of another state, federal law, or the Uniform Code of Military
Justice that contains elements substantially similar to the elements of an
offense under either of those sections.  Prohibits local law enforcement
authorities from providing notice to the superintendent or any
administrator if the basis on which the person is subject to registration
is an adjudication of delinquent conduct or if the basis is a conviction
or deferred adjudication for an offense under Section 25.02 (Prohibited
Sexual Conduct, relating to incest), Penal Code, or the laws of another
state, federal law, or the Uniform Code of Military Justice that contains
elements substantially similar to the elements of an offense under that

SECTION 7.  Amends Article 62.04, Code of Criminal Procedure, to require
that if a person who reports to a local law enforcement authority under
Subsection (a) does not move on or before the anticipated move date or
does not move to the new address provided to the authority, not later than
the seventh day after the anticipated move date, the person must report to
the local law enforcement  authority designated by DPS as the person's
primary registration authority, rather than the law enforcement agency
with whom the person last registered.  Further amends Article 62.04 by
removing language limiting the requirement that a local law enforcement
agency provide notice to school officials in the school district in which
the person subject to registration intends to reside to those cases
wherein the victim was a child under 17 years old or the person subject to
registration is 17 or older and a student enrolled in secondary school.
Adds requirement that the local authority provide notice to schools by
adding that the notice must be made in accordance with the new Article
62.032, added by this Act. 

SECTION 8.  Amends Article 62.05, Code of Criminal Procedure, to require
that a registrant's community supervision officer notify the local law
enforcement authority if the person begins or ceases to work or study at
an institution of higher education within seven days of receiving that
information.  Requires the registrant to report a change in educational
status to local law enforcement not later than the seventh day after the
change.  Provides that the a change in a person's educational status
includes transfer from one educational facility to another.  Requires
local law enforcement to notify DPS of any change in the job or
educational status of a registrant at an institution of higher education. 

SECTION 9.  Conforming changes.

SECTION 10.  Conforming change.

SECTION 11.  Amends Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, by adding
Article 62.064 as follows:  
(a)  Requires a person required to register under Article 62.061 to report
to the relevant authority within seven days of the date the person begins
to work or attend school at an institution of higher education.  
(b)  Requires a person described by Subsection (a) to provide the
authority for campus security or the local law enforcement authority with
all information the person is required to provide under Article 62.02(b),
which outlines that information that is required to be included in the
registration form.  
(c)  Requires a person to inform the appropriate authority within seven
days of terminating status as a worker or student at the institution.  
(d)  Requires the authority for campus security or the local law
enforcement authority to promptly forward to the administrative office of
the institution any information received from the person under this
article and any information received from the Department of Public Safety
under Article 62.08, which establishes the computerized central database
and describes the types information contained therein.  
(e)  Exempts a person from the registration requirement at a local law
enforcement authority required by this section if the person is already
required to register with that authority by another provision of Chapter
62, Code of Criminal Procedure.  
(f)  Exempts an authority for campus security from public notification and
notification of private or public primary or secondary schools
requirements.  Also exempts a local law enforcement authority from the
same requirement in the absence of other notification requirements.  
(g)  Establishes that, notwithstanding Article 62.062, (Registration of
Persons Regularly Visiting a Location), the requirements of this article
supersede those of Article 62.062 for those persons subject to both
Article 62.062 and this article.   
(h)  Requires a registrant who works or is a student at an institution of
higher education in this state on September 1, 2003, regardless of the
date on which the person began to work or attend school, to report that
fact no later than October 1, 2003, to the appropriate authority.
Provides that this subsection expires September 1, 2004.  

SECTION 12.  Amends Article 62.08, Code of Criminal Procedure, to require
DPS, within three days of applicable information becoming available
through a person's registration or verification of registration under
Article 62.05, to send notice if the person is or will be working or
studying at an institution of higher education in this state to the
authority for campus security, or, if none exists, the municipality or
county in which the institution is located.  Requires DPS to provide to an
institution  of higher education, upon written request identifying an
individual who has applied to work or study at the institution, any
information contained in the computerized central database pursuant to
Article 62.08. 

SECTION 13.  Amends Articles 62.09 (a) and (d), Code of Criminal
Procedure, to authorize an authority for campus security and an
institution of higher education to release information to the public about
a person required to register under this chapter, but only if that
information is public. Exempts a public or private institution of higher
education from liability for damages resulting from conduct authorized by
Subsection (d). 

SECTION 14.  Non-substantive change.

SECTION 15.  Amends Article 62.13, Code of Criminal Procedure, to provide
that if a court orders that a juvenile's records are non-public, that
information will remain available to institutions of higher education.
Requires a motion for juvenile sex offender deregistration under Article
62.13(l) to identify those institutions of higher education that possess
information about the case.  Requires a copy of the court's order, if the
court grants a deregistration motion, to be sent to each public or private
agency in possession of information pertaining to the registrant, and, at
the request of the registrant, requires a copy of the court's order to be
sent to any public or private agency who comes into possession of that
information following the initial dissemination of the order.  Requires
the recipient of such a motion to conform its records to the court's
orders either by deleting the sex offender registration information or
changing its status to nonpublic, as the order requires.  Provides that an
institution of higher education does not have to delete sex offender
registration information pursuant to a court order granting juvenile sex
offender deregistration. 

SECTION 16.  Requires the Department of Public Safety to establish the
procedures required by Subsections (h) and (i), Article 62.08, Code of
Criminal Procedure, no later than October 1, 2003. Provides that changes
in law made by this act are retroactive. 

SECTION 17.  Effective date.


This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.


The substitute differs from the original in that the change it makes to
Section 62.0102(b), Code of Criminal Procedure, requires DPS to notify
persons subject to registration of the person's primary registration
authority, not to ensure that the person is notified. 

The substitute includes changes and/or additions  made to the following
articles of Chapter 62, Code of Criminal Procedure, which were not
provided by the original bill: 62.01, 62.011(b), 62.02, 62.03, 62.031,
62.032, 62.04(f), 62.05, 62.064, 62.08, 62.09, and 62.13. The substitute
also adds the October 1, 2003 deadline by which DPS must adopt rules under
Article 62.08, Code of Criminal Procedure, which was added by the
substitute and not included in the original bill.