S.B. 1065 78(R)    BILL ANALYSIS

S.B. 1065
By: Shapiro
Human Services
Committee Report (Unamended)


Prior to September 1, 2001, the turnover rate for Child Protective
Services (CPS) in Dallas and Tarrant Counties was 43 and 25 percent
respectively.  Since trainees counted toward the full-time employee cap,
the caps on full-time employees prevented the training academy from
enrolling enough trainees to fill vacant positions even though the
trainees could not actively work on cases. 

To address the shortage of CPS workers, S.B. 962 from the 77th legislative
session created a pilot program in Dallas and Tarrant counties to
temporarily increase the enrollment of CPS trainees to twice the then
current limit.  Although the program was a tremendous success it is
scheduled to be terminated August 31, 2003. 

Senate Bill 1065 requires the Department of Protective and Regulatory
Services to renew the program in Dallas and Tarrant counties subject to
available funding.  It also requires the department to submit a report to
the legislature in December 2004 regarding the effectiveness of the pilot


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to
a state officer, department, institution, or agency. 


Senate Bill 1065 provides definitions for a caseworker, department, target
region, and target training academy.  The bill directs the department of
Regulatory and Services (department) to implement a pilot project in the
target region, subject to available funding, and provides the department
with certain duties for implementation of the project, including an
expiration date for the program.  The bill requires the department to
submit a report to the legislature not later than December 1, 2004,
regarding the impact of the pilot program on the retention of caseworkers,
an assessment of the continuing need for the pilot program along with a
recommendation regarding whether the program should be continued, and
requires the legislature to consider the report when considering
additional legislation to address the need for certain regions of the
state for CPS caseworkers. 


September 1, 2003.