SRC-LBB S.B. 1651 78(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center S.B. 1651 78R4205 ATP-DBy: Duncan Business & Commerce 5/6/2003 As Filed DIGEST AND PURPOSE Currently, certain cities, under the Development Corporation Act, are able to pass bonds or implement sales tax options to expand economic development in their areas. As proposed, S.B. 1651 expands the definition of economic development projects to include those projects that improve telecommunications infrastructure. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 2 (11) (A), Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5190.6, V.T.C.S.) to expand the definition of "project" to include "telecommunications infrastructure." SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2003.