Senate Research Center   S.B. 1675
By: Fraser
State Affairs
As Filed


Currently, the Office of State-Federal Relations (OSFR) operates as a
separate state agency.  As proposed, S.B. 1675 restructures OSFR by
placing it within the governor's office, and narrowing its focus.  


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to
a state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 751, Government Code, as follows:



 Sec. 751.001.  Redefines "board" and "state agency."

Sec. 751.002.  Provides that the Office of State-Federal Relations (OSFR)
is established in the Office of the Governor, rather than is an agency of
the state and operates within the executive department.  Deletes the
provision stating that the OSFR is subject to the administrative procedure

Sec. 751.004.  New heading:  APPOINTMENT OF DIRECTOR.  Removes the
requirement that the senate advise and give consent to the governor
regarding to the appointment of a director of OSFR (director). 

Sec. 751.005.  (b)  Removes the requirements that the director: inform the
legislature of federal programs that may be carried out in the state or
that affect state programs; provide the legislature with information
useful in measuring the effect of federal actions on the state and local
programs; prepare and supply to the members of the legislature an annual
report detailing certain information;  and prepare annually a complete and
detailed written report accounting for all funds received and disbursed by
the OSFR during the preceding fiscal year. 

(d)  Makes a conforming change by removing a directive regarding the
annual report required under Subsection (b)(6). 

Sec. 751.006.  (a)  Removes a requirement that the director or the
director's designee provide to office employees information regarding
their qualification for employment under this chapter and their
responsibilities under applicable laws relating to standards of conduct
for state employees. 

(b)  Removes a requirement that the director develop an intraagency career
ladder program and that the program require intraagency posting of

 (c)  Removes a requirement that the director or the director's designee
develop a system of annual performance evaluations and that merit pay be
based on the system. 

(d)  Removes requirements regarding a policy statement for an equal
opportunity employment program. 

  (e)  Removes requirements pertaining to the policy statement.

(f)  Removes the requirement that the governor's office deliver a biennial
report to the legislature regarding the equal opportunity employment

  Redesignates existing Subsection (g) as Subsection (b).

 Sec. 751.009.  [As drafted no changes made to Section.]

Sec. 751.010.  New heading:  STATE-FEDERAL RELATIONS ADVISORY BOARD. (a)
Authorizes OSFR to appoint members to an advisory board (board) to assist
in administration of this chapter.  Removes provisions setting forth the
members of the OSFR Advisory Policy Board.  Removes provisions relating to
the function of the board. 

(b)  Redesignated from (e).  Authorizes, rather than requires, the board
to meet before the beginning of each congressional session and at the call
of the director, rather than presiding officer. 

(c)  Redesignated from (f).  Authorizes, rather than requires, the board
to work with the director to hold periodic meetings to discuss upcoming
issues.  Deletes the requirement that the meetings be held in Austin and
at times determined by the presiding officer. 

(d)  Provides that an advisor serves without compensation but is entitled
to necessary and actual expenses incurred in performing duties under this

Sec. 751.012.  (b) Redesignated from (c).  Requires a contract under this
section to include certain provisions. 

  (c)  Redesignated from (d).

(d)  Redesignated from (e).  Provides that a state agency identified by
the Legislative Budget Board (LBB) or Governor's Office of Budget,
Planning, and Policy (GOBPP) as receiving significant federal funding or
significantly affected by federal policy decisions has certain

  (e)  Redesignated from (f).  Makes a conforming change.

 Sec. 751.013.  [As drafted no changes made to Section.]

 Sec. 751.014.  [As drafted no changes made to Section.]

Sec. 751.015.  AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS.  Requires a state agency, to the
extent practicable, to contact the OSFR before the agency provides
information to a federal agency or the U.S. Congress about state policy or
conditions.  Provides that this section does not apply to a state agency
headed by a statewide-elected official. 

 Sec.  751.021.  [As drafted no changes made to Section.]

Sec. 751.022.  (a)  Provides that GOBPP, rather than OSFR, has primary
responsibility for monitoring, coordinating, and reporting on the state's
efforts to ensure receipt of an equitable share of federal formula funds. 
  (b)  Requires GOBPP, rather than OSFR, to perform certain functions.

(c)  Requires GOBPP, rather than OSFR, to annually prepare a comprehensive
report to the governor and legislature on the effectiveness of state
efforts to ensure an equitable share of federal formula funds.  Requires
part of the report to be recommendations developed in consultation with
the OSFR, rather than the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning, for
certain actions. 

Sec. 751.024.  (a)  Requires certain information from agencies and higher
education institutions to be reported to the GOBPP, and not to the OSFR. 

(b)  Authorizes LBB, in consultation with GOBPP, rather than the director
of OSFR, to prescribe certain procedures and time schedules. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 32.004, Government Code, by adding Subsection
(e), to authorize the director to maintain office space at locations
inside and outside the state as chosen by the director. 

SECTION 3.  Repealers:

 Section 751.003 (Sunset Provision), Government Code;

 Section 751.008 (Public Information and Complaints), Government Code;

 Section 751.009 (Contributions), Government Code;

 Section 751.011 (Board Duties), Government Code;

 Section 751.012(b) (pertaining to a contract with LBB), Government Code;

 Section 751.023 (Agency Communications), Government Code.

SECTION  4.  Provides that on September 1, 2003, any powers, duties,
obligations, rights, contracts, records, employees, property, funds,
appropriations, and authorized full-time equivalent positions of OSFR are
transferred to the Trusteed Programs within the Office of the Governor. 

SECTION  5.  Effective date:  September 1, 2003.