SRC-TAG S.C.R. 7 78(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center S.C.R. 7 By: Shapleigh International Relations and Trade 4/6/2003 As Filed DIGEST The Mexican border city of Juarez has been plagued with the sexual assault and brutal slaying of over 300 women in the past nine years and a number of the victims were Texas residents. According to the United States Department of State, police incompetence, prosecutorial ineptitude, and a lack of investigative resources has limited the progress in resolving these crimes. Therefore, direct and personal involvement by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents, especially in the collection of evidence, is crucial in solving these murders. Furthermore, the FBI must be granted a physical presence in Juarez in order to assist in solving these crimes, because the FBI experts suspect that one or more serial killers behind these killings have access to both sides of the border. PURPOSE As proposed, SCR 7, submits the following resolution: That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas request that the Federal Bureau of Investigation be directly involved in assisting the Mexican law enforcement authorities in their investigation of the brutal murders of women in Juarez, Mexico, in order to put an end to the violence and bring justice to the families and friends of the victims. That the Texas secretary of state forward official copies of this resolution to the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the attorney general of the United States, the United States secretary of state, and the president of the United States.