By:  McClendon                                                    H.B. No. 84 

relating to the authority and functions of the Office of Defense Affairs. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 481.0065, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 481.0065. OFFICE OF DEFENSE AFFAIRS. (a) The department shall: (1) establish and maintain an Office of Defense Affairs; and (2) appoint a director to manage the Office of Defense Affairs. (b) The Office of Defense Affairs shall: (1) provide information to defense-dependent communities, the legislature, the Texas congressional delegation, and state agencies regarding federal actions affecting military installations and missions; (2) serve as a clearinghouse for: (A) defense economic adjustment and transition information and activities [along with the Texas Business and Community Economic Development Clearinghouse]; and (B) information about: (i) issues related to the operating costs and strategic value of federal military installations located in the state; [and] (ii) the loss of jobs in defense-dependent communities and defense-related businesses; and (iii) interstate competition relative to defense strategies and incentive programs that other states are utilizing to maintain, expand, and attract new defense contractors; (3) provide assistance to defense-dependent communities that have experienced a defense-related closure or realignment, including the administration and oversight for implementing the programs established under Chapter 486, Government Code, and Chapter 2310, Government Code; (4) assist defense-dependent communities in the design and execution of programs that enhance a community's relationship with military installations and defense-related businesses; [and] (5) assist communities in the retention, expansion, and recruiting of defense-related businesses; and (6) assist with the development of state strategies and programs to protect the state's existing military missions and position Texas to be competitive for new or expanded military missions; and (7) serve as the state's focal point for the coordination of all issues and policies that would affect active, closed, or realigned military installations and defense-related business. (c) The Office of Defense Affairs shall prepare an annual report about the active military installations, defense-dependent communities, and defense-related businesses in this state. The report must include: (1) an economic impact statement describing in detail the effect of the military on the economy of this state; (2) a statewide assessment of active military installations and current missions; (3) a statewide strategy to attract defense-related business and prevent future defense closures and realignments; (4) a list of state and federal activities that have significant impact on active military installations and current missions; (5) a statement identifying: (A) the state and federal programs and services that assist defense-dependent communities impacted by military base closures or realignments and the efforts to coordinate those programs; and (B) the efforts to coordinate state agency programs and services that assist defense-dependent communities in retaining active military installations and current missions; (6) an evaluation of initiatives to retain existing defense-related businesses; and (7) a list of agencies with regulations, policies, programs, or services that impact the operating costs or strategic value of federal military installations and activities in the state. (d) State agencies shall cooperate with and assist the Office of Defense Affairs in the preparation of the report required under Subsection (c) including providing information about regulations, policies, programs, and services that may impact defense-dependent communities, defense-related businesses, and the viability of existing Texas military missions. The Office of Defense Affairs shall submit its report to the governor and the legislature not later than July 1 of each year. (e) The Office of Defense Affairs shall coordinate an annual meeting with the head of each state agency, members of the Texas Strategic Military Planning Commission, and members of the legislature whose districts contain active, closed, or realigned military installations to discuss the implementation of the recommendations outlined in the report required under Subsection (c). (f) [(d)] The Office of Defense Affairs shall develop and maintain a database of the names and public business information of all prime contractors and subcontractors operating in this state who perform defense-related work. [(f) The Office of Defense Affairs may enter into an agreement with a consulting firm to provide information and assistance on a pending decision of the United States Department of Defense or other federal agency regarding the status of military installations and defense-related businesses located in this state.] (g) In this section, "state agency" has the meaning assigned by Section 2151.002. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.