78R2394 SLO-D
By: Smith of Tarrant H.B. No. 304
relating to state assessment of public school students in science
in the eighth grade.
SECTION 1. Section 39.023(a), Education Code, is amended to
read as follows:
(a) The agency shall adopt or develop appropriate
criterion-referenced assessment instruments designed to assess
essential knowledge and skills in reading, writing, mathematics,
social studies, and science. All students, except students
assessed under Subsection (b) or (l) or exempted under Section
39.027, shall be assessed in:
(1) mathematics, annually in grades three through
seven without the aid of technology and in grades eight through 11
with the aid of technology on any assessment instruments that
include algebra;
(2) reading, annually in grades three through nine;
(3) writing, including spelling and grammar, in grades
four and seven;
(4) English language arts, in grade 10;
(5) social studies, in grades eight and 10; and
(6) science, in grades five, eight, and 10.
SECTION 2. The commissioner of education shall adopt rules
for the implementation of Section 39.023(a)(6), Education Code, as
amended by this Act. The commissioner's rules must provide that:
(1) except as provided by Subdivision (3) of this
section, not later than the 2006-2007 school year, the State Board
of Education shall administer a science assessment instrument to
students in the eighth grade as provided by Section 39.023(a)(6),
Education Code, as amended by this Act;
(2) except as provided by Subdivision (4) of this
section, not later than the 2008-2009 school year, the Texas
Education Agency shall include the results of student performance
on the eighth grade science assessment instrument required by
Section 39.023(a)(6), Education Code, as amended by this Act, in
evaluating the performance of school districts, campuses, and
open-enrollment charter schools under Subchapter D, Chapter 39,
Education Code;
(3) not later than the 2008-2009 school year, the
State Board of Education shall administer an assessment instrument
under Section 39.023(b), Education Code, that corresponds to the
eighth grade science assessment instrument required by Section
39.023(a)(6), Education Code, as amended by this Act; and
(4) not later than the 2010-2011 school year, the
Texas Education Agency shall include the results of student
performance on the assessment instrument described by Subdivision
(3) of this section in evaluating the performance of school
districts, campuses, and open-enrollment charter schools under
Subchapter D, Chapter 39, Education Code.
SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.