By:  Christian, et al. (Senate Sponsor - West)                    H.B. No. 425
	(In the Senate - Received from the House May 6, 2003; 
May 8, 2003, read first time and referred to Committee on 
Administration; May 24, 2003, reported adversely, with favorable 
Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0; 
May 24, 2003, sent to printer.)

COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 425                                    By:  Janek

relating to the procedures under which a state agency considers legislative intent during the process of implementing certain legislative enactments. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 322, Government Code, is amended by adding Section 322.015 to read as follows: Sec. 322.015. LETTERS OF LEGISLATIVE INTENT. (a) The board may issue a letter to a state governmental entity clarifying or explaining meaning or legislative intent on matters relating to: (1) the General Appropriations Act; or (2) another legislative enactment that makes an appropriation or qualifies, details, limits, or restricts an appropriation. (b) A state governmental entity, in interpreting a provision of law described by Subsection (a), is entitled to rely on a letter of legislative intent issued by the board under this section. SECTION 2. Section 2001.032, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 2001.032. CONSIDERATION OF LEGISLATIVE INTENT [REVIEW]. (a) In this section, a reference to the law under which a rule is or would be adopted includes a reference to the law that authorizes a state agency to adopt the rule and to the law that the rule would implement or enforce. (b) Before a state agency gives notice of its intention to adopt a rule under Sections 2001.023 and 2001.024, the agency shall inform each author and sponsor of legislation that became law and that added, amended, or clearly affected the law under which the rule would be adopted, if the person is still a member of the legislature, that the adoption of a rule related to the member's legislation is being considered. (c) The state agency shall deliver a copy of the notice of the proposed rule required by Sections 2001.023 and 2001.024 to each member of the legislature described by Subsection (b) concurrently with the agency's filing of the notice with the secretary of state. Not later than the seventh day before the date the state agency considers the rule for final adoption, the agency shall also deliver to the member a copy of the rule as proposed for final adoption if the text of the rule differs from the text of the proposed rule published under Section 2001.024 and shall solicit comment from the member regarding the changed text of the proposed rule. The state agency also shall: (1) timely inform the member of the time and place of any public hearing or informal conference held in connection with the contemplated rulemaking and allow the member to participate; and (2) invite the member to participate as a member of any advisory committee the state agency appoints in connection with the contemplated rulemaking. (d) The state agency shall deliver a copy of an emergency rule adopted under Section 2001.034 and the written reasons for its adoption to each member of the legislature described by Subsection (b) with respect to the law under which the emergency rule was adopted concurrently with the agency's filing of the rule and the reasons for its adoption with the secretary of state. If the state agency gives an abbreviated notice or conducts a hearing in connection with the adoption of the emergency rule, the agency shall also promptly furnish the member with a copy of the notice and shall timely inform the member of the time and place of any hearing. (e) If a dispute arises between the state agency and a member of the legislature described by Subsection (b) with regard to the legislature's intent in enacting or otherwise affecting the law under which the rule would be adopted, either the state agency or the member may request the attorney general to issue an opinion to resolve the dispute. If an opinion is requested under this subsection before the date on which the rule would otherwise take effect, the rule may not take effect unless the attorney general issues an opinion that determines the rule as finally proposed for adoption is consistent with the legislature's intent in enacting or otherwise affecting the law under which the rule would be adopted [Each house of the legislature by rule shall establish a process under which the presiding officer of each house refers each proposed state agency rule to the appropriate standing committee for review before the rule is adopted. [(b) A state agency shall deliver to the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives a copy of the notice of a proposed rule when the agency files notice with the secretary of state under Section 2001.023. [(c) On the vote of a majority of its members, a standing committee may send to a state agency a statement supporting or opposing adoption of a proposed rule]. SECTION 3. Subsection (b), Section 402.042, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) An opinion may be requested by: (1) the governor; (2) the head of a department of state government; (3) a head or board of a penal institution; (4) a head or board of an eleemosynary institution; (5) the head of a state board; (6) a regent or trustee of a state educational institution; (7) a member of the legislature in accordance with Section 2001.032 or a committee of a house of the legislature; (8) a county auditor authorized by law; or (9) the chairman of the governing board of a river authority. SECTION 4. The changes in law made by this Act relating to the process of state agency rulemaking apply only in relation to: (1) a state agency rule for which notice of the rule as proposed is first published in the Texas Register under Sections 2001.023 and 2001.024, Government Code, on or after October 1, 2003; or (2) an emergency rule adopted on or after September 15, 2003. SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.
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