78R3561 RCJ-F

By:  Goolsby                                                      H.B. No. 500

relating to the confidentiality of applications for ad valorem tax exemptions; providing criminal penalties. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subchapter C, Chapter 11, Tax Code, is amended by adding Section 11.48 to read as follows: Sec. 11.48. APPLICATION CONFIDENTIAL. (a) An application for an exemption filed with a chief appraiser is confidential and not open to public inspection. The application and the information it contains about specific property or a specific owner may not be disclosed to anyone other than an employee of the appraisal office who appraises property, except as authorized by Subsection (b). (b) Information made confidential by this section may be disclosed: (1) in a judicial or administrative proceeding pursuant to a lawful subpoena; (2) to the person who filed the application or to the person's representative authorized in writing to receive the information; (3) to the comptroller and the comptroller's employees authorized by the comptroller in writing to receive the information or to an assessor or a chief appraiser if requested in writing; (4) in a judicial or administrative proceeding relating to property taxation to which the person who filed the application is a party; (5) for statistical purposes if in a form that does not identify specific property or a specific property owner; or (6) if and to the extent the information is required to be included in a public document or record that the appraisal office is required by law to prepare or maintain. (c) A person who legally has access to an application for an exemption or who legally obtains the confidential information the application contains commits an offense if the person knowingly: (1) permits inspection of the application by a person not authorized by Subsection (b) to inspect the application; or (2) discloses confidential information contained in the report to a person not authorized by Subsection (b) to receive the information. (d) An offense under Subsection (c) is a Class B misdemeanor. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.