By:  Pickett                                                      H.B. No. 560

relating to vehicles left unattended on certain parking facilities and to the removal and storage of those vehicles. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 684.012(a), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) A parking facility owner may, without the consent of the owner or operator of an unauthorized vehicle, cause the vehicle and any property on or in the vehicle to be removed and stored at a vehicle storage facility at the vehicle owner's or operator's expense if: (1) signs that comply with Subchapter C prohibiting unauthorized vehicles are located on the parking facility at the time of towing and for the preceding 24 hours and remain installed at the time of towing; (2) the owner or operator of the vehicle has received actual notice from the parking facility owner that the vehicle will be towed at the vehicle owner's or operator's expense if it is in or not removed from an unauthorized space; (3) the parking facility owner gives notice to the owner or operator of the vehicle under Subsection (b); or (4) the vehicle is: (A) left in violation of Section 684.011 or 684.0125; or (B) in or obstructing a portion of a paved driveway or abutting public roadway used for entering or exiting the facility. SECTION 2. Subchapter B, Chapter 684, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Section 684.0125 to read as follows: Sec. 684.0125. UNATTENDED VEHICLES ON PARKING FACILITY OF APARTMENT COMPLEX; REMOVAL AND STORAGE OF VEHICLES. (a) This section applies only to a parking facility serving or adjacent to an apartment complex consisting of one or more residential apartment units and any adjacent real property serving the apartment complex. (b) The owner or operator of a vehicle may not leave unattended on a parking facility a vehicle that: (1) obstructs a gate that is designed or intended for the use of pedestrians or vehicles; (2) obstructs pedestrian or vehicular access to an area that is used for the placement of a garbage or refuse receptacle used in common by residents of the apartment complex; (3) is in or obstructs a restricted parking area or parking space designated under Subchapter C, including a space designated for the use of employees or maintenance personnel of the parking facility or apartment complex; (4) is in a tow away zone, other than a fire lane covered by Section 684.011(c), that is brightly painted and is conspicuously and legibly marked with the warning "TOW AWAY ZONE" in contrasting letters at least three inches tall; (5) is a semitrailer, trailer, or truck-tractor, as defined by Chapter 502, unless the owner or operator of the vehicle is permitted under the terms of a rental or lease agreement with the apartment complex to leave the unattended vehicle on the parking facility; or (6) is leaking a fluid that presents a hazard or threat to persons or property. (c) A parking facility owner may not have an emergency vehicle described by Section 684.011(b) removed from the parking facility. (d) Except as provided by a contract described by Subsection (e), a parking facility owner may not have a vehicle removed from the parking facility merely because the vehicle does not display: (1) an unexpired license plate or registration insignia issued for the vehicle under Chapter 502 or the vehicle registration law of another state or country; or (2) a valid vehicle inspection certificate issued under Chapter 548 or the vehicle inspection law of another state or country. (e) A contract provision providing for the removal from a parking facility of a vehicle that does not display an unexpired license plate or registration insignia or a valid inspection certificate is valid only if the provision requires the owner or operator of the vehicle to be given at least 10 days' written notice that the vehicle will be towed from the facility at the vehicle owner's or operator's expense if it is not removed from the parking facility. The notice must be: (1) delivered in person to the owner or operator of the vehicle; or (2) sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to that owner or operator. (f) This section may not be construed: (1) to authorize the owner or operator of a vehicle to leave an unattended vehicle on property that is not designed or intended for the parking of vehicles; or (2) to limit or restrict the enforcement of Chapter 683, the abandoned motor vehicle law. (g) A provision of an apartment lease or rental agreement entered into or renewed on or after January 1, 2004, that is in conflict or inconsistent with this section is void and may not be enforced. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect January 1, 2004.