By:  Denny (Senate Sponsor - Nelson)                              H.B. No. 608
	(In the Senate - Received from the House April 7, 2003; 
April 9, 2003, read first time and referred to Committee on 
Intergovernmental Relations; May 7, 2003, reported favorably by 
the following vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0; May 7, 2003, sent to printer.)

relating to the selection of alternate public members to serve on the committee to review salaries and expenses of elected county or precinct officers. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Sections 152.015(b) and (d), Local Government Code, are amended to read as follows: (b) Before the meeting, the county clerk shall place on a separate slip the name of each person who served on a grand jury in the county during the preceding calendar year. At the meeting the slips shall be folded, placed in an appropriate container, and mixed. The county judge shall draw at random a number of slips equal to the number of public members needed for the committee and shall announce the names on the slips. At the meeting the county judge may repeat this process and make a list of alternates. A person whose name is drawn becomes a member of the committee or an alternate on submitting written acceptance to the clerk. If a person refuses or is unable to serve on the committee, a replacement shall be appointed from the list of alternates. If the list of alternates is exhausted or does not exist, a replacement shall be selected at the next regular or called commissioners court meeting by random selection of a slip from the remaining slips. This process shall be repeated until the required number of public members is selected. (d) A vacancy in a public member position shall be filled for the unexpired part of the term by appointment from the list of alternates. If the list of alternates is exhausted or does not exist, a replacement shall be filled by random selection of a slip from the remaining slips at a meeting of the commissioners court. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.
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