78R3497 JRJ-D

By:  Smith of Tarrant                                             H.B. No. 838

relating to student preparedness for higher education. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 51.803, Education Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) to read as follows: (a) Each general academic teaching institution shall admit an applicant for admission to the institution as an undergraduate student if the applicant: (1) graduated [with a grade point average in the top 10 percent of the student's high school graduating class in one of the two school years preceding the academic year for which the applicant is applying for admission and the applicant graduated] from: (A) a public or private high school in this state accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization; or (B) [from] a high school operated by the United States Department of Defense[. To qualify for admission under this section, an applicant must submit an application before the expiration of any application filing deadline established by the institution and], if the applicant is [graduated from a high school operated by the United States Department of Defense, must be] a Texas resident under Section 54.052 or is [be] entitled to pay tuition fees at the rate provided for Texas residents under Section 54.058(d) for the term or semester to which admitted; (2) beginning with admissions for the 2008-2009 academic year, completed the curriculum requirements established under Section 28.025 for the recommended or advanced high school program or an equivalent curriculum at a high school to which that section does not apply; and (3) in one of the two school years preceding the academic year for which the applicant is applying for admission, graduated with a grade point average in: (A) the top 10 percent of the student's high school graduating class for admissions for an academic year before the 2008-2009 academic year; or (B) beginning with admissions for the 2008-2009 academic year, the top 15 percent of those in the student's high school graduating class who completed the curriculum requirements established under Section 28.025 for the recommended or advanced high school program or an equivalent curriculum at a high school to which that section does not apply. (a-1) To qualify for admission under this section, an applicant must submit an application before the expiration of any application filing deadline established by the institution. (a-2) Notwithstanding Subsections (a)(2) and (3), a student who graduates from high school in the 2006-2007 academic year with a grade point average in the top 10 percent of the student's high school graduating class is covered by Subsection (a)(3)(A) and is not covered by Subsection (a)(2) with respect to admission of the student for the 2008-2009 academic year. This subsection expires January 1, 2010. SECTION 2. Section 51.804, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 51.804. ADDITIONAL AUTOMATIC ADMISSIONS: SELECTED INSTITUTIONS. For each academic year, the governing board of each general academic teaching institution shall determine whether to adopt an admissions policy under which an applicant to the institution as a first-time freshman student, other than an applicant eligible for admission under Section 51.803, shall be admitted to the institution if the applicant graduated with a grade point average in the top 25 percent of the applicant's high school graduating class and the applicant: (1) graduated from a public or private high school in this state accredited by a generally recognized accrediting organization; and (2) beginning with admissions for the 2008-2009 academic year, completed the curriculum requirements established under Section 28.025 for the recommended or advanced high school program or an equivalent curriculum at a high school to which that section does not apply [with a grade point average in the top 25 percent of the applicant's high school graduating class]. SECTION 3. Section 51.805, Education Code, is amended by amending Subsection (b) and adding Subsections (b-1) and (b-2) to read as follows: (b) Subject to Subsection (b-1), a [The] general academic teaching institution, after admitting students under Sections 51.803 and 51.804, shall admit other applicants for admission as undergraduate students. (b-1) Beginning with admissions for the 2008-2009 academic year, a general academic teaching institution may admit a student under this section only if the student has completed: (1) the curriculum requirements established under Section 28.025 for the recommended or advanced high school program or an equivalent curriculum at a high school to which that section does not apply; or (2) at least 24 semester credit hours in the core curriculum established under Section 61.822. (b-2) It is the intent of the legislature that all institutions of higher education pursue academic excellence by considering students' academic achievements in decisions related to admissions. Because of changing demographic trends, diversity, and population increases in the state, each general academic teaching institution shall also consider all of, any of, or a combination of the following socioeconomic indicators or factors in making first-time freshman admissions decisions: (1) the applicant's academic record; (2) the socioeconomic background of the applicant, including the percentage by which the applicant's family is above or below any recognized measure of poverty, the applicant's household income, and the applicant's parents' level of education; (3) whether the applicant would be the first generation of the applicant's family to attend or graduate from an institution of higher education; (4) whether the applicant has bilingual proficiency; (5) the financial status of the applicant's school district; (6) the performance level of the applicant's school as determined by the school accountability criteria used by the Texas Education Agency; (7) the applicant's responsibilities while attending school, including whether the applicant has been employed, whether the applicant has helped to raise children, or other similar factors; (8) the applicant's region of residence; (9) whether the applicant is a resident of a rural or urban area or a resident of a central city or suburban area in the state; (10) the applicant's performance on standardized tests; (11) the applicant's performance on standardized tests in comparison with that of other students from similar socioeconomic backgrounds; (12) whether the applicant attended any school while the school was under a court-ordered desegregation plan; (13) the applicant's involvement in community activities; (14) the applicant's extracurricular activities; (15) the applicant's commitment to a particular field of study; (16) the applicant's personal interview; (17) the applicant's admission to a comparable accredited out-of-state institution; and (18) any other consideration the institution considers necessary to accomplish the institution's stated mission. SECTION 4. Section 51.807, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 51.807. RULEMAKING. (a) The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board may adopt rules relating to the operation of admissions programs under this subchapter, including rules relating to the identification of eligible students and the reporting requirements of Section 51.806. (b) The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board after consulting with the Texas Education Agency by rule shall establish standards for determining for purposes of this subchapter: (1) whether a private high school is accredited by a generally accepted accrediting organization; and (2) whether a person completed a high school curriculum that is equivalent to the curriculum established under Section 28.025 for the recommended or advanced high school program. SECTION 5. Subchapter C, Chapter 7, Education Code, is amended by adding Section 7.060 to read as follows: Sec. 7.060. RESEARCH ON HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE SKILLS ACQUISITION AND PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS. From money appropriated for the purpose and in addition to grants awarded under Section 7.058, the commissioner shall award to one or more institutions that have demonstrated an ability to conduct research on effective instruction techniques that improve the performance of high school students in mathematics and science a grant to be used to: (1) develop and identify research on mathematics and science skills acquisition and student learning in mathematics and science; (2) monitor the effectiveness of professional development institutes under Section 21.457 based on performance in mathematics and science by the students of teachers who have attended an institute; (3) examine the effect of the professional development institutes on the classroom performance of teachers who have attended an institute; (4) identify common practices used at high-performing school campuses that lead to improved student performance in high school mathematics and science; and (5) develop research on cognitive development in high school students concerning mathematics and science skills development. SECTION 6. The heading to Section 21.455, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 21.455. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTES IN MATHEMATICS FOR MIDDLE GRADES. SECTION 7. Subchapter J, Chapter 21, Education Code, is amended by adding Sections 21.456 and 21.457 to read as follows: Sec. 21.456. HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE TRAINING. (a) In addition to the requirements for mathematics training established under Section 21.454, the commissioner shall develop training materials and other teacher training resources for a school district to use in assisting high school mathematics and science teachers in developing: (1) expertise in high school Algebra I, geometry, biology, chemistry, and physics curricula; and (2) comprehension of the instruction techniques that have been proven effective in improving student high school Algebra I, geometry, biology, chemistry, and physics learning. (b) The commissioner shall develop materials and resources under this section in consultation with appropriate faculty members at institutions of higher education. (c) The commissioner shall make the training materials and other teacher training resources required under Subsection (a) available to high school mathematics and science teachers through a variety of mechanisms, including distance learning, mentoring programs, small group inquiries, computer-assisted training, and mechanisms based on trainer-of-trainer models. (d) The commissioner shall use money appropriated for the purpose to administer this section. Sec. 21.457. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTES IN HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE. (a) The commissioner shall develop and make available professional development institutes for teachers who provide instruction in mathematics and science to students at the high school level. (b) A professional development institute developed under this section must address: (1) the underlying mathematics and science skills required to be taught in high school Algebra I, geometry, biology, chemistry, and physics, as applicable; and (2) mathematics and science instruction techniques that have been proven effective. (c) The commissioner shall develop professional development institutes under this section in consultation with mathematics and science faculty members at institutions of higher education. (d) The commissioner shall adopt criteria for selection of teachers authorized to attend a professional development institute developed under this section. (e) From money appropriated for the purpose, the commissioner shall pay a stipend to each teacher who completes a professional development institute developed under this section. The commissioner shall determine the amount of the stipend paid under this subsection. SECTION 8. Section 28.026, Education Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 28.026. NOTICE OF AUTOMATIC COLLEGE ADMISSION. The board of trustees of a school district shall require each high school in the district to post appropriate signs in each counselor's office, in each principal's office, and in each administrative building indicating the substance of Section 51.803 regarding automatic college admission. To assist in the dissemination of this information, the school district shall: (1) require that each high school counselor and class advisor be provided a detailed explanation of the substance of Section 51.803; (2) require that each high school counselor and [senior] class advisor explain to [eligible] students the substance of Section 51.803; and (3) provide each eligible senior student under Section 51.803, at the commencement of a class's senior year, with a written notification of the student's eligibility with a detailed explanation of the substance of Section 51.803. SECTION 9. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2003.