78R5956 KKA-F

By:  Christian                                                    H.B. No. 1415

relating to an accreditation program for child-care facilities and child-placing agencies as an alternative to state licensure; providing a penalty. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subchapter E, Chapter 42, Human Resources Code, is reenacted and amended to read as follows:
Sec. 42.101. ALTERNATIVE ACCREDITATION PROGRAM. The department shall establish a streamlined procedure by which the department authorizes a child-care facility or child-placing agency that is otherwise required to obtain a license under Subchapter C to operate the facility or agency without a license if the facility or agency is accredited by an accreditation organization approved by the department. Sec. 42.102. ACCREDITATION ORGANIZATION. (a) To qualify for approval by the department under Section 42.101, an accreditation organization must: (1) be a recognized private organization that promulgates, publishes, and requires compliance with standards and inspection procedures for child-care facilities or child-placing agencies that meet or exceed the state's minimum requirements for child-care facilities and child-placing agencies under Subchapter C, with the exception of standards relating to the internal self-governance of a facility or agency and to the curriculum, teaching, or instruction of the facility or agency; (2) not have any person serve as a member of the governing body of the accrediting organization who has a proprietary or financial interest in a child-care facility or child-placing agency that is accredited by the accrediting organization; and (3) demonstrate a strong commitment to ensuring the provision of high-quality child-care services. (b) An accreditation organization must file a copy of its minimum standards and inspection procedures for child-care facilities or child-placing agencies with the department to enable the department to make its determination under Subsection (a). Sec. 42.103. APPROVED ACCREDITATION ORGANIZATION. (a) The department shall approve an accreditation organization under this subchapter if the department determines that the accreditation organization has satisfied the requirements prescribed by this subchapter. (b) An approval granted by the department under this section is valid for one year. (c) The department shall prescribe an annual renewal procedure for an approved accreditation organization that ensures continued compliance with this subchapter. (d) The department may use the remedies specified in Subchapter D to address exigent situations in which an approved accreditation organization does not timely correct an action that endangers the health and safety of children. Sec. 42.104. REGISTRATION TO OPERATE UNDER ACCREDITATION. (a) A child-care facility or child-placing agency that is accredited by an approved accreditation organization may register with the department to operate under that accreditation by filing: (1) a registration in a simple form prescribed by the department; (2) a copy of the certificate, license, or award letter of accreditation from the accreditation body showing that the facility or agency is accredited; and (3) a copy of the written accreditation report of the agency or facility from the accreditation body. (b) In addition to any fee that may be required under Section 411.114(c) [411.114(b)], Government Code, the department may charge a child-care facility or child-placing agency a single administrative fee in a reasonable amount that is sufficient to cover the costs of the department in processing and acting on the registration. (c) The department shall process and act on a registration not later than the 30th day after the date on which the department receives all of the required information. Sec. 42.105. BACKGROUND AND CRIMINAL HISTORY CHECKS. (a) An approved accreditation organization shall obtain from the department information from the central registry of reported cases of child abuse or neglect established under Section 261.002, Family Code, and information from the Department of Public Safety under Section 411.114, Government Code, for purposes of reviewing the general character and fitness of: (1) a child-care administrator seeking accreditation under Section 43.003; (2) a person who registers with the department to operate under this subchapter or a holder of a certificate issued under this subchapter; (3) an operator of a child-care facility or child-placing agency accredited by the organization and seeking to register with the department under Section 42.104 or issued a certificate to operate under that accreditation under this subchapter; and (4) an employee of or an applicant for employment by a child-care facility or child-placing agency accredited by the organization and seeking to register with the department under Section 42.104 or issued a certificate to operate under that accreditation under this chapter. (b) The department by rule may provide for not issuing or not renewing a certificate to operate under accreditation or may revoke a certificate based on the results of a background or criminal history check conducted by the department under this section. Sec. 42.106. ACCEPTANCE OF ACCREDITATION INSTEAD OF LICENSE. (a) Except as provided by Section 42.105(b), the department shall issue a certificate to operate under accreditation to a child-care facility or child-placing agency that registers with the department under Section 42.104 if: (1) the facility or agency submits all of the information required by Section 42.104(a); (2) the facility or agency remits any required administrative fee under Section 42.104(b); and (3) the department verifies that the facility or agency is accredited by and in good standing with an approved accreditation organization. (b) A certificate issued under this section is not transferrable and applies only to the operator named in the registration. (c) A certificate is valid for one year. Sec. 42.107. RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATE. The department shall provide for an annual renewal of a certificate issued to an operator of a child-care facility or child-placing agency under Section 42.106. The department shall renew the certificate if the child-care facility or child-placing agency maintains accreditation from the approved accreditation organization. Sec. 42.108. NOTIFICATION OF REVOCATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF ACCREDITATION. Not later than the seventh day after the date on which an approved accreditation organization revokes or withdraws the accreditation of a child-care facility or child-placing agency that is exempt from licensing under this subchapter, the organization shall notify the department of the revocation or withdrawal. Sec. 42.109. REVOCATION OR WITHDRAWAL OF APPROVAL TO OPERATE UNDER ACCREDITATION. (a) A holder of a certificate issued under Section 42.106 may not operate a child-care facility or child-care placing agency under this subchapter if an accreditation organization has revoked or withdrawn the accreditation of the child-care facility or child-placing agency, unless the department grants the holder a license under Subchapter C or a provisional license. (b) The department may adopt rules as necessary to implement this section. Sec. 42.110. AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT LIMITED INSPECTIONS. (a) The department may inspect a child-care facility or child-placing agency that has received a certificate to operate under accreditation as provided by Section 42.106 if: (1) the department has received a complaint or report of child abuse or neglect alleged to have occurred at the facility or agency; or (2) the department has received a complaint indicating that despite efforts made by an accreditation organization approved under Section 42.103, a facility or agency certified to operate under accreditation under Section 42.104 has violated the standards of the accreditation organization and the violation creates an immediate threat to the health or safety of children attending or residing in the facility or agency. (b) This chapter does not affect the authority of local, regional, or state health department officials, the state fire marshal, or local fire prevention officials to inspect a child-care facility or child-placing agency that is certified to operate under accreditation under this subchapter. (c) If, as provided by Subsection (a), the department has inspected a child-care facility or child-placing agency that has received a certificate to operate under accreditation as provided by Section 42.106, the department may require the facility or agency to take appropriate corrective action to eliminate any violations of the standards of the accreditation organization or such other action as the department determines necessary to ensure the health or safety of the children attending or residing in the facility or agency. The department may continue to inspect the facility or agency until corrective action has been taken and for such reasonable time after corrective action to ensure continued compliance with standards. Sec. 42.111. EMERGENCY SUSPENSION OF CHILD-CARE FACILITY OR CHILD-PLACING AGENCY. (a) The department shall suspend a certificate of a child-care facility or child-placing agency issued under Section 42.106 [42.041] and, if appropriate, place the children attending or residing in the facility or agency elsewhere if: (1) the department finds the facility or agency is operating in violation of the standards of its accrediting organization; and (2) the violation creates an immediate threat to the health and safety of the children attending or residing in the facility or agency. (b) An order suspending the certificate of a child-care facility or child-placing agency is immediately effective on the date on which the certificate holder receives written notice or on a later date specified in the order. (c) An order is valid for 10 days after the effective date of the order. (d) The suspension of a certificate and the appeal from that action are governed by the procedures for a contested case hearing under Chapter 2001, Government Code. SECTION 2. The heading to Section 42.041, Human Resources Code, is reenacted to read as follows: Sec. 42.041. REQUIRED LICENSE OR ACCREDITATION. SECTION 3. Sections 42.041(a) and (d), Human Resources Code, are reenacted and amended to read as follows: (a) No person may operate a child-care facility or child-placing agency without a license issued by the department or a certificate to operate under accreditation issued by the department under Subchapter E. (d) Unless accredited under Subchapter E, a facility exempt from the provisions of Subsection (a) [of this section] that desires to receive or participate in federal or state funding shall be required to comply with all other provisions of this chapter and with all regulations promulgated under this chapter. SECTION 4. Section 42.076(a), Human Resources Code, is reenacted to read as follows: (a) A person who operates a child-care facility or child-placing agency without a license or certificate to operate under accreditation under Subchapter E commits a Class B misdemeanor. SECTION 5. The heading to Section 43.003, Human Resources Code, is reenacted to read as follows: Sec. 43.003. LICENSE OR ACCREDITATION REQUIRED. SECTION 6. Sections 43.003(a) and (c), Human Resources Code, are reenacted and amended to read as follows: (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c) [of this section], a person may not serve as a child-care administrator of a child-care institution without a license issued by the department under this chapter. (c) A person may serve as the child-care administrator of a child-care institution if the person is accredited by a private organization that has qualifications that apply to the child-care administrators and that meet or exceed the state's qualifications, as determined by the department, with the exception of those qualifications relating to the internal self-governance of the child-care institution and to the curriculum, teaching, or instruction of the institution. This subsection applies only to a child-care institution that operates under a certificate to operate under accreditation issued by the department under Subchapter E, Chapter 42. SECTION 7. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2003.