78R4277 RCJ-D

By:  Davis of Dallas                                              H.B. No. 1779

relating to requiring disclosure of the sales price of real property to an appraisal district and the comptroller of public accounts; providing penalties. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. The heading to Subchapter C, Chapter 22, Tax Code, is amended to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Chapter 22, Tax Code, is amended by adding Subchapter D to read as follows:
Sec. 22.61. SALES PRICE DISCLOSURE REPORT REQUIRED. (a) Not later than the 10th day after the date of closing on the sale of real property, the seller shall file a report as provided by this subchapter disclosing the sales price of the property. (b) A person who fails to file a report as required by this subchapter is liable to the state for a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for each violation. The attorney general or the county attorney for the county in which the property is located may bring suit to recover the penalty. (c) If there are two or more sellers, each seller is responsible for filing the report until at least one seller files a report, and each seller is separately liable for a civil penalty if a report for the sale is not filed as required by this subchapter. Sec. 22.62. PLACE OF FILING. A sales price disclosure report required by this subchapter must be filed with the chief appraiser of the appraisal district established for the county in which the property covered by the report is located. Sec. 22.63. SIGNATURE REQUIRED. A sales price disclosure form must be signed by the person who is required to file the report. Sec. 22.64. REPORT FORMS. (a) The comptroller shall prescribe the form and content of a report filed under this subchapter. The comptroller may prescribe or approve different sales price disclosure forms for different kinds of property and shall ensure that each form requires the person filing the report to provide the sales price and information necessary to identify the property and to determine its ownership and taxable situs. A form may not require a person to furnish information not relevant to the appraisal of property for tax purposes or to the assessment or collection of property taxes. (b) A person required to file a sales price disclosure report under this subchapter must use the appropriate form prescribed or approved by the comptroller or a substantially similar form. (c) A person filing a sales price disclosure report must include all information required by the form. Sec. 22.65. PUBLICIZING REQUIREMENTS. (a) The comptroller shall publicize, in a manner reasonably designed to come to the attention of property owners, the requirements of this subchapter and of the availability of sales price disclosure report forms. (b) A chief appraiser shall assist the comptroller in publicizing the information required by Subsection (a) to property owners in the county for which the appraisal district is established. Sec. 22.66. PROVISION OF INFORMATION TO COMPTROLLER. An appraisal district shall provide information from sales price disclosure reports to the comptroller in the manner and at the time required by the comptroller. Sec. 22.67. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. (a) A sales price disclosure report filed with a chief appraiser under this subchapter is confidential and not open to public inspection. Except as authorized by Subsection (b), the sales price disclosure report and the information it contains about specific property or a specific owner may not be disclosed to anyone other than: (1) an employee of the appraisal office who appraises property; or (2) an employee of the comptroller whose duties pertain to state administration of the property tax system. (b) Information made confidential by this section may be disclosed: (1) in a judicial or administrative proceeding pursuant to a lawful subpoena; (2) to the person who filed the report or to the person's representative authorized in writing to receive the information; (3) in a judicial or administrative proceeding relating to property taxation to which the owner of the property to which a report pertains is a party; (4) for statistical purposes if in a form that does not identify specific property or a specific property owner; or (5) if and to the extent the information is required to be included in a public document or record that the appraisal office is required by law to prepare or maintain. (c) Except as permitted by Subsection (b), a person who knowingly discloses a sales price disclosure report or confidential information contained in the report commits an offense. An offense under this subsection is a Class B misdemeanor. SECTION 3. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), this Act takes effect September 1, 2003. (b) Sections 1 and 2 of this Act take effect January 1, 2004. (c) As soon as practicable after the effective date of this Act, but not later than January 1, 2004, the comptroller shall: (1) prescribe or approve sales price disclosure report forms as provided by Section 22.64, Tax Code, as added by this Act; and (2) begin to publicize the requirements of Subchapter D, Chapter 22, Tax Code, as required by Section 22.65, Tax Code, as added by this Act. (d) This Act applies only to a sale of real property that occurs on or after January 1, 2004.