78R13541 MI-F

By:  Ritter, Deshotel, Hamilton                                   H.B. No. 1818

Substitute the following for H.B. No. 1818:                                   

By:  Haggerty                                                 C.S.H.B. No. 1818

relating to the operation and placement of facilities used to anchor or moor barges or other marine vessels in, on, or adjacent to coastal public lands. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subchapter D, Chapter 33, Natural Resources Code, is amended by adding Section 33.137 to read as follows: Sec. 33.137. FACILITIES USED TO SECURE BARGES AND OTHER VESSELS LOCATED ON COASTAL PUBLIC LANDS. (a) In this section, "water-based mooring facility" means a facility using buoys or other flotation devices anchored into or located on coastal public land to secure or anchor a barge or other marine vessel that requires another vessel to propel it and that may be used to contain or transport bulk products or materials. (b) In determining whether to grant an easement for a water-based mooring facility located on coastal public land, the board shall consider, in addition to the policies stated in Section 33.001 and elsewhere in this code: (1) comments received from state natural resource agencies, representatives of local government, and interested members of the public; (2) the extent to which the proposed facility may interfere with the use of coastal public land and associated resources by the general public; (3) impacts to coastal resources that may result from releases of materials or products at or from the facility; (4) impacts to coastal public land, other facilities or structures, and the use of coastal public land by the general public that may result from the presence or movement of barges or other marine vessels using the proposed facility; (5) the ability of emergency response personnel to obtain access to the proposed facility in an emergency; (6) the impact of the proposed facility on the aesthetic value of the area in which it is to be located; (7) comments from local governments, businesses, and residents regarding the impact of the proposed facility on the local economy; (8) comments from state and federal agencies regarding the proximity of the proposed facility to any area used for military or domestic security purposes; (9) whether the applicant has acquired all applicable licenses, permits, or other authorizations required for the construction and operation of the proposed facility; and (10) any other factor the board considers relevant. (c) Before granting an easement for a water-based mooring facility, the board may hold a public hearing in Travis County or in the county in which the proposed facility is to be located. SECTION 2. (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 2003. (b) The change in law made by this Act applies only to an application for an easement for a water-based mooring facility that is filed with the General Land Office on or after September 1, 2003.