78R3392 DWS-D

By:  Hamric                                                       H.B. No. 1825

relating to motor vehicle financial responsibility; providing penalties. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 601, Transportation Code, is amended by adding Subchapter N to read as follows:
Sec. 601.441. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Database" means the motor vehicle financial responsibility verification database established under this subchapter. (2) "Designated agent" means a person administering the program under contract with the department. (3) "Program" means the motor vehicle financial responsibility verification program established under this subchapter. Sec. 601.442. ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM. (a) The department shall establish a motor vehicle financial responsibility verification program to verify compliance with this chapter. (b) The department by rule shall administer the program with the assistance of a designated agent. (c) The program must comply with the Driver's Privacy Protection Act of 1994 (18 U.S.C. Section 2721 et seq.). Sec. 601.443. DESIGNATED AGENT: MAINTENANCE OF DATABASE. (a) The department shall contract with a person selected by the State Council on Competitive Government under a competitive bidding procedure to act as the department's designated agent under this subchapter. The contract shall be funded from money appropriated for this purpose from the state highway fund. (b) The designated agent shall develop and maintain a computer database to manage and provide access to information provided under Sections 601.445, 601.446, and 601.447. (c) The database shall be developed, maintained, and administered in accordance with guidelines established by the department to permit efficient access by courts and state and local law enforcement agencies. Sec. 601.444. VERIFICATION: NOTICE FOR NONCOMPLIANCE. (a) With information provided by the department and the Texas Department of Transportation, the designated agent shall, at least monthly: (1) update the database with the motor vehicle insurance information provided by insurers under Section 601.445; and (2) compare all current motor vehicle registrations provided by the Texas Department of Transportation against the database. (b) The designated agent shall mail a notice to owners of vehicles for which a comparison under this section shows that financial responsibility has not been established. The designated agent is not required to send a notice to all of those owners, but shall determine the owners to which the notice is sent in the manner provided by department rule. The manner of selection may not be based directly or indirectly on the owner's race, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, economic status, or geographic location. The notice must state that: (1) before a date stated in the notice, the owner must provide: (A) proof of the owner's financial responsibility in a form described by Section 601.053; (B) a letter from an insurance agent or company verifying that the person had the required motor vehicle insurance coverage on the date of comparison under Subsection (a)(2); (C) proof of an exemption from the owner's financial responsibility under Section 601.052; or (D) proof that the owner of the motor vehicle is insured by an insurance company located in another state because the owner is a member of the United States armed forces, a student attending an educational institution in this state and residing in this state, or a faculty member of an educational institution in this state who is residing in this state; and (2) if the owner does not timely comply with Subdivision (1), the owner is liable to the state for a civil penalty of $250. (c) The date provided in the notice under Subsection (b)(1) shall be determined according to department rule, and may not be earlier than the 90th day or later than the 150th day after the date the notice is sent. (d) If the owner of the motor vehicle has not provided proof of financial responsibility to the designated agent by the date specified in the notice: (1) the owner is liable to the state for a civil penalty of $250; and (2) the designated agent shall mail to the owner a final warning stating that: (A) the owner has 30 days to provide the proof of financial responsibility; and (B) if the owner does not timely comply with Paragraph (A), the registration of the motor vehicle will be terminated. (e) If an owner of a motor vehicle has not provided proof of financial responsibility to the designated agent by the 30th day after the date the final warning is sent, the designated agent shall notify the Texas Department of Transportation of the owner's failure, and the Texas Department of Transportation shall terminate the registration for the motor vehicle. A motor vehicle for which registration has been terminated may not be registered by the owner or another person unless the civil penalty provided by this section has been paid. (f) The state has a lien on the motor vehicle to secure payment of a civil penalty under this section. The lien is automatically perfected when liability for the penalty arises. Subchapter F, Chapter 501, does not apply to a lien under this subsection. (g) Each notice or final warning sent under this section must include, in English and Spanish, a clear and reasonably complete statement of an owner's rights and responsibilities under this chapter. (h) A civil penalty collected under this chapter shall be delivered to the comptroller for deposit to the credit of the general revenue fund. Sec. 601.445. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY INSURANCE COMPANY. (a) Each insurance company providing motor vehicle liability policies in this state shall provide the designated agent a record of each motor vehicle insurance policy, including: (1) the insurance policy number, effective date, and expiration date of the policy; (2) the name, address, and driver's license number of each driver insured by the policy; and (3) the make, model, year, and vehicle identification number of each vehicle covered by the policy. (b) Each insurance company shall provide information required by Subsection (a) to the designated agent in an electronic submission monthly or more frequently as prescribed by the public safety director. The designated agent and public safety director shall consult with representatives of the insurance industry in determining appropriate formats and procedures for submission of the information. (c) If information provided by an insurance company to the designated agent is incorrect, the insurance company shall provide corrected information to the designated agent in a timely manner as prescribed by the public safety director after the date the insurance company receives notice of the error from the designated agent. (d) An insurance company that does not provide information as required by this section is liable to the state for a civil penalty of $250 for each day the violation continues. Sec. 601.446. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY DEPARTMENT. (a) The department shall provide the designated agent the following information on each Texas driver's license holder: (1) the holder's name and address; and (2) the driver's license number and expiration date. (b) For each motor vehicle covered by a bond filed under Section 601.121, a deposit made under Section 601.123, or a certificate of self-insurance issued under Section 601.124, the department shall provide to the designated agent: (1) the owner's name and address; and (2) the owner's driver's license number and expiration date. (c) The department shall notify the designated agent of: (1) the cancellation of a bond filed under Section 601.121; (2) the cancellation of a deposit made under Section 601.123; or (3) the termination of a certificate of self-insurance issued under Section 601.124. (d) This section does not require the department to provide to the designated agent information that is not in the possession of the department. (e) The department shall provide the information under this section in an electronic submission to the designated agent in a timely manner as prescribed by the public safety director. Sec. 601.447. INFORMATION PROVIDED BY TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. (a) The Texas Department of Transportation shall provide the department or its designated agent the following information for each vehicle to which this chapter applies, to the extent the information is in the Texas Department of Transportation's records: (1) the owner's name and address; (2) the make, model, and year of the vehicle; (3) the vehicle identification number and vehicle license plate number; and (4) the date the certificate of title was issued for the vehicle. (b) The Texas Department of Transportation is not required to provide information under this section about a vehicle registered under Subchapter G, Chapter 502. (c) The Texas Department of Transportation shall provide the information under this section and each change to information previously provided under this section in a weekly report that includes the information for registrations and changes occurring during the week preceding the date of the report. (d) The Texas Department of Transportation shall provide by electronic submission to the department or its designated agent any information required under this section in a timely manner as prescribed by the public safety director. Sec. 601.448. REGISTRATION OF MOTOR VEHICLE FOR WHICH REGISTRATION TERMINATED. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a motor vehicle for which registration is terminated under Section 601.444(e) may not be registered unless the owner submits with the application for registration: (1) the $250 civil penalty provided by Section 601.444(d), if the civil penalty has not been previously paid; and (2) the registration fee applicable to the vehicle and any other fee required by law for registration of the vehicle. (b) The department shall reinstate the terminated registration of a motor vehicle without payment of any fee under Subsection (a)(2) if before the end of the registration period during which the registration was terminated the owner of the motor vehicle presents proof of financial responsibility that: (1) complies with Section 601.051; and (2) was in effect on the date of comparison under Section 601.444(a)(2) and is in effect on the date of application for reinstatement. Sec. 601.449. RULES. (a) The department may adopt rules as necessary to implement this subchapter. (b) The department shall consult with the Texas Department of Transportation about rules that affect the reporting of information relating to vehicle registrations. (c) The department by rule may waive a requirement that particular information be provided to the designated agent if the department finds that the information is not useful for enforcing this chapter or that the burden of collecting or reporting the information is not justified by its value in enforcing this chapter. Sec. 601.450. USE OF INFORMATION PROVIDED TO DESIGNATED AGENT. (a) Information provided by an insurance company under Section 601.445, the department under Section 601.446, or the Texas Department of Transportation under Section 601.447 remains the property of the insurance company or agency, as applicable. The information is confidential and may not be disclosed except as provided by this section. (b) The designated agent may disclose whether financial responsibility has been established for a motor vehicle only to: (1) a state or local governmental entity enforcing this chapter in relation to the vehicle; (2) the vehicle's owner; (3) the parent or legal guardian of the owner if the owner is an unemancipated minor; (4) the legal guardian of the owner if the owner is legally incapacitated; (5) a person who has power of attorney for the owner; (6) a person who has a notarized release from the owner that is dated not earlier than the 90th day before the date of the request for disclosure; (7) a person suffering loss or injury in a motor vehicle accident in which the person is involved, but only for the purposes of an accident report under Chapter 550; or (8) the state auditor, for the purposes of an audit authorized by law. (c) A person commits an offense if the person knowingly discloses information in violation of this subchapter. An offense under this subsection is a Class A misdemeanor. (d) The state, an employee or officer of the state, an insurance company, or the designated agent is not liable for an act performed in good faith in carrying out this subchapter, except that the designated agent is liable to an insurance company damaged by the designated agent's negligent failure to protect the confidential and proprietary nature of the information disclosed to the designated agent by the insurance company. Sec. 601.451. REVIEW OF PROGRAM. (a) After January 1, 2008, and before January 1, 2009, the department shall review the effectiveness of the program and determine the amount by which compliance with this chapter has increased between September 1, 2003, and the date of the review. The department shall review all aspects of the program, including effectiveness and efficiency, and the error rate in matching proof of financial responsibility with motor vehicle registrations. The department may coordinate with the Texas Department of Insurance to conduct the review. (b) Before September 1, 2009, the department shall report its findings and recommendations to the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives. (c) This section expires September 2, 2009. SECTION 2. (a) Not later than December 31, 2003: (1) the State Council on Competitive Government shall select and the Department of Public Safety shall contract with an entity to serve as the designated agent under Subchapter N, Chapter 601, Transportation Code, as added by this Act; and (2) the Department of Public Safety shall adopt any rules necessary to implement Subchapter N, Chapter 601, Transportation Code, as added by this Act. (b) A motor vehicle insurance company, the Department of Public Safety, and the Texas Department of Transportation are not required to report under Section 601.445, 601.446, or 601.447, Transportation Code, as added by this Act, before the date on which the Department of Public Safety declares that the motor vehicle financial responsibility verification database is ready to receive data. (c) The contract entered into under Subsection (a) must require that the designated agent ensure that: (1) the motor vehicle financial responsibility verification database is operational and ready to compare evidence of financial responsibility against motor vehicle registrations not later than July 1, 2004; and (2) the number of notices mailed by the designated agent under Section 601.444(b), Transportation Code, as added by this Act, is not less than: (A) 50,000 in the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2004; (B) 880,000 in the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2005; (C) 840,000 in the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2006; (D) 720,000 in the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2007; and (E) 720,000 in the state fiscal year ending August 31, 2008. SECTION 3. At the time of initiation of the motor vehicle financial responsibility verification program established under Subchapter N, Chapter 601, Transportation Code, as added by this Act, the Department of Public Safety and the Texas Department of Transportation shall, to the extent money is appropriated for this purpose, conduct a program to inform the motoring public throughout the state of the existence and requirements of the program. SECTION 4. The governor shall appoint a committee to investigate the factors that determine motor vehicle liability insurance rates in this state. The committee must include representatives of insurers who provide motor vehicle liability policies in this state, consumers, and persons with actuarial and economic expertise. Not later than December 31, 2004, the committee shall submit a report of its findings and recommendations for making motor vehicle liability insurance more affordable to the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, the Texas Department of Insurance, the Department of Public Safety, and the Texas Department of Transportation. SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.