H.B. No. 2005

relating to the requirements for certain alcoholic beverage licenses and permits. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 11.46(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The commission or administrator may refuse to issue an original or renewal permit with or without a hearing if it has reasonable grounds to believe and finds that any of the following circumstances exists: (1) the applicant has been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction of the violation of any provision of this code during the two years immediately preceding the filing of his application; (2) five [three] years have not elapsed since the termination, by pardon or otherwise, of a sentence imposed on the applicant for the conviction of a felony; (3) within the six-month period immediately preceding his application the applicant violated or caused to be violated a provision of this code or a rule or regulation of the commission which involves moral turpitude, as distinguished from a technical violation of this code or of the rule; (4) the applicant failed to answer or falsely or incorrectly answered a question in an original or renewal application; (5) the applicant is indebted to the state for any taxes, fees, or payment of penalty imposed by this code or by rule of the commission; (6) the applicant is not of good moral character or his reputation for being a peaceable, law-abiding citizen in the community where he resides is bad; (7) the applicant is a minor; (8) the place or manner in which the applicant may conduct his business warrants the refusal of a permit based on the general welfare, health, peace, morals, and safety of the people and on the public sense of decency; (9) the applicant is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages to excess or is physically or mentally incapacitated; (10) the applicant will sell liquor unlawfully in a dry area or in a manner contrary to law or will knowingly permit an agent, servant, or employee to do so; (11) the applicant is not a United States citizen or has not been a citizen of Texas for a period of one year immediately preceding the filing of his application, unless he was issued a permit or renewal permit on or before September 1, 1948, and has at some time been a United States citizen; (12) the applicant does not provide an adequate building available at the address for which the permit is sought before conducting any activity authorized by the permit; (13) the applicant is residentially domiciled with a person whose permit or license has been cancelled for cause within the 12 months immediately preceding the date of his present application; (14) the applicant has failed or refused to furnish a true copy of his application to the commission's district office in the district in which the premises for which the permit is sought are located; or (15) during the six months immediately preceding the filing of the application the premises for which the permit is sought have been operated, used, or frequented for a purpose or in a manner that is lewd, immoral, or offensive to public decency. SECTION 2. Sections 25.06(a), (b), and (c), Alcoholic Beverage Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) The county judge shall deny an original application for a wine and beer retailer's permit if he finds that the applicant, or the applicant's spouse, during the five [three] years immediately preceding the application, was finally convicted of a felony or one of the following offenses: (1) prostitution; (2) a vagrancy offense involving moral turpitude; (3) bookmaking; (4) gambling or gaming; (5) an offense involving controlled substances as defined in Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code or other dangerous drugs; (6) a violation of this code resulting in the cancellation of a license or permit, or a fine of not less than $500; (7) more than three violations of this code relating to minors; (8) bootlegging; or (9) an offense involving firearms or a deadly weapon. (b) The county judge shall also deny an original application for a permit if he finds that five [three] years have not elapsed since the termination of a sentence, parole, or probation served by the applicant or the applicant's spouse because of a felony conviction or conviction of any of the offenses described in Subsection (a) of this section. (c) The commission shall refuse to issue a renewal of a wine or beer retailer's permit if it finds: (1) that the applicant, or the applicant's spouse, has been convicted of a felony or one of the offenses listed in Subsection (a) of this section at any time during the five [three] years immediately preceding the filing of the application for renewal; or (2) that five [three] years have not elapsed since the termination of a sentence, parole, or probation served by the applicant, or the applicant's spouse, of a felony conviction or conviction of any of the offenses described in Subsection (a) of this section. SECTION 3. Section 61.42(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The county judge shall refuse to approve an application for a license as a distributor or retailer if he has reasonable grounds to believe and finds that: (1) the applicant is a minor; (2) the applicant is indebted to the state for any taxes, fees, or penalties imposed by this code or by rule of the commission; (3) the place or manner in which the applicant for a retail dealer's license may conduct his business warrants a refusal of a license based on the general welfare, health, peace, morals, safety, and sense of decency of the people; (4) the applicant is in the habit of using alcoholic beverages to excess or is mentally or physically incompetent; (5) the applicant is not a United States citizen or has not been a citizen of Texas for a period of one year immediately preceding the filing of his application, unless he was issued an original or renewal license on or before September 1, 1948; (6) the applicant was finally convicted of a felony during the five [two] years immediately preceding the filing of his application; (7) the applicant is not of good moral character or his reputation for being a peaceable, law-abiding citizen in the community where he resides is bad; or (8) as to a corporation, it is not incorporated under the laws of this state, or at least 51 percent of the corporate stock is not owned at all times by persons who individually are qualified to obtain a license, except that this subdivision does not apply to a holder of any renewal of a distributor's license which was in effect on January 1, 1953, or to an applicant for a beer retailer's on-premise license for a railway car. SECTION 4. Section 61.43(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The county judge may refuse to approve an application for a license as a distributor or retailer if the county judge has reasonable grounds to believe and finds that: (1) the applicant has been finally convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction for the violation of a provision of this code during the two years immediately preceding the filing of an application; (2) five [two] years has not elapsed since the termination, by pardon or otherwise, of a sentence imposed for conviction of a felony; (3) the applicant has violated or caused to be violated a provision of this code or a rule or regulation of the commission, for which a suspension was not imposed, during the 12-month period immediately preceding the filing of an application; (4) the applicant failed to answer or falsely or incorrectly answered a question in an original or renewal application; (5) the applicant for a retail dealer's license does not have an adequate building available at the address for which the license is sought before conducting any activity authorized by the license; (6) the applicant or a person with whom the applicant is residentially domiciled had an interest in a license or permit which was cancelled or revoked within the 12-month period immediately preceding the filing of an application; (7) the applicant failed or refused to furnish a true copy of the application to the commission's district office in the district in which the premises sought to be licensed are located; (8) the premises on which beer is to be sold for on-premises consumption does not have running water, if it is available, or does not have separate free toilets for males and females, properly identified, on the premises for which the license is sought; (9) the applicant for a retail dealer's license will conduct business in a manner contrary to law or in a place or manner conducive to a violation of the law; or (10) the place, building, or premises for which the license is sought was used for selling alcoholic beverages in violation of the law at any time during the six months immediately preceding the filing of the application or was used, operated, or frequented during that time for a purpose or in a manner which was lewd, immoral, offensive to public decency, or contrary to this code. SECTION 5. Sections 69.06(a), (b), and (c), Alcoholic Beverage Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) The county judge shall deny an original application for a retail dealer's on-premise license if he finds that the applicant or the applicant's spouse, during the five [three] years immediately preceding the application, was finally convicted of a felony or one of the following offenses: (1) prostitution; (2) a vagrancy offense involving moral turpitude; (3) bookmaking; (4) gambling or gaming; (5) an offense involving controlled substances as defined in the Texas Controlled Substances Act or other dangerous drugs; (6) a violation of this code resulting in the cancellation of a license or permit, or a fine of not less than $500; (7) more than three violations of this code relating to minors; (8) bootlegging; or (9) an offense involving firearms or a deadly weapon. (b) The county judge shall also deny an original application for a license if he finds that five [three] years has not elapsed since the termination of a sentence, parole, or probation served by the applicant or the applicant's spouse because of a felony conviction or conviction of any of the offenses described in Subsection (a) of this section. (c) The commission shall refuse to issue a renewal of a retail dealer's on-premise license if it finds: (1) that the applicant or the applicant's spouse has been finally convicted of a felony or one of the offenses listed in Subsection (a) of this section at any time during the five [three] years immediately preceding the filing of the application for renewal; or (2) that five [three] years has not elapsed since the termination of a sentence, parole, or probation served by the applicant or the applicant's spouse because of a felony prosecution or prosecution for any of the offenses described in Subsection (a) of this section. SECTION 6. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to an application for an alcoholic beverage license or permit that is made on or after the effective date of this Act. An application made before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the application is made, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. SECTION 7. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003. ______________________________ ______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.B. No. 2005 was passed by the House on May 16, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.B. No. 2005 was passed by the Senate on May 28, 2003, by the following vote: Yeas 31, Nays 0. ______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: _____________________ Date _____________________ Governor