78R5822 YDB-F

By:  Pitts                                                        H.B. No. 2069

relating to licensing of auctioneers. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 1802.001, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (8-a) to read as follows: (8-a) "Executive director" means the executive director of the department. SECTION 2. Section 1802.002, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.002. APPLICABILITY. This chapter does not apply to: (1) a sale conducted by order of a United States court under Title 11, United States Code; (2) a sale conducted by an employee of the United States, this state, or a political subdivision of this state in the course and scope of employment; (3) a sale conducted by a charitable or nonprofit organization, if the auctioneer receives no compensation; (4) a sale conducted by an individual of the individual's property if the individual is not engaged in the business of selling property as an auctioneer on a recurring basis; (5) a foreclosure sale of real property personally conducted by a trustee under a deed of trust; (6) a foreclosure sale of personal property personally conducted by: (A) a person who holds a security interest in the property, including a mortgage; or (B) an employee or agent of a person described by Paragraph (A) acting in the course and scope of employment, if: (i) the employee or agent is not otherwise engaged in the auction business; and (ii) all property for sale in the auction is subject to a security agreement; (7) a sale conducted by sealed bid; (8) an auction conducted only for student training purposes as part of a course of study approved by the executive director [commissioner] for auctioneers; (9) an auction conducted by a posted stockyard or market agency as defined by the federal Packers and Stockyards Act (7 U.S.C. Section 181 et seq.), as amended; (10) an auction of livestock conducted by a nonprofit livestock trade association chartered in this state, if the auction involves only the sale of livestock owned by members of the trade association; or (11) an auction conducted by a charitable or nonprofit organization chartered in this state, if the auction: (A) is part of a fair that is organized under state, county, or municipal authority; and (B) involves only the sale of property owned by the organization's members. SECTION 3. Section 1802.051, Occupations Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (a) A person may not act as an auctioneer or associate auctioneer in an auction held in this state or advertise or otherwise hold the person out to the public as an auctioneer unless the person is an individual who holds a license issued by the executive director [commissioner] under this chapter. (d) An auction company shall include the name and license number of each auctioneer who will act as a bid caller in an auction conducted by the company in all advertising and printed materials prepared for distribution to the public. SECTION 4. Section 1802.052, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.052. ELIGIBILITY FOR AUCTIONEER'S LICENSE. An individual is eligible for an auctioneer's license if the individual: (1) is at least 18 years of age; (2) is a citizen of the United States or a legal alien; and (3) either: (A) passes a written or oral examination demonstrating knowledge of the auction business and of the laws of this state relating to the auction business; or (B) shows proof of employment as an associate auctioneer with [by] a licensed auctioneer for at least one year during which the applicant participated in at least five auctions. SECTION 5. Section 1802.054, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.054. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. An applicant for a license must apply to the executive director [commissioner] on a form provided by the executive director [commissioner] that establishes the applicant's eligibility for the license. The application must be accompanied by: (1) [the required bond; [(2)] the required license fees [fee]; and (2) [(3)] either: (A) the permit number of a sales tax permit issued to the applicant by the comptroller under Subchapter F, Chapter 151, Tax Code; or (B) proof of exemption from the tax permit requirement under Chapter 151, Tax Code. SECTION 6. Section 1802.056, Occupations Code, is amended by amending Subsections (b) and (c) and adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: (b) The license examination shall be offered at least four times each year at locations designated by the executive director [commissioner]. (c) The executive director [commissioner] shall prepare[: [(1)] examinations for an auctioneer's license[; and [(2) study and reference materials on which the examinations are based]. (d) The applicant may take the examination at any scheduled offering not later than the 90th day after the date the application is approved. SECTION 7. Sections 1802.057 and 1802.058, Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.057. EXAMINATION RESULTS. (a) The executive director [commissioner] shall notify each examinee of the results of the examination not later than the 30th day after the date of the examination. However, if an examination is graded or reviewed by a national testing service, the executive director [commissioner] shall notify each examinee of the results of the examination not later than the 14th day after the date the executive director [commissioner] receives the results from the testing service. (b) If the notification of results of an examination graded or reviewed by a national testing service will be delayed longer than 90 days after the examination date, the executive director [commissioner] shall notify each examinee of the reason for the delay before the 90th day. (c) If requested in writing by a person who fails the examination, the executive director [commissioner] shall provide to the person an analysis of the person's performance on the examination. Sec. 1802.058. REEXAMINATION. An applicant who fails the license examination may retake [reapply to take] the examination. [If the applicant fails the examination twice during a one-year period, the applicant may not reapply for one year.] SECTION 8. Sections 1802.059(a), (b), and (d), Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) An applicant for an auctioneer's license who is not a resident of this state but is licensed as an auctioneer in another state must submit to the executive director [commissioner]: (1) a license application; (2) a certified copy of the auctioneer's license issued to the applicant by the state or political subdivision in which the applicant resides; and (3) proof that the state or political subdivision in which the applicant is licensed has competency standards equivalent to or stricter than those of this state. (b) The executive director [commissioner] shall accept the applicant's auctioneer's license submitted under Subsection (a)(2) as proof of the applicant's professional competence and waive the eligibility [examination and training] requirements of Section 1802.052(3) [1802.052] if the state or political subdivision that issued the nonresident a license extends similar recognition and courtesies to this state. (d) A nonresident applicant must submit with the application a written irrevocable consent to service of process. The consent must be in the form and supported by additional information that the executive director [commissioner] by rule requires. The consent must: (1) provide that an action relating to any transaction subject to this chapter may be commenced against the license holder in the proper court of any county of this state in which the cause of action may arise or in which the plaintiff may reside by service of process on the executive director [commissioner] as the license holder's agent; and (2) include a statement stipulating and agreeing that service provided by this section is as valid and binding as if service had been made on the person according to the laws of this or any other state. SECTION 9. Sections 1802.061 and 1802.101, Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.061. CONTINUING EDUCATION. The executive director [commissioner] may recognize, prepare, or administer continuing education programs for license holders. Participation in the programs is voluntary. Sec. 1802.101. AUCTIONEER EDUCATION ADVISORY BOARD. The advisory board shall advise the executive director [commissioner] on educational matters. SECTION 10. Sections 1802.102(a) and (b), Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) The advisory board consists of five members appointed as follows: (1) three members who are licensed auctioneers appointed by the executive director [commissioner]; (2) the executive director of the Texas Department of Economic Development or the director's designee; and (3) the commissioner of education or the commissioner's designee. (b) In appointing advisory board members under Subsection (a)(1), the executive director [commissioner] may not appoint members who reside in contiguous senatorial districts. SECTION 11. Section 1802.103(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The members appointed under Section 1802.102(a)(1) serve two-year terms that expire on September 1. If a vacancy occurs during the term of such a member, the executive director [commissioner] shall appoint a replacement to serve for the remainder of the term. SECTION 12. Section 1802.107(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The advisory board shall meet at least once [quarterly] each calendar year. SECTION 13. Section 1802.109, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.109. AUCTIONEER EDUCATION PROGRAMS. (a) The advisory board shall: (1) evaluate educational programs, seminars, and training projects; and (2) make recommendations to the executive director [commissioner] on their usefulness and merit as continuing education tools. (b) On the recommendation of the advisory board, the executive director [commissioner] may fund or underwrite specific classes, seminars, or events for the education and advancement of the auctioneering profession in this state. SECTION 14. Section 1802.152(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The department is the manager of the fund and shall: (1) administer the fund without appropriation; (2) maintain books and records as required by the executive director [commissioner]; (3) appear at hearings or judicial proceedings; and (4) invest and reinvest the fund's assets as instructed by the executive director [commissioner]. SECTION 15. The heading to Section 1802.153, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.153. [ADDITIONAL] FEES FOR AUCTIONEER EDUCATION AND RECOVERY FUND. SECTION 16. Section 1802.153(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) In addition to any other fees required by this chapter, at the time an initial license is issued, the [an applicant entitled to receive a] license holder shall [under this chapter must] pay a fee of $100 for the auctioneer education and recovery fund [before the commissioner issues the license]. SECTION 17. Section 1802.155(b), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) If the fund contains insufficient assets to pay the consumer: (1) the department shall record the time and date an order for payment to a consumer was received; and (2) the executive director [commissioner] shall pay consumers for whom an order is recorded under Subdivision (1) as funds become available in the order of the recorded time and date of the order. SECTION 18. Sections 1802.156 and 1802.201, Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.156. EDUCATION EXPENDITURES PERMITTED. The executive director [commissioner] may use amounts in excess of $250,000 in the fund to: (1) advance education and research in the auctioneering profession for the benefit of license holders and to improve and increase the efficiency of the industry; (2) underwrite educational seminars, training centers, and other educational projects for the use and benefit of license holders; (3) sponsor, contract, and underwrite other educational and research projects that advance the auctioneering profession in this state; and (4) cooperate with associations of auctioneers and other groups for the education and advancement of the auctioneering profession in this state. Sec. 1802.201. INVESTIGATION OF COMPLAINTS. The executive director [commissioner] may, on the executive director's [commissioner's] motion, and shall, on the written and verified complaint of a person aggrieved by the actions of an auctioneer in an auction, investigate an alleged violation of this chapter by a licensed or unlicensed auctioneer or an applicant. SECTION 19. Sections 1802.202(a) and (b), Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) A person who deals with an auctioneer licensed under this chapter and who is aggrieved by an action of the auctioneer as a result of a violation of a contract made with the auctioneer may initiate a claim against the fund by[: [(1)] filing with the department a [sworn] complaint against the auctioneer[; and [(2) paying to the department a filing fee of $50]. (b) The executive director [commissioner] may not pay a claim against an auctioneer who was not licensed at the time of the transaction on which the claim is based. SECTION 20. Section 1802.203(c), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) After the hearing, the hearings examiner shall prepare a proposal for decision for the executive director [commissioner]. SECTION 21. Section 1802.204, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.204. APPEAL. A party may appeal a decision of the executive director [commissioner] in the manner provided for a contested case under Chapter 2001, Government Code. SECTION 22. Sections 1802.205(a) and (b), Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: (a) If the department's determination under Section 1802.202 is not disputed by the auctioneer or the aggrieved party, the executive director [commissioner] shall pay the claim from the fund, subject to Section 1802.206. (b) If a hearing is held on the department's determination, the executive director [commissioner] shall pay to the aggrieved party the amount of actual damages determined by the executive director [commissioner]. SECTION 23. Section 1802.206(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The executive director [commissioner] may not pay a single aggrieved party more than $10,000. SECTION 24. Sections 1802.207 and 1802.208, Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.207. REIMBURSEMENT; INTEREST. (a) If the executive director [commissioner] pays a claim against an auctioneer, the auctioneer shall: (1) reimburse the fund immediately or agree in writing to reimburse the fund on a schedule to be determined by rule of the executive director [commissioner]; and (2) immediately pay the aggrieved party any amount due to that party or agree in writing to pay the party on a schedule to be determined by rule of the executive director [commissioner]. (b) Payments made by an auctioneer to the fund or to an aggrieved party under this section include interest accruing at the rate of eight percent a year beginning on the date the executive director [commissioner] pays the claim. Sec. 1802.208. SUBROGATION. If the executive director [commissioner] pays a claim against an auctioneer, the department is subrogated to all rights of the aggrieved party against the auctioneer to the extent of the amount paid to the aggrieved party. SECTION 25. Section 1802.209(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) This subchapter and Section 1802.252 do not limit the executive director's [commissioner's] authority to take disciplinary action against a license holder for a violation of this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter. SECTION 26. Sections 1802.251 and 1802.252, Occupations Code, are amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.251. DENIAL OF APPLICATION; REPRIMAND OR SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF LICENSE. The executive director [commissioner] may deny an application for a license, issue a reprimand, or suspend or revoke the license of any auctioneer for: (1) violating this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter or Chapter 51; (2) obtaining or attempting to obtain a license through false or fraudulent representation; (3) making a substantial misrepresentation in an application for an auctioneer's license; (4) engaging in a continued and flagrant course of misrepresentation or making false promises through an agent, advertising, or otherwise; (5) failing to account for or remit, within a reasonable time, money belonging to another that is in the auctioneer's possession and commingling funds of another with the auctioneer's funds or failing to keep the funds of another in an escrow or trust account; (6) being convicted in a court of this state or another state of a criminal offense involving moral turpitude or a felony; or (7) violating the Business & Commerce Code in conducting an auction. Sec. 1802.252. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION FOR CLAIM ON FUND. (a) The executive director [commissioner] may suspend or revoke a license issued under this chapter if the executive director [commissioner] makes a payment from the fund as the result of an action of the license holder. (b) The executive director [commissioner] may probate an order suspending [revoking] a license. (c) An auctioneer is not eligible for a new license until the auctioneer has repaid in full the amount paid from the fund on the auctioneer's account, including interest, unless: (1) a hearing is held; and (2) the executive director [commissioner] issues a new probated license. SECTION 27. Section 1802.253, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.253. NOTICE AND HEARING. (a) Before denying an application for a license, issuing a reprimand, or suspending or revoking a license for a violation of this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter or Chapter 51, the executive director [commissioner] shall: (1) notify the applicant or license holder of the alleged violation [set the matter for a hearing]; and (2) provide the applicant or license holder with an opportunity for a hearing under Chapter 2001, Government Code [before the 30th day before the hearing date, notify the applicant or license holder in writing of: [(A) the charges alleged or the question to be determined at the hearing; and [(B) the date and location of the hearing]. (b) [At a hearing under this section, the applicant or license holder may: [(1) be present and be heard in person or by counsel; and [(2) have an opportunity to offer evidence by oral testimony, affidavit, or deposition. [(c) Written notice may be served by personal delivery to the applicant or license holder or by certified mail to the last known mailing address of the applicant or license holder. [(d)] If the applicant or license holder who is the subject of the hearing is an associate auctioneer, the executive director [commissioner] shall provide written notice to the auctioneer who employs the associate auctioneer or who has agreed to employ the associate auctioneer by mailing the notice by certified mail to the auctioneer's last known mailing address. SECTION 28. Subchapter F, Chapter 1802, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Section 1802.2535 to read as follows: Sec. 1802.2535. ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY. In addition to any other penalty assessed under this chapter, the executive director or commission may assess an administrative penalty as provided by Subchapter F, Chapter 51, for a violation of this chapter or a rule adopted by the department under this chapter or Chapter 51. SECTION 29. Section 1802.254, Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 1802.254. APPEAL. (a) A person aggrieved by a ruling, order, decision, or other action of the commission, executive director, or department may appeal by filing a petition in [An appeal by an applicant or license holder of the commissioner's determination under Section 1802.252 must be to] a district court of Travis County [or of the county in which the violation is alleged to have occurred]. (b) An appeal under this chapter is governed by Subchapter G, Chapter 2001, Government Code. SECTION 30. Section 1802.303(a), Occupations Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) A person commits an offense if the person violates a provision of this chapter or a rule adopted by the executive director [commissioner] under this chapter for which a penalty is not provided. SECTION 31. Chapter 1802, Occupations Code, is amended by adding Subchapter H to read as follows:
Sec. 1802.401. CIVIL PENALTY. A person who violates this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter or Chapter 51 is subject to a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for each day of noncompliance or each act of noncompliance as determined by the court. Sec. 1802.402. CEASE AND DESIST ORDERS. The executive director may issue a cease and desist order to any person who is acting as an auctioneer without an auctioneer's license. Sec. 1802.403. INJUNCTION AND OTHER ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS. (a) The executive director may bring an action in a district court of Travis County to enjoin a person from violating this chapter. (b) The executive director may enforce by injunction or other appropriate remedy in court any rule, decision, determination, or order adopted or entered under this chapter or Chapter 51. Sec. 1802.404. ACTION BY ATTORNEY GENERAL. At the request of the executive director, the attorney general shall bring an action in the name of the state for injunctive relief, to recover a civil penalty, or for both injunctive relief and a civil penalty, as authorized by this subchapter or Chapter 51. SECTION 32. Sections 1802.001(7) and 1802.055, Occupations Code, are repealed. SECTION 33. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003, and applies only to a violation committed on or after the effective date of this Act. A violation committed before the effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the violation was committed and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.