78R3383 AKH-D

By:  Hilderbran                                                   H.B. No. 2205

relating to procedures for obtaining a permit to hold certain gatherings. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 751.004, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Subsections (c), (d), (e), and (f) to read as follows: (c) The application must also include the name and address, if known, of a performer who may appear at the mass gathering and has not yet agreed to appear as of the date of the filing of the application. (d) A county judge may not require a promoter to provide a copy of the agreement or contract described by Subsection (b)(9). (e) With the application required by this section, the promoter must submit a letter or permit: (1) from the county health authority stating that, based on the information in the application, the health authority believes that the minimum standards of health and sanitation prescribed by state and local laws, rules, and orders will be maintained; (2) from the county fire marshal stating that, based on the information in the application, the fire marshal believes that the minimum standards for ensuring public fire safety and order as prescribed by state and local laws, rules, and orders will be maintained; and (3) from the sheriff stating that, based on the information in the application, the sheriff believes that the minimum standards for ensuring public safety and order that are prescribed by state and local laws, rules, and orders will be maintained. (f) If there is no county fire marshal in the county, the commissioners court shall designate a person to submit the documentation required by Subsection (e)(2). SECTION 2. Section 751.005, Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 751.005. INVESTIGATION. [(a) After a permit application is filed with the county judge, the county judge shall send a copy of the application to the county health authority, the county fire marshal or the person designated under Subsection (c), and the sheriff. [(b) The county health authority shall inquire into preparations for the mass gathering. At least five days before the date on which the hearing prescribed by Section 751.006 is held, the county health authority shall submit to the county judge a report stating whether the health authority believes that the minimum standards of health and sanitation prescribed by state and local laws, rules, and orders will be maintained. [(c) The county fire marshal shall investigate preparations for the mass gathering. If there is no county fire marshal in that county, the commissioners court shall designate a person to act under this section. At least five days before the date on which the hearing prescribed by Section 751.006 is held, the county fire marshal or the commissioners court designee shall submit to the county judge a report stating whether the fire marshal or designee believes that the minimum standards for ensuring public fire safety and order as prescribed by state and local laws, rules, and orders will be maintained. [(d) The sheriff shall investigate preparations for the mass gathering. At least five days before the date on which the hearing prescribed by Section 751.006 is held, the sheriff shall submit to the county judge a report stating whether the sheriff believes that the minimum standards for ensuring public safety and order that are prescribed by state and local laws, rules, and orders will be maintained. [(e)] The county judge may conduct any additional investigation that the judge considers necessary. SECTION 3. Section 751.007, Health and Safety Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (c) and (d) to read as follows: (a) Not later than the fifth day after the date the permit application is received [After the completion of the hearing prescribed by Section 751.006], the county judge shall enter a ruling [his findings] in the record and shall either grant or deny the permit. A permit is considered granted if the judge fails to enter a ruling in the time required by this section. (c) The county judge may not deny a permit under Subsection (b)(5) if the promoter: (1) has complied with Section 751.004(c); and (2) agrees to file a comprehensive list of agreements described by Sections 751.004(b)(8) and (9) not later than the fifth day before the date the mass gathering will begin. (d) If the county judge denies the permit, the county judge shall state in the record the grounds for denying the permit. SECTION 4. Chapter 751, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 751.0075 to read as follows: Sec. 751.0075. DENIAL OF PERMIT; HEARING. (a) If the county judge denies the permit under Section 751.007, the promoter may request a hearing before the county judge on the application not later than the fifth day after the date the permit was denied. The county judge shall set the date and time of the hearing. (b) Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to the promoter and to each person who has an interest in whether the permit is granted or denied. (c) At the hearing, any person may appear and testify for or against granting the permit. (d) Not later than the fifth day after the date the hearing is completed, the county judge shall either grant the permit or affirm the denial of the permit. SECTION 5. Section 751.008, Health and Safety Code, is amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: (a) The county judge may revoke a permit issued under this chapter only if the county judge finds that: (1) preparations for the mass gathering will not be completed by the time the mass gathering will begin; (2) [or that] the permit was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation; or (3) the promoter has not complied with Section 751.007(c)(2), if applicable. (c) If a performer scheduled to perform at the mass gathering cancels the performance or does not perform, the county judge may not revoke a permit issued under this chapter if the promoter exercised good faith in representing that the performer would appear at the mass gathering. SECTION 6. Subchapter A, Chapter 215, Local Government Code, is amended by adding Section 215.005 to read as follows: Sec. 215.005. PERMITS FOR CERTAIN FACILITIES. (a) In this section, "facility" means an auditorium, exhibition hall, coliseum, amphitheater, or other similar structure used for public gatherings. (b) A municipality that requires the owner or property manager of a facility located in the municipality to obtain a permit for an event held at a facility may establish standards for granting the permit, including standards relating to health and sanitation, general safety, traffic control, and medical and nursing care. (c) A permit that the owner or property manager is required to obtain is valid for one year after the date the permit is granted. The permit applies to all events that are similar to the event for which the permit was originally granted, and the permit holder is not required to repeat the permit application procedure for each of those similar events held at the facility. (d) A municipality may adopt rules for implementing this section. SECTION 7. Chapter 234, Local Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter C to read as follows:
Sec. 234.051. PERMIT. (a) In this section, "facility" means an auditorium, exhibition hall, coliseum, amphitheater, or other similar structure used for public gatherings. (b) A county that requires the owner or property manager of a facility located in the unincorporated area of the county to obtain a permit for an event held at a facility may establish standards for granting the permit, including standards relating to health and sanitation, general safety, traffic control, and medical and nursing care. (c) A permit that the owner or property manager is required to obtain is valid for one year after the date the permit is granted. The permit applies to all events that are similar to the event for which the permit was originally granted, and the permit holder is not required to repeat the permit application procedure for each of those similar events held at the facility. (d) A county may adopt rules for implementing this subchapter. SECTION 8. Section 751.006, Health and Safety Code, is repealed. SECTION 9. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to a permit for which an application is filed on or after the effective date of this Act. A permit for which an application is filed before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect when the permit was filed, and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose. SECTION 10. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.