78R7764 YDB-D

By:  Uresti                                                       H.B. No. 2535

relating to bloodborne pathogens training for a tattooist or person who performs body piercing. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 146, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Section 146.0085 to read as follows: Sec. 146.0085. O.S.H.A. TRAINING PROGRAM. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (e), a tattooist or person who performs body piercing shall: (1) complete a 10-hour Occupational Safety and Health Administration general industry outreach training course for tattooists and body piercing artists that includes six hours related to bloodborne pathogens, infection control, and aseptic technique before performing a tattoo or body piercing at a tattoo or body piercing studio; and (2) annually complete at least four hours of training related to bloodborne pathogens, infection control, and aseptic technique. (b) A training program under this section must be conducted by an Occupational Safety and Health Administration trainer who is knowledgeable in tattoos and body piercing. (c) A trainer shall issue a course completion card from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to a tattooist or person who performs body piercing who completes the 10-hour training course and a training certificate to a tattooist or person who performs body piercing who completes the training under Subsection (a)(2). (d) A tattooist or person who performs body piercing shall display the course completion card in a prominent location in the studio or temporary location. (e) A tattooist or person who performs body piercing who is an authorized Occupational Safety and Health Administration trainer is not required to complete a training program under this section. The trainer shall display a current diploma from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Training Institute. SECTION 2. Section 146.003(a), Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) To receive a tattoo studio license, body piercing studio license, or temporary location license, a person must submit a signed, verified license application to the department on a form prescribed by the department and must submit an application fee. In addition, the person must submit: (1) evidence from the appropriate zoning officials in the municipality or county in which the studio is proposed to be located that confirms that the studio is in compliance with existing zoning codes applicable to the studio; and (2) for each tattooist or person who performs body piercing at the studio or temporary location, a copy of the tattooist's or person's two most recent annual training certificates received under Section 146.0085 and a copy of the tattooist's or person's: (A) course completion card; or (B) if applicable, current diploma from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Training Institute. SECTION 3. Section 146.004(b), Health and Safety Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) A tattoo studio or body piercing studio license may be renewed annually on payment of the required renewal fee. On renewal of the studio license, the studio must submit, for each tattooist or person who performs body piercing at the studio, a copy of the tattooist's or person's two most recent annual training certificates received under Section 146.0085 and a copy of the tattooist's or person's: (1) course completion card; or (2) if applicable, current diploma from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Training Institute. SECTION 4. A tattooist or person who performs body piercing who has performed 50 or more body piercing procedures is not required to complete the training program required under Section 146.0085, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, before January 31, 2004. SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.