78R7471 KEL-D

By:  Menendez                                                     H.B. No. 2541

relating to a program to meet the need for affordable housing in this state. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 2306, Government Code, is amended by adding Subchapter LL to read as follows:
Sec. 2306.951. DEFINITIONS. (a) In this subchapter: (1) "Affordable housing advisory committee" means the committee appointed by the commissioners court of a county or the governing body of an eligible municipality for the purpose of recommending specific initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing. (2) "Award" means a loan, grant, or subsidy funded wholly or partially by a local housing assistance trust fund. (3) "Eligible municipality" means: (A) a municipality that is eligible for federal community development block grant entitlement funds as an entitlement community under that program; or (B) a nonentitlement municipality that is receiving a local housing distribution under an interlocal agreement described by this subchapter. (4) "Eligible person" or "eligible household" means one or more individuals or a family determined by a county or eligible municipality to be of very low income, low income, or moderate income according to the income limits published annually by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, adjusted for family size and based on the annual gross income of the household. (5) "Eligible sponsor" means a person or private or public for-profit or nonprofit entity that applies for an award under a local housing assistance plan to provide housing for eligible persons. (6) "Grant" means an award that: (A) is made from a local housing assistance trust fund to an eligible sponsor or eligible person to: (i) assist in the construction, rehabilitation, or financing of eligible housing; or (ii) assist with the costs of meeting tenant or ownership qualifications; and (B) does not require repayment if the conditions of the award are met. (7) "Loan" means an award that: (A) is made from a local housing assistance trust fund to an eligible sponsor or eligible person to assist in financing the acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of housing; and (B) requires repayment or, if the conditions of the award are met, allows for forgiveness of repayment. (8) "Local housing assistance plan" means a description of local housing assistance programs and local housing incentive programs adopted by a commissioners court or a governing body of an eligible municipality with an explanation of the way in which the programs meet the requirements of this subchapter. (9) "Local housing assistance program" means a housing construction, rehabilitation, repair, or finance program implemented by a county or eligible municipality with a local housing distribution or other funds deposited into a local housing assistance trust fund. (10) "Local housing incentive program" means a local regulatory scheme or incentive program that: (A) is designed to encourage or facilitate affordable housing production, including an ongoing process for pre-adoption review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase housing costs; and (B) includes a schedule for implementing the incentive program. (11) "Local housing partnership" means the implementation of the local housing assistance plan in a manner that involves the applicable county or eligible municipal lending institutions, housing builders and developers, real estate professionals, advocates for low-income persons, and providers of professional services related to affordable housing. (12) "Plan amendment" means any addition to or deletion of a local housing assistance program or local housing incentive program that is consistent with program requirements and is reviewed by the department. (13) "Population" means the latest official state estimate of population certified by the Texas State Data Center before the beginning of the state fiscal year. (14) "Program" means the Texas Affordable Housing Partnership Program established under this subchapter. (15) "Program income" means: (A) proceeds derived from interest earned on or investment of a local housing distribution and other funds deposited into a local housing assistance trust fund; (B) proceeds from loan payments; (C) recycled funds; and (D) all other income derived from use of funds deposited in a local housing assistance trust fund. (b) Deferred participation by an eligible municipality in the federal community development block grant program does not affect the eligibility of the municipality to participate in the program established under this subchapter. Sec. 2306.952. PROGRAM PURPOSES. The purposes of the program are to: (1) provide funds to counties and eligible municipalities as an incentive for the creation of local housing partnerships; (2) expand production and preservation of affordable housing; (3) further any component of a local government comprehensive plan relating to affordable housing; (4) increase housing-related employment; and (5) encourage local governments to combine available resources by encouraging active partnerships between government lenders, builders and developers, real estate professionals, advocates for persons of very low, low, and medium income, and community groups to produce affordable housing and provide related services. Sec. 2306.953. PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION. (a) The program is under the direction of the commissioners court of a county or the governing body of an eligible municipality, as applicable. (b) The commissioners court or the governing body of an eligible municipality may appoint by resolution a local affordable housing advisory committee to recommend monetary and nonmonetary incentives for affordable housing. The resolution must provide for the appointment and terms of nine advisory committee members consisting of the following: (1) one member who is actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing; (2) one member who is actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry in connection with affordable housing; (3) one member who is a representative of building contractors and subcontractors actively engaged in home building in connection with affordable housing; (4) one member who is actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing; (5) one member who is actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable housing; (6) one member who is actively engaged as a nonprofit provider of affordable housing; (7) one member who is actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection with affordable housing; (8) one member who actively serves on the local planning agency; and (9) one member who resides within the jurisdiction of the commissioners court or governing body making the appointments. (c) All meetings conducted for purposes of county or municipal participation in the program are public, and all records maintained in connection with the program are public information. (d) A commissioners court, the governing body of an eligible municipality, or, if applicable, an affordable housing advisory committee shall: (1) review the established policies and procedures, ordinances, real property development regulations, and adopted local government comprehensive plan; and (2) recommend specific initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciate in value. (e) Recommendations under Subsection (d)(2) may include: (1) modification or repeal of existing policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions; (2) creation of exceptions applicable to affordable housing; and (3) adoption of new policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions. (f) To receive program funds, a commissioners court, the governing body of an eligible municipality, or, if applicable, an affordable housing advisory committee must submit to the department a plan describing local housing assistance programs. (g) Not later than the first anniversary of the date of adoption of the local housing assistance plan, the commissioners court or governing body of an eligible municipality must amend its plan to incorporate its local housing incentive programs. An affordable housing advisory committee may make recommendations to the commissioners court or governing body of an eligible municipality relating to the housing programs enumerated in the plan. (h) Not later than the first anniversary of the date of adoption of the local housing assistance plan, the commissioners court or governing body must amend its real property development regulations or establish local policies and procedures as necessary to implement its local housing incentive programs. The commissioners court or governing body of an eligible municipality may receive recommendations from an affordable housing advisory committee to accomplish the required amendment. (i) To receive its share of local housing distributions, a commissioners court or governing body of an eligible municipality must adopt an order or ordinance containing the following provisions: (1) the creation of a local housing assistance trust fund; (2) the adoption by resolution of a local housing assistance plan to be implemented through a local housing partnership; (3) the designation of the responsibility for the administration of the local housing assistance plan; and (4) if applicable, the appointment by resolution of an affordable housing advisory committee. (j) The order or ordinance may also provide for the contracting of all or part of the administrative or other functions of the program to a third party. (k) The commissioners court or governing body of an eligible municipality shall submit to the department one copy of its local housing assistance plan. (l) The transmittal of the local housing assistance plan must include a copy of the order or ordinance, the resolution adopting the plan, and any other information required by the department that does not place an undue burden on the county or eligible municipality. Not later than the 30th day after the date of receipt of the plan, the department shall review the plan and either certify the plan or identify inconsistencies with the requirements of the program. The department shall assist the local government in revising the plan if it initially proves to be inconsistent with program requirements. (m) The approval of local housing assistance plans shall be expedited to ensure that the production of needed housing occurs as quickly as possible. After being approved for funding, the commissioners court or governing body of an eligible municipality may amend by resolution its local housing assistance plan if the plan as amended complies with program requirements. A local government must submit its amended plan for review according to the process established under this subchapter. Sec. 2306.954. TEXAS AFFORDABLE HOUSING ASSISTANCE TRUST FUND. (a) The Texas affordable housing assistance trust fund is a state trust fund with the comptroller for the purpose of making distributions under this subchapter. All money collected under this subchapter shall be deposited to the credit of the state trust fund. (b) The comptroller annually shall distribute the money in the state trust fund as follows: (1) 80 percent to local housing assistance trust funds, to be disbursed as follows: (A) 75 percent or $15,000, whichever is greater, shall be transferred to counties with a population that is less than 150,001 or with an average median income of less than $52,100, as determined annually by the secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; and (B) the remaining amount of the money shall be transferred to counties with a population that is equal to or greater than 150,001 or with an average median income of $52,100 or more, as determined annually by the secretary of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; and (2) 20 percent to the housing trust fund established under Section 2306.201 for use in accordance with the purposes of that fund. Sec. 2306.955. LOCAL HOUSING DISTRIBUTIONS. (a) The comptroller shall make a local housing distribution from the Texas affordable housing assistance trust fund to a local housing assistance trust fund annually beginning the first day of the state fiscal year following the date the program is approved. (b) The portion for each county is computed by multiplying the total funds for the group of counties described by Section 2306.954(b)(1)(A) or (B) by a fraction, the numerator of which is the population of the county and the denominator of which is the total population of the group of counties described by Section 2306.954(b)(1)(A) or (B). (c) The portion for each eligible municipality is computed by multiplying the total funds for a county by a fraction, the numerator of which is the population of the eligible municipality and the denominator of which is the population of the county. The remaining revenues shall be distributed to the appropriate commissioners court. (d) A local housing distribution must be administered in compliance with an interlocal agreement providing for a joint local housing assistance plan. (e) Distributions from a local government trust fund must be made according to an interlocal agreement between a commissioners court and the governing body of an eligible municipality. (f) If a county or eligible municipality enters into an interlocal agreement with a municipality that becomes eligible as a result of entering into that interlocal agreement, the county or eligible municipality that has agreed to transfer the control of funds to a municipality that was not originally eligible must ensure through its local housing assistance plan and through the interlocal agreement that all program funds are used in a manner consistent with the program. (g) The funds that otherwise would be distributed under this subchapter to a local government that does not meet the program's requirements for receipt of the distributions must remain in the Texas affordable housing assistance trust fund for a period of 18 months. If the local government does not achieve compliance with the program within that 18-month period, the funds will be distributed to the housing trust fund established under Section 2306.201 for use in accordance with the purposes of that fund. (h) A county or eligible municipality may expend its portion of local housing distributions only to implement a local housing assistance plan. Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, the county or eligible municipality may not expend its portion of local housing distributions to provide rent subsidies, and funds distributed under this subchapter may not be pledged to pay the debt service on any bonds. This subsection does not prohibit the use of funds for security and utility deposit assistance. Sec. 2306.956. LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN: PARTNERSHIPS. (a) Each county or eligible municipality participating in the program shall develop and implement a local housing assistance plan created to make affordable residential units available to persons of medium, low, and very low income and to persons who have special housing needs, including homeless persons, the elderly, and migrant farmworkers. (b) The plan must seek to increase the availability of affordable residential units by: (1) combining local resources and cost-saving measures into a local housing partnership; and (2) using private and public funds to reduce housing costs. (c) A local housing assistance plan may allocate funds to: (1) implement local housing assistance programs for the provision of affordable housing; (2) supplement funds available to the department to provide enhanced funding of state housing programs in the county or the eligible municipality; (3) provide the local matching share of federal affordable housing grants or programs; (4) fund emergency repairs, including repairs performed by existing service providers under weatherization assistance programs; (5) further an affordable housing component of a local government comprehensive plan; (6) fund program operation costs and overhead at the local level in an amount not to exceed five percent of funds distributed into the local government trust fund, or not to exceed 10 percent if the actual cost can be justified in an approved plan; and (7) fund single-family home buyer assistance programs and finance, acquire, rehabilitate, and construct safe, decent, affordable housing. (d) Each county and each eligible municipality participating in the program shall encourage the involvement of appropriate public sector and private sector entities as partners in order to combine resources to reduce housing costs for the targeted population. The partnership process must involve: (1) lending institutions; (2) housing builders and developers; (3) nonprofit and other community-based housing and service organizations; (4) providers of professional services relating to affordable housing; (5) advocates for low-income persons; (6) real estate professionals; and (7) other persons or entities that can assist in providing housing or related support services. (e) A county or eligible municipality participating in the program shall: (1) develop a qualification system and selection criteria for applications for awards by eligible sponsors; (2) adopt criteria for the selection of eligible persons; and (3) adopt a maximum award schedule or system of amounts consistent with the intent and budget of its local housing assistance plan. (f) A county or eligible municipality shall advertise the notice of funding availability in a newspaper of general circulation and periodicals serving ethnic and diverse neighborhoods not later than the 30th day before the date the application period begins. If funding is not available because of a waiting list, notice of funding availability is not required. (g) A county or eligible municipality may not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, color, age, sex, marital status, familial status, national origin, or disability in the award application process for eligible housing. (h) As a condition of receipt of an award under the program, an eligible sponsor or eligible person must contractually agree to comply with the affordable housing criteria applicable to the affordable housing objective of the award. The criteria must encourage single-family mortgages, down payment assistance, and other forms of payment assistance. (i) The department shall provide technical assistance to counties and eligible municipalities regarding: (1) the creation of partnerships; (2) the design of local housing assistance programs; (3) the implementation of local housing incentive programs; and (4) the provision of support services. Sec. 2306.957. REPORT SUBMITTED TO DEPARTMENT. (a) The department shall monitor the activities of counties and eligible municipalities to determine compliance with program requirements and shall collect data on the operation and achievements of housing partnerships. (b) A county or eligible municipality shall submit to the department not later than April 30 of each year a report of its affordable housing programs and related accomplishments through December 31 of the preceding year. The report must be certified as accurate and complete by the local government's chief elected official or that official's designee. Transmittal of the report certifies that the local housing incentive programs and, if applicable, the local housing incentive plan have been implemented or are in the process of being implemented in accordance with the adopted schedule for implementation. (c) The report must include: (1) the number of households served by income category, age, family size, and race; (2) data regarding any special needs populations, including farmworkers, homeless persons, and the elderly; (3) the number of units and the average cost of producing units under each local housing assistance program; (4) the average sales price or value of a single-family unit and the amount of rent charged for a rental unit based on unit size; (5) by income category, the number of mortgages made, the average mortgage amount, and the rate of default; (6) a description of the status of implementation of each local housing incentive program and, if applicable, the local housing incentive plan contained in the local government's adopted schedule for implementation; (7) a concise description of the support services that are available to the residents of affordable housing provided by local programs; (8) sales price or value of housing produced under the program and an account of what percentage was refinanced by a local housing distribution, other public funds, and private resources; and (9) any other data or affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by the reporting county or eligible municipality. (d) A county or eligible municipality shall make the report available for public inspection and comment before certifying the report and transmitting it to the department. (e) If the department reviews the annual report and determines that a county or eligible municipality has failed to implement a local housing incentive program or, if applicable, a local housing incentive plan, the department shall send a notice of termination of the county's or eligible municipality's share of local housing distributions by certified mail to the comptroller and the affected county or eligible municipality. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.