78R5373 EMT-F

By:  Thompson                                                     H.B. No. 2629

relating to hospital emergency services for sexual assault survivors. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code, is amended by adding Subchapter H to read as follows:
Sec. 241.181. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: (1) "Sexual assault" means any act as described by Section 22.011 or 22.021, Penal Code. (2) "Sexual assault survivor" means an individual who is a victim of a sexual assault, regardless of whether a report is made or a conviction is obtained in the incident. Sec. 241.182. FURNISHING OF EMERGENCY SERVICES. A hospital required to be licensed under this chapter shall provide emergency services to a sexual assault survivor in accordance with this subchapter. Sec. 241.183. INITIAL ASSESSMENT. (a) When a survivor of an alleged sexual assault arrives at a hospital, the appropriate medical personnel and staff person as soon as practicable shall: (1) assess and treat any immediate life-threatening injuries; (2) contact a sexual assault crisis center, if available in the geographical area served by the hospital, to inform the on-call advocate that a person who has allegedly been sexually assaulted has arrived at the hospital for an examination; and (3) once the survivor is determined to be medically stable, provide the survivor with a private room to speak with medical or law enforcement personnel or with a staff person or volunteer of any available sexual assault crisis center. (b) The hospital must maintain documentation of the duties and functions performed by hospital staff and medical personnel under this section. Sec. 241.184. CONSULTATION BEFORE EXAMINATION. During a consultation with a sexual assault survivor before an examination is conducted, the appropriate staff person shall: (1) ask whether the survivor would prefer to have an available sexual assault crisis center advocate present for the examination; (2) inform the survivor that any statement made to a physician, nurse, other hospital personnel, law enforcement personnel, or sexual assault crisis center advocate during the interview and evidence collection process is not privileged and may be disclosed; (3) inform the survivor of the necessity for a physical examination without regard to whether the survivor chooses to have the evidence collected for use in a criminal investigation; (4) provide a detailed explanation of the purpose and procedure of a forensic medical examination and evidence collection protocol under Subchapter B, Chapter 420, Government Code, including: (A) the likelihood of being interviewed by law enforcement personnel; and (B) the effect on a criminal prosecution if a forensic medical examination is not performed; (5) advise the survivor that a forensic medical examination shall be conducted free of charge, but costs related to medical treatment may be incurred for which the survivor may be responsible; (6) inform the survivor that the survivor may withdraw consent for the forensic medical examination and evidence collection protocol at any time during the examination; (7) obtain written consent from the survivor for a physical examination, treatment, forensic medical examination, and collection of evidence, including photographs of injuries; and (8) provide appropriate oral and written information on all hospital policies and procedures, including treatment by physicians and the prescribing of medication with regard to treatment. Sec. 241.185. MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND TESTS. With the informed consent of the sexual assault survivor, the attending physician may perform a medical examination or test including: (1) a forensic medical examination performed in accordance with evidence collection protocol under Subchapter B, Chapter 420, Government Code, which may include a photograph of any injury, including an injury to the genitalia, that may be used as evidence in a criminal proceeding against a person accused of the alleged sexual assault; (2) a physical examination as required to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the survivor; or (3) proper testing for sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy, if necessary. Sec. 241.186. TREATMENT FOLLOWING MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND TESTS. After the medical examination or tests are completed, the attending physician or other appropriate medical personnel shall, if necessary: (1) treat any physical injuries suffered by the survivor; (2) supply prophylactic antibiotics for treatment of any sexually transmitted disease and possible contraindications of that medication; and (3) provide postcoital contraception for pregnancy prevention. Sec. 241.187. REFERRAL FOR FOLLOW-UP CARE. At the conclusion of all examinations, necessary diagnostic testing, and treatment, the appropriate staff person shall provide the sexual assault survivor with an oral and written referral to a local sexual assault crisis center, if available, and any other appropriate referral for follow-up care concerning the medical and psychological well-being of the survivor. SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.