78R4968 ATP-D

By:  Giddings                                                     H.B. No. 2806

relating to a pilot program creating reinvestment zones to promote the relocation of businesses to certain areas of this state. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Subtitle G, Title 10, Government Code, is amended by adding Chapter 2312 to read as follows:
Sec. 2312.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Business" includes a part of the operations of a business entity. (2) "Department" means the Texas Department of Economic Development. (3) "Eligible business" means a business designated as an eligible business under Section 2312.102. (4) "Relocate" means to establish a physical presence at a new location, including: (A) the transfer of an existing business operation to a facility at a different location; (B) the expansion of an existing business operation to an additional location; or (C) the establishment of an office or plant at a different location. (5) "Taxing unit" has the meaning assigned by Section 1.04, Tax Code. (6) "Zone" means an area designated as a business recruitment reinvestment zone under this chapter. Sec. 2312.002. REINVESTMENT ZONE. A zone is a reinvestment zone within the meaning of Section 1-g(a), Article VIII, Texas Constitution.
[Sections 2312.003-2312.050 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 2312.051. NOMINATION OF AREA. (a) An area may be nominated for designation as a zone only if each taxing unit located wholly or partly in the area enters into an agreement to nominate the area for designation as a zone. (b) A taxing unit that is a party to an agreement under Subsection (a), singly or jointly with another taxing unit, may nominate an area for designation as a zone by submitting an application to the department. (c) An application for designation as a zone shall contain: (1) a copy of the agreement under Subsection (a); (2) a map of the area showing existing streets and highways and the boundaries of the area; (3) an analysis and appropriate supporting documents and statistics demonstrating that the area qualifies for designation as a zone; (4) information demonstrating that an eligible business is likely to relocate to the area if the area is designated as a zone; and (5) any other information required by the department. Sec. 2312.052. DESIGNATION BY REVIEW BOARD. (a) A review board, composed of the members of the governing body of the department, shall review each application submitted by a taxing unit seeking designation as a zone. (b) The review board must decide whether to designate an area as a zone before the 90th day after the date on which the application is submitted. (c) The review board shall decide whether to designate an area as a zone based on: (1) whether each taxing unit located wholly or partly in the area has entered into the agreement to nominate the area as required by Section 2312.051(a); (2) whether the criteria for designation as a zone prescribed by Section 2312.053 are met; and (3) the likelihood that an eligible business will relocate to the area. Sec. 2312.053. CRITERIA FOR DESIGNATION. (a) To be designated as a zone an area must: (1) be located in a county that: (A) is adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico; (B) contains territory located within 50 miles of an international border; or (C) has a population of 500,000 or more; (2) have a continuous boundary; (3) be at least one square mile but not larger than the greater of: (A) 10 square miles, excluding lakes, waterways, and transportation arteries; or (B) an area, not to exceed 20 square miles, that is equal to five percent of the total square mileage of the county in which the area is located, excluding lakes, waterways, and transportation arteries; and (4) be an area in which the average rate of unemployment during the most recent 12-month period for which data is available was at least 1-1/2 times the state average for that period. (b) The review board may not designate more than: (1) one zone in a single school district; or (2) three zones in a single county. Sec. 2312.054. NUMBER OF ZONES. The review board may not designate more than 10 zones under this chapter.
[Sections 2312.055-2312.100 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 2312.101. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. (a) A zone is governed by a board of directors. (b) The department shall by rule determine the number of directors, the qualifications of directors, and the method of apportioning the appointment of directors among the taxing units that are located wholly or partly in the zone. The department shall provide that each taxing unit may appoint at least one director. (c) A taxing unit must make its appointments to the board of directors before the 30th day after the date on which the review board designates an area as a zone. A taxing unit shall make reasonable efforts to include members of the local business community on the board of directors. Sec. 2312.102. DESIGNATION OF ELIGIBLE BUSINESSES. (a) The board of directors shall determine whether a business is an eligible business. (b) If the board of directors determines that a business meets the requirements prescribed by Section 2312.151(b), the board by order shall designate the business as an eligible business. Sec. 2312.103. ADVERTISEMENT OF ZONE. The board of directors shall advertise the existence of a zone and the benefits of relocating to a zone to attract businesses to the zone and encourage new business growth in the zone.
[Sections 2312.104-2312.150 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 2312.151. ELIGIBLE BUSINESS. (a) In this section, "new job" means a new employment position that is intended to provide at least 1,820 hours of employment a year. (b) A business is an eligible business if: (1) the business relocates from another state or nation to a zone after the date on which the zone is designated; (2) the business delivers a written statement to the board of directors that guarantees that the relocation of the business to the zone will create 100 or more new jobs in the zone; and (3) the business, or any property located in the zone that is owned or controlled by the business, is not a gambling place, as that term is defined by Section 47.01, Penal Code. (c) An eligible business that has not created 100 or more new jobs in the zone before the first anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business may not receive further tax abatements or exemptions under this chapter. Sec. 2312.152. FRANCHISE TAX EXEMPTION. An eligible business is exempt from franchise taxes as provided by Section 171.088, Tax Code. Sec. 2312.153. LOCAL AD VALOREM TAX ABATEMENT. The governing body of a taxing unit located wholly or partly in a zone shall enter into a tax abatement agreement as provided by Chapter 314, Tax Code, with an eligible business operating in the zone. SECTION 2. Subchapter B, Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding Section 171.088 to read as follows: Sec. 171.088. EXEMPTION--CERTAIN CORPORATIONS LOCATED IN BUSINESS RECRUITMENT REINVESTMENT ZONES. (a) A corporation designated as an eligible business under Section 2312.102, Government Code, is exempted from the franchise tax before the sixth anniversary of the date on which the corporation is designated as an eligible business. (b) A corporation designated as an eligible business under Section 2312.102, Government Code, is exempted from: (1) 80 percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the period beginning on the sixth anniversary and ending on the day before the seventh anniversary of the date on which the corporation is designated as an eligible business; (2) 60 percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the period beginning on the seventh anniversary and ending on the day before the eighth anniversary of the date on which the corporation is designated as an eligible business; (3) 40 percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the period beginning on the eighth anniversary and ending on the day before the ninth anniversary of the date on which the corporation is designated as an eligible business; and (4) 20 percent of the amount of franchise tax due for the period beginning on the ninth anniversary and ending on the day before the 10th anniversary of the date on which the corporation is designated as an eligible business. SECTION 3. Subtitle B, Title 3, Tax Code, is amended by adding Chapter 314 to read as follows:
Sec. 314.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: (1) "Eligible business" means a business designated as an eligible business under Section 2312.102, Government Code. (2) "Taxing unit" has the meaning assigned by Section 1.04. Sec. 314.002. TAXING UNIT WITH TAX RATE SET BY COMMISSIONERS COURT. (a) The commissioners court of a county that enters into a tax abatement agreement for the county may enter into a tax abatement agreement applicable to the same property on behalf of a taxing unit other than the county if by statute the ad valorem tax rate of the other taxing unit is approved by the commissioners court or the commissioners court is expressly required by statute to impose the ad valorem taxes of the other taxing unit. The tax abatement agreement entered into on behalf of the other taxing unit is not required to contain the same terms as the tax abatement agreement entered into on behalf of the county. (b) This section does not apply to a taxing unit because the county tax assessor-collector is required by law to assess or collect the taxing unit's ad valorem taxes. Sec. 314.003. STATE ADMINISTRATION. (a) The comptroller shall maintain a central registry of ad valorem tax abatement agreements executed under this chapter. The chief appraiser of each appraisal district that appraises property for a taxing unit that is located wholly or partly in a reinvestment zone and has executed a tax abatement agreement under this chapter shall deliver to the comptroller before July 1 of the year following the year in which the zone is designated or the agreement is executed a report providing the following information: (1) a general description of the reinvestment zone, including its boundaries and the taxing units that are located wholly or partly in the zone; (2) a copy of each tax abatement agreement to which a taxing unit that participates in the appraisal district is a party; and (3) any other information required by the comptroller to administer this section. (b) The comptroller may provide assistance to a taxing unit on request of its governing body or the presiding officer of its governing body relating to the administration of this chapter. The Texas Department of Economic Development and the comptroller may provide technical assistance to a local governing body regarding the execution of tax abatement agreements.
[Sections 314.004-314.050 reserved for expansion]
Sec. 314.051. REINVESTMENT ZONE. Designation of an area as a business recruitment reinvestment zone under Chapter 2312, Government Code, constitutes designation of the area as a reinvestment zone under this chapter without procedural requirements other than those provided by Chapter 2312, Government Code. Sec. 314.052. TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT. (a) The governing body of a taxing unit required to enter into tax abatement agreements under Section 2312.153, Government Code, shall agree in writing with an eligible business to exempt from taxation a portion of the value of the property owned by the eligible business as provided by this section. (b) A tax abatement agreement shall provide that: (1) 100 percent of the value of the taxable property is exempt from taxation before the sixth anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business; (2) 80 percent of the value of the taxable property is exempt from taxation for the period beginning on the sixth anniversary and ending on the day before the seventh anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business; (3) 60 percent of the value of the taxable property is exempt from taxation for the period beginning on the seventh anniversary and ending on the day before the eighth anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business; (4) 40 percent of the value of the taxable property is exempt from taxation for the period beginning on the eighth anniversary and ending on the day before the ninth anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business; and (5) 20 percent of the value of the taxable property is exempt from taxation for the period beginning on the ninth anniversary and ending on the day before the 10th anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business. (c) A tax abatement agreement expires on the 10th anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business. Sec. 314.053. SPECIFIC TERMS OF TAX ABATEMENT AGREEMENT. (a) An agreement made under this chapter must: (1) provide for recapturing property tax revenue lost as a result of the agreement if the property ceases to be owned by an eligible business; and (2) require the owner of the property to certify annually to the governing body of the taxing unit that the owner is an eligible business and is in compliance with each applicable term of the agreement. (b) An agreement made under this chapter may include any term agreed on by the taxing unit and the eligible business that does not alter the terms prescribed by this subchapter. Sec. 314.054. APPROVAL BY GOVERNING BODY. (a) To be effective, an agreement made under this chapter must be approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the governing body of the taxing unit at a regularly scheduled meeting of the governing body. (b) On approval by the governing body, an agreement may be executed in the same manner as other contracts made by the taxing unit. Sec. 314.055. MODIFICATION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. (a) At any time before the expiration of an agreement made under this chapter, the agreement may be modified by the parties to the agreement to include other provisions that could have been included in the original agreement or to delete provisions that were not necessary to the original agreement. The agreement may not be modified to alter the terms expressly imposed by this subchapter. (b) The modification must be made by the same procedure by which the original agreement was approved and executed. (c) The original agreement may not be modified to extend beyond the 10th anniversary of the date on which the business is designated as an eligible business. SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.