78R8399 MCK-D

By:  Hupp                                                         H.B. No. 2984

relating to the administration of the Communities In Schools program. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 264.752, Family Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 264.752. STATEWIDE OPERATION OF PROGRAM. It is the intent of the legislature that the Communities In Schools program operate throughout this state. It is also the intent of the legislature that programs established under Chapter 305, Labor Code, [and its predecessor statute, the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act (Article 5221b-9d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),] and programs established under this subchapter shall remain eligible to participate in the Communities In Schools program if funds are available and if their performance meets the criteria established by the agency [department] for renewal of their contracts. SECTION 2. Section 264.753, Family Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 264.753. STATE DIRECTOR. The commissioner of education [executive director of the department] shall designate a state director for the Communities In Schools program. SECTION 3. Section 264.756(a), Family Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The agency [department] shall develop and implement an equitable formula for the funding of local Communities In Schools programs. The formula may provide for the reduction of funds annually contributed by the state to a local program by an amount not more than 50 percent of the amount contributed by the state for the first year of the program. The formula must consider the financial resources of individual communities and school districts. Savings accomplished through the implementation of the formula may be used to extend services to counties and municipalities currently not served by a local program or to extend services to counties and municipalities currently served by an existing local program. SECTION 4. Section 264.758, Family Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 264.758. DONATIONS TO PROGRAM. (a) The agency [department] may accept a donation of services or money or other property that the agency [department] determines furthers the lawful objectives of the agency [department] in connection with the Communities In Schools program. (b) Each donation, with the name of the donor and the purpose of the donation, must be reported in the public records of the agency [department]. SECTION 5. (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 2003. (b) Not later than January 1, 2004, the Texas Education Agency and the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services shall enter into a memorandum of understanding under which the Communities In Schools program is transferred to the Texas Education Agency. The memorandum required by this section shall prescribe the manner by which the transfer shall be accomplished and provide for the transfer to the Texas Education Agency of any money appropriated to the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services for the administration of the program and the transfer of any files, records, equipment, property, and personnel necessary to accomplish the transfer of the program. The transfer required by this section must be completed not later than March 1, 2004. (c) In addition to the memorandum of understanding required by Subsection (b) of this section, the Texas Education Agency and the Department of Protective and Regulatory Services shall adopt a new memorandum of understanding under Section 264.755, Family Code, to reflect the changes in responsibilities of the two agencies as a result of the transfer of the Communities In Schools program to the Texas Education Agency.