78R14410 E

By:  Pitts                                                        H.B. No. 3458

Substitute the following for H.B. No. 3458:                                   

By:  Branch                                                   C.S.H.B. No. 3458

relating to transportation between schools and child-care facilities. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 34.007(b), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (b) In establishing and operating the transportation system, the county or school district board shall: (1) [shall] employ school bus drivers certified in accordance with standards and qualifications adopted by the Department of Public Safety; and (2) [may] allow a parent to designate a child-care facility, as defined by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code, instead of the child's residence as the regular location for purposes of obtaining transportation under the system to and from the child's school, if the child-care facility is located on the district's or county's approved transportation routes for the school the child attends. SECTION 2. Section 42.155(k), Education Code, is amended to read as follows: (k) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the commissioner may not reduce the allotment to which a district or county is entitled under this section because the district or county provides transportation for an eligible student to and from a child-care facility, as defined by Section 42.002, Human Resources Code, instead of the student's residence, as authorized by Section 34.007[, if the transportation is provided within the approved routes of the district or county for the school the student attends]. SECTION 3. This Act takes effect September 1, 2003.