78R13612 JHS-D

By:  Deshotel                                                   H.C.R. No. 2  

WHEREAS, Southeast Texas Community Development Corporation, Inc., (SETCDC) will mark its 10th anniversary on May 10, 2003, and this occasion offers an excellent opportunity to recognize this notable organization and its many dedicated employees; and WHEREAS, Founded and incorporated by former State Representative Al Price, SETCDC has contributed to neighborhood redevelopment and revitalization by eradicating blight and building new homes; and WHEREAS, This fine organization has marketed home ownership to more than 5,000 prospective home buyers and has offered credit counseling and credit repair services to some 2,000 clients; and WHEREAS, During its 10-year existence, SETCDC has constructed 73 new homes, created 19 units of multifamily housing, and rehabilitated 28 existing houses, providing safe, decent, affordable housing to more than 350 men, women, and children; and WHEREAS, The dedicated individuals associated with SETCDC are responsible for an economic benefit of more than $10 million to the Beaumont community; this financial boon includes construction loans and mortgages, the purchase of construction materials, and contracts with local businesses; and WHEREAS, In honor of its anniversary, SETCDC will break ground for the construction of 10 new homes in Beaumont, one for each year of service provided by this exemplary organization, and it is a privilege to join in celebrating the continued success of Southeast Texas Community Development Corporation, Inc.; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby recognize the 10th anniversary of Southeast Texas Community Development Corporation, Inc., and extend best wishes to the many individuals affiliated with this outstanding organization; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Southeast Texas Community Development Corporation, Inc., as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.