H.C.R. No. 18 

WHEREAS, Many proud citizens of Liberty County are visiting the State Capitol on February 24, 2003, to celebrate their county's important role in the annals of the Lone Star State; and WHEREAS, Embracing a section of the Big Thicket to the north and coastal prairies and marshes to the south, Liberty County presents a strikingly varied landscape; artifacts uncovered near the towns of Liberty and Dayton indicate that people have supported themselves in this fertile land for at least 3,000 years; and WHEREAS, Karankawa Indians, the first occupants of the area in historic times, were joined around 1807 by Coushatta Indians from Alabama; others moving into the district from the mid-1700s onward included Spaniards, who by 1757 had built a military road through the area, French supporters of Napoleon Bonaparte, who established a colony there in 1818, and Americans, who became increasingly interested in Texas after the purchase of the Louisiana Territory; and WHEREAS, In 1831 Mexican authorities established the town of Liberty as the seat of a new municipality, which embraced most of Southeast Texas; with the advent of the Republic of Texas in 1836, Liberty County became one of 23 new counties created by the Texas Congress, and the town of Liberty continued as the seat of local government; as originally drawn, the boundaries of Liberty County included present-day Tyler County and parts of Hardin, Chambers, San Jacinto, and Polk counties; and WHEREAS, Standing at the highest navigable point on the Trinity River, the county seat quickly enjoyed prominence as a commercial center; among those who practiced law in the young town were David G. Burnet, William B. Travis, and Sam Houston, the latter of whom maintained a law office in Liberty and handled cases there from 1838 to 1855; the hero of San Jacinto also acquired some 20,000 acres in the county and established two plantation homes on his property; and WHEREAS, Other prominent Texans associated with Liberty County include Governors Ross S. Sterling, who lived there for a time, and Marion Price Daniel, Sr., who was born in Dayton and made his home in Liberty with his wife, Jean, a direct descendant of Sam Houston; and WHEREAS, With approximately half of its area constituting prime farmland, Liberty County has long counted farming and ranching as pillars of its economy; adding to its prosperity are an industrial sector that includes lumbering, oil production, chemical plants, and varied manufacturing; and WHEREAS, Noted attractions in the county include the Big Thicket National Preserve and, in the town of Liberty, the Sam Houston Regional Library and Research Center and the Humphreys Cultural Center; the county seat also boasts the Trinity Valley Exposition, an annual fair that has been drawing enthusiastic participants and visitors for nearly a century; and WHEREAS, The citizens of Liberty County, today more than 70,000 strong, are preserving the best of their past while continuing to forge an ever brighter future for themselves and their families, and it is indeed a pleasure to honor them at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives and Senate of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby recognize February 24, 2003, as Liberty County Day 2003 at the State Capitol and extend to the delegation present on this day sincere best wishes for an enjoyable and memorable visit. Ellis ______________________________ ______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 18 was adopted by the House on February 24, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.C.R. No. 18 was adopted by the Senate on February 25, 2003, by a viva-voce vote. ______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: __________________ Date __________________ Governor