78R2776 JNC-D

By:  Craddick                                                   H.C.R. No. 22 

WHEREAS, The Permian Basin Petroleum Association (PBPA) is honoring John Younger of Midland with its Top Hand award, given for outstanding achievement and for contributions to the industry and the community; and WHEREAS, Mr. Younger graduated from McKinney High School in 1933 and went on to attend Texas A&M University, where he served as captain of the Corps of Cadets and editor of the yearbook during his senior year; and WHEREAS, After receiving his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering, he began his professional career with Baroid Sales Division as a mud engineer; he later headed the first mud logging unit, which he brought to Midland in 1940; and WHEREAS, When he received the call to defend his country in 1941, Mr. Younger was inducted into the United States Army, where he attained the rank of lieutenant colonel; upon his discharge, he moved to Eunice, New Mexico, and began working for the Western Company; and WHEREAS, Mr. Younger became an independent oil operator in 1957 and seven years later founded the Airport 20 Corporation; today he remains active in real estate and business ventures; and WHEREAS, This esteemed gentleman has long worked to promote the oil industry of West Texas; in 1961 he was one of 60 individuals who organized the Permian Basin Petroleum Association, and he later served on a committee that was instrumental in establishing the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum; and WHEREAS, He has also given generously of his time to his community, serving on the boards of the Midland Independent School District, High Sky Children's Ranch, Abell-Hanger Foundation, and Midland Presbyterian Homes, as well as on the first board of the Midland YMCA; in 1953, together with 24 other charter members, he helped to establish Memorial Christian Church; and WHEREAS, Mr. Younger has been aided in every endeavor by Charlene Younger, his wife of 64 years; and WHEREAS, A leader of tremendous dedication, energy, and vision, John Younger has rendered immeasurable service to his industry and his community, and it is a pleasure to join in celebrating his newest honor; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby congratulate John Younger on being named Top Hand by the Permian Basin Petroleum Association; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Younger as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.