78R3421 MDM-D

By:  Davis of Harris                                            H.C.R. No. 30 

WHEREAS, During his tenure as governor of the State of San Luis Potosí, the Honorable Fernando Silva Nieto has exemplified the virtues of integrity and dedication, and his skilled leadership has played a vital role in the progress of this richly diverse region; and WHEREAS, San Luis Potosí embraces a territory of 24,417 square miles in the center of Mexico; the state's several climate zones range from the tropical Huasteca to the temperate Sierra Madre Oriental to the arid and semiarid high plateau; and WHEREAS, The name San Luis Potosí is said to derive from the French king, Saint Louis, with Potosí added to suggest a correspondence between the wealth of the region's mines and those of Potosí in Bolivia; in another version of the story, the name honors Luis de Velasco, the second viceroy of New Spain; and WHEREAS, A state steeped in history, San Luis Potosí is home to 2.3 million people; more than half a million of these reside in the capital, also called San Luis Potosí, a dynamic industrial metropolis that still retains its lovely colonial center; and WHEREAS, Boasting abundant deposits of silver, gold, copper, zinc, and bismuth, San Luis Potosí is one of Mexico's leading mining states; its vibrant economy is also boosted by plentiful sugarcane crops, basic metal manufacturing, and diverse industry; in addition, the state is an important railway center, ranking sixth nationally in length of railroad tracks; and WHEREAS, The notable endeavors of Governor Silva Nieto have greatly benefited the State of San Luis Potosí and won him widespread respect and admiration at home and abroad; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby commend the Honorable Fernando Silva Nieto for his outstanding leadership as governor of the State of San Luis Potosí and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Governor Silva Nieto as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.