78R4265 MW-D

By:  Craddick                                                   H.C.R. No. 42 

WHEREAS, The Texas Legislature is pleased to recognize February 11, 2003, as Midland-Odessa Day at the State Capitol; and WHEREAS, Odessa and Midland are located in the Permian Basin, an important oil- and gas-rich area of the state; both cities have been shaped by similar historical developments and have benefited from their proximity to each other; to reinforce their unity and to ensure economic diversification and a prosperous future, Midland and Odessa have adopted the "Two Cities-No Limits" motto; and WHEREAS, The city of Midland was founded in 1881 when the Texas and Pacific Railway established Midway Station at the midpoint on its Dallas-El Paso line; Odessa was likewise founded in 1881 when the Texas Pacific Railway began using the area for a water stop; and WHEREAS, During the 1920s, the discovery of rich deposits of oil and gas in the Permian Basin transformed the cities of Midland and Odessa into essential petrochemical centers for the state; the oil and gas industry invigorated the area and brought economic prosperity, and through the years, the cities have added new commercial enterprises to assure greater economic stability in the region; and WHEREAS, The cities have further developed the area's economy with the addition of the Family Dollar Stores, Incorporated Distribution Center, Texas Independent Energy's 1,000 megawatt power plant, and the Cingular Wireless Call Center, which employs more than 1,500 individuals; and WHEREAS, Each city possesses unique cultural treasures; Odessa is home to the Presidential Museum, the Ellen Noel Art Museum of the Permian Basin, and a replica of the Globe Theater; an important center of education, Odessa is the site of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and The University of Texas of the Permian Basin; and WHEREAS, Midland is well known for The Petroleum Museum, the Commemorative Air Force Museum, and the Museum of the Southwest; and WHEREAS, The city of Midland is also extremely proud to be the hometown of President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush, as well as the longtime home of former President George H. W. Bush and former First Lady Barbara Bush, and Florida Governor Jeb Bush; and WHEREAS, For many years, Midland and Odessa have worked together to advance the development of the region; they jointly established the Midland International Airport and created the Midland-Odessa Transportation Alliance; they also established the Midland-Odessa Health and Retirement Endeavor to heighten their attraction as retirement communities; Midland and Odessa have the only joint postmark in Texas; and WHEREAS, The more than 100 years of mutual support between these two cities is an inspiring example of cooperation for all Texans; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby recognize February 11, 2003, as Midland-Odessa Day at the State Capitol and commend the citizens of Midland and Odessa as they celebrate their unique heritage on this special day.