78R5069 JNC-D

By:  Davis of Harris                                            H.C.R. No. 104

WHEREAS, The passing of Minnie Mae Glenn on July 27, 2002, at the age of 94, brought a great loss to the family and friends of this esteemed woman; and WHEREAS, The youngest of six children, the former Minnie Mae Feagins was born on October 14, 1907, in Kildare, Oklahoma; in the mid-1920s, she moved with her family to Corpus Christi, where she met and fell in love with Joseph Paul Glenn; and WHEREAS, The couple married on the night of Mrs. Glenn's high school graduation and soon moved to Brownsville, where she raised their three children with loving care, insight, and wisdom; and WHEREAS, A woman of abiding faith, Mrs. Glenn found a home at the First Baptist Church of Brownsville; she was an active member, teaching Sunday school and enjoying the fellowship of other believers; and WHEREAS, Minnie Mae Glenn was a woman of rare faith and joy who made everyone she knew feel important; she was truly a great lady of Texas; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby honor the life of Minnie Mae Glenn of Brownsville and extend sincere sympathies to her family: to her children, Betty Jeanne Faulk, Jo Anne Reed, and Joseph Paul Glenn, Jr.; to her grandchildren, Patrick Lee Faulk, Emily Anne Karlovich, Sarah Jeanne Faulk, Thomas Alexander Faulk, Randolph Robert Reed, Roy Earl Reed, Jr., Jayne Anne Davis, the wife of State Representative John E. Davis, Cynthia Jeanne Mills, Roman Feagins Reed, Jathan Russell Glenn, Catina Renee Skiles, and Weyland Shane Glenn; and to her many great-grandchildren; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for the members of her family and that when the Texas House of Representatives and Senate adjourn this day, they do so in memory of Minnie Mae Glenn.