78R10423 JNC-D

By:  Harper-Brown                                               H.C.R. No. 168

WHEREAS, Throughout the history of this nation, in times of great peril, men and women of the United States military have marched bravely into battle to defend our precious liberties; and WHEREAS, U.S. Army Specialist Shoshana Johnson embarked from Fort Bliss in support of our nation's campaign to liberate Iraqi citizens from repression; a chef for the 507th Maintenance Company, she was taken captive after her convoy was ambushed in Iraq; and WHEREAS, Specialist Johnson is the devoted mother of a two-year-old daughter, Janelle, and a graduate of Andress High School, where she was a popular student and a member of the drill team; following in her father's footsteps, she has served with distinction in the U.S. Army since 1998; and WHEREAS, Unflinching bravery and a resolute commitment to fulfill her oath to serve, regardless of the personal consequences, have been demonstrated by Specialist Johnson on a desolate and foreign battlefield; this valorous American is now held captive by enemies of all nations who cherish individual freedom, unbiased judgment, and human dignity; and WHEREAS, It is the fervent hope of all Texans that the day of liberation comes swiftly for this brave soldier and that she finds comfort, during the darkness of her captivity, in knowing that citizens throughout this state and nation hold her in their thoughts and prayers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby pay tribute to U.S. Army Specialist Shoshana Johnson for her courageous actions and extend to the members of her family heartfelt best wishes for her safe and expeditious return.