78R10986 JH-F

By:  Nixon                                                      H.C.R. No. 211

WHEREAS, The Legislature of the State of Texas joins citizens across Texas in observing Holocaust Remembrance Day on April 29, 2003, to honor Holocaust victims, survivors, families, and liberators; and WHEREAS, Holocaust Remembrance Day unites the entire community in interfaith services and encourages all people to reflect on the consequences of violence against our fellowman; and WHEREAS, During the annual commemoration, citizens pay their respects to those who lost their lives, honor those who survived, and pray for a future free of hatred and prejudice; and WHEREAS, Children as well as adults were victims and survivors of the Holocaust; these youngsters created art, journals, and memoirs as a living testimony of their experiences; to honor them, a statewide Holocaust art and literature contest for middle and high school students will be held, and the winning entries will be exhibited at the Capitol Extension on the day of remembrance; and WHEREAS, Holocaust survivors, liberators, art contest winners, and representatives of Holocaust museums in the state will be honored at a reception; special guests in attendance will include Governor Rick Perry, Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, Speaker of the House Tom Craddick, Senator Florence Shapiro, and Representative Joe Nixon; and WHEREAS, Holocaust Remembrance Day serves as a solemn reminder of the importance of practicing tolerance and respect toward others; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby recognize April 29, 2003, as Holocaust Remembrance Day and join in this fitting tribute to the millions of people affected by the Holocaust.