78R13708 KMP-D

By:  Lewis                                                      H.C.R. No. 244

WHEREAS, Deralyn Riles Davis has made innumerable contributions to the Lone Star State as an educator, accountant, mediator, and civic leader, and on the 50th anniversary of her graduation from Huston-Tillotson College, she has been invited to participate in that institution's commencement exercises, to be held in Austin on May 3, 2003; and WHEREAS, In 1953 this exemplary Texan earned her bachelor's degree in health, physical education, and recreation, a degree that complemented her studies at Texas Southern University and D.C. Teachers College, and she established a successful career as an educator in the Lone Star State's public school system, teaching at schools in Dallas, Arlington, Fort Worth, and other locations in the Metroplex area; and WHEREAS, Ms. Davis, whose enthusiasm and dedication to hard work has won the respect of all those who have known her, also completed a bachelor's degree in accounting from The University of Texas at Arlington; during the course of her impressive career she has worked as an accountant, real estate agent, promotion and marketing professional, and certified mediator; and WHEREAS, An active member of her community, Ms. Davis has played a key role in the success of such organizations as the United Way Speaker Bureau, the Community Development Board, the Mayor's Committee on the Status of Women, and the Tarrant County Regional Health Planning Board; her spirit of generosity and commitment has brought her great acclaim from many important civic and charitable groups, including the Legislative Black Caucus, Texas State NAACP, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Eta Phi Beta Sorority, and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; and WHEREAS, Also active politically, she has worked for local, state, and national candidates, has served as vice chair of the Texas Democratic Party and as a member of the Democratic National Committee, and has been a delegate to the national Democratic Party convention each election year since 1976; and WHEREAS, Since graduating from Huston-Tillotson College a half-century ago, Ms. Davis has made her mark as a woman of outstanding achievement, attaining immense professional success while serving her community, state, and nation with honor and distinction; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby congratulate Deralyn Riles Davis on the golden anniversary of her graduation from Huston-Tillotson College and extend to her warmest best wishes for continued happiness in her future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Ms. Davis as an expression of high regard by the Texas Legislature.