78R18319 JH-D

By:  Homer                                                      H.C.R. No. 270

WHEREAS, Wendell Moore of Paris is indeed deserving of special commendation for his heroic efforts on December 7, 2002, that rescued a woman trapped beneath an overturned car; and WHEREAS, Lenore Gonzalez was riding in a sport utility vehicle on back roads in Grayson County; the driver lost control and the vehicle rolled, trapping Ms. Gonzalez underneath the overturned automobile; and WHEREAS, Arriving on the scene as the dust from the accident was settling, Mr. Moore immediately called on his first aid training and began checking the pinned woman's vital signs; with no time to spare because Ms. Gonzalez was struggling to breathe, Mr. Moore braced himself against the roof rack of the large vehicle and lifted it high enough off of Ms. Gonzalez for others who had arrived to pull her free; and WHEREAS, In another stroke of luck for Ms. Gonzalez, Mr. Moore had a global-positioning system which allowed him to direct medical staff to the accident's remote location; and WHEREAS, Wendell Moore demonstrated exceptional calmness under pressure, and the spirit of selflessness and bravery that he displayed indeed merits our highest praise; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the 78th Legislature of the State of Texas hereby honor Wendell Moore for his noteworthy act of heroism and commend him for the selflessness that he demonstrated in the dangerous situation; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Moore as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives and Senate.