78R520 JJT-D

By:  Isett                                                      H.J.R. No. 15 

proposing a constitutional amendment concerning the restriction on the rate of growth of appropriations. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 22, Article VIII, Texas Constitution, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 22. (a) In no biennium shall the rate of growth of appropriations from all sources of revenue except the federal government [state tax revenues not dedicated by this constitution] exceed the estimated rate of growth of total personal income in the state [the state's economy]. In this subsection, the rate of growth of appropriations from the current biennium to the next biennium is the percentage difference between: (1) the lesser of: (A) the amount of money appropriated for the current biennium from all sources of revenue other than the federal government, as cumulatively estimated by the comptroller at the times the comptroller endorsed, in accordance with Section 49a, Article III, of this constitution, the comptroller's certificate on the bills making the appropriations; and (B) the amount of money actually appropriated for the current biennium from all sources of revenue other than the federal government, using the most recently available information; and (2) the amount of money appropriated for the next biennium from all sources of revenue other than the federal government, as finally estimated by the comptroller at the times the Acts making appropriations are considered by the comptroller under Section 49a, Article III, of this constitution. (b) The legislature shall provide by general law procedures to implement Subsection (a) of this section [subsection]. (c) [(b)] If the legislature by adoption of a resolution approved by a record vote of two-thirds [a majority] of the members of each house finds that an emergency exists and identifies the nature of the emergency, the legislature may provide for appropriations in excess of the amount authorized by Subsection (a) of this section. The excess authorized under this subsection may not exceed the amount specified in the resolution. (d) [(c)] In no case shall appropriations exceed revenues as provided in Article III, Section 49a, of this constitution. Nothing in this section shall be construed to alter, amend, or repeal Article III, Section 49a, of this constitution. SECTION 2. Section 49a, Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: (c) No bill containing an appropriation of money from any source except the federal government shall be considered as passed or be sent to the Governor for consideration until and unless the Comptroller of Public Accounts endorses the Comptroller's certificate thereon showing that the appropriation does not contravene the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations imposed by Section 22, Article VIII, of this constitution. When the Comptroller finds that a bill contains an appropriation that contravenes the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations, the Comptroller shall endorse that finding on the bill, return the bill to the House from which it originated, and immediately notify the House of Representatives and the Senate of the finding. SECTION 3. The following temporary provision is added to the Texas Constitution: TEMPORARY PROVISION. (a) This temporary provision applies to the amendment to Section 22, Article VIII, and Section 49a, Article III, of this constitution, proposed by the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, restricting the rate of growth of appropriations from all sources of revenue except the federal government to the estimated rate of growth of total personal income in this state. This temporary provision expires September 2, 2005. (b) The changes made to Section 22, Article VIII, and Section 49a, Article III, of this constitution by the amendment apply only in relation to appropriations made for the state fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2005, and subsequent state fiscal bienniums. Appropriations for the state fiscal biennium that begins September 1, 2003, are governed by Section 22, Article VIII, and Section 49a, Article III, as they existed immediately before the amendment was approved by the voters. SECTION 4. This proposed constitutional amendment shall be submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 4, 2003. The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition: "The constitutional amendment to limit the growth of the state budget to the rate of growth in Texas personal income."