78R3267 MDM-D

By:  Christian                                                    H.R. No. 38 

WHEREAS, On January 22, 2003, delegates from the Stephen F. Austin State University Student Government Association and Alumni Association are visiting the State Capitol; and WHEREAS, As the voice of the student body, the Student Government Association provides an effective conduit through which students express concerns and offer suggestions to the university administration; moreover, the organization sponsors campus events and passes legislation to improve the quality of student life; and WHEREAS, The executive, judicial, and legislative branches of this exemplary organization work to ensure that students' views are reflected in policies implemented by the university; and WHEREAS, The Student Government Association helps to develop future leaders of this state and nation while advocating in behalf of more than 11,500 individuals enrolled at the university; and WHEREAS, The SFA Alumni Association is dedicated to serving the alumni, friends, and students of the university through programs, scholarships, and activities that foster loyalty and continued involvement in the life of the school; and WHEREAS, With a membership of more than 90,000 alumni participating in 15 charter chapters throughout the Lone Star State, the nonprofit group presents more than $1 million in scholarships and awards to deserving students each year; and WHEREAS, The Student Government Association and Alumni Association play crucial roles in supporting SFA students and in advancing the mission of this proud university; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby recognize January 22, 2003, as Stephen F. Austin State University Student Government Association and Alumni Association Day at the State Capitol, and extend to all those involved sincere best wishes for success and happiness in their future endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared for the Student Government Association and the Alumni Association of Stephen F. Austin State University as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.