78R3478 MDM-D

By:  Campbell                                                     H.R. No. 50 

WHEREAS, The passing of Francile Morrill on November 3, 2002, at the age of 77, has deeply saddened her family and a host of friends in the San Angelo community; and WHEREAS, Born in Arkansas, this public-spirited woman grew up in Harlingen and later moved to the Panama Canal Zone, where she met and married Bill Morrill; with him she enjoyed a close and fulfilling marriage that spanned 54 years until his recent passing; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Morrill and her family made their home on various United States Air Force bases during her husband's military career, and she shared her time with such organizations as the scouts, PTA, United Fund, and Urban League; in 1966 the Morrills moved to San Angelo, where this shy-at-heart person fulfilled her desire for a role in community life in myriad ways, among them participating in political activities and serving on the Recreation Advisory Board and the River Corridor Commission; and WHEREAS, An outspoken advocate for those too reticent to voice their opinions, Mrs. Morrill began regularly attending city council meetings in 1973, a practice she continued throughout her life; she embarked on the first of many terms as a member of the city's planning commission in 1978, was elected chair in 1990, and still held a position on the panel at the time of her passing; and WHEREAS, In recognition of her deep commitment to the people of San Angelo, a permanent memorial in a city park is planned to honor Mrs. Morrill; located on the banks of the Concho River near the Celebration Bridge, the landscaped area will feature a native tree, picnic table, and plaque dedicated to this esteemed civic leader; and WHEREAS, Those who were privileged to know Francile Morrill will long miss her zest for life and generous spirit, and her memory will surely live on in the minds and hearts of the many people whose lives she touched; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Francile Morrill and extend sincere sympathy to her son and daughter-in-law, William and Tina Morrill; to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren; and to all those who mourn the passing of this beloved woman; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for her family and that when the Texas House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Francile Morrill.