H.R. No. 99 

WHEREAS, On February 12, 2003, educational diagnosticians from across the Lone Star State are assembling in Austin to celebrate Texas Educational Diagnosticians' Association Day at the Capitol; and WHEREAS, Educational diagnosticians play a pivotal role in the lives of Texas schoolchildren, as they assess and diagnose the educational problems of students; by conducting full evaluations, these skilled professionals help to provide teachers and parents with viable solutions to remediate learning disabilities; and WHEREAS, Those involved in this important profession are supported by the Texas Educational Diagnosticians' Association, which was founded in 1973; this group promotes professionalism, competence, excellence, and continuing education throughout the organization to provide quality educational services that benefit students, parents, and teachers across the state; and WHEREAS, The dedicated individuals who enter this field bear a great responsibility to the students of Texas, and both parents and children alike are thankful for the dedication and commitment of these valued professionals; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby recognize February 12, 2003, as Texas Educational Diagnosticians' Association Day at the Capitol and commend all those who devote themselves to this profession. Campbell ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 99 was adopted by the House on February 12, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House