H.R. No. 111

WHEREAS, John H. Russell's selection as the 10th president of McMurry University in Abilene marks a stellar achievement in his illustrious career; and WHEREAS, Dr. Russell took the helm at McMurry University on August 1, 2002; with his effective leadership, uncompromising integrity, and rare talent for education administration, he is enhancing the learning experience for the 1,200 students studying in 42 majors and eight preprofessional sequences at this distinguished four-year liberal arts university; and WHEREAS, Before coming to McMurry, Dr. Russell was executive vice president for academic affairs at West Virginia University Institute of Technology; responsible for academic support operations, he led the development of a six-year strategic plan to balance budgets and increase enrollment of first-time college students; and WHEREAS, A retired colonel of the United States Air Force (USAF), Dr. Russell amassed a wealth of experience during his 33 years in the military; his last assignments included commandant and vice commandant of the Air Force Institute of Technology in Ohio and senior associate professor of aeronautics, deputy for plans and programs at the USAF Academy in Colorado; and WHEREAS, Dr. Russell earned his bachelor of science degree in aerospace engineering from Auburn University, his master of science degree in aeronautics and astronautics from Stanford University, and his doctorate in aerospace engineering sciences from the University of Colorado; and WHEREAS, Dr. Russell has been a significant contributor to academic excellence throughout his career, and his tenure with McMurry University will undoubtedly continue in that exemplary pattern; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate retired USAF Colonel Dr. John H. Russell on being appointed president of McMurry University and extend to him best wishes for success in this and all of his endeavors; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Dr. Russell as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Hunter ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 111 was adopted by the House on February 5, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House