H.R. No. 175

WHEREAS, Members of Texas SkillsUSA-VICA, an organization for students engaged in trade and industrial education, are visiting the State Capitol on February 10, 2003; and WHEREAS, With roots in Texas dating back to 1948, Texas SkillsUSA-VICA currently serves nearly 15,500 students and professional members through more than 1,450 chapters in public, trade, and technical schools; a collaborative effort of educators, representatives of the private sector, and government, the organization integrates classroom and workplace training in order to provide a sound foundation for future success; and WHEREAS, Texas SkillsUSA-VICA seeks to increase students' understanding of relevant technologies, develop their leadership and interpersonal skills, encourage problem-solving ability and critical thinking, and instill solid work habits; the program further strives to foster a sense of civic responsibility and to enhance students' knowledge of government and the legislative process; and WHEREAS, Members of Texas SkillsUSA-VICA have an opportunity to test their abilities in local, state, and national competitions; challenging students to excel beyond the classroom, the annual national SkillsUSA Championships feature 73 occupational and leadership skill events; and WHEREAS, Every other year, Texas members have the additional opportunity to meet in a mock legislative session; following house rules, delegates debate and vote on their own legislative proposals; and WHEREAS, Texas SkillsUSA-VICA is playing a crucial role in developing the full range of knowledge and abilities that young Texans will need in order to realize a bright and fulfilling future, and it is a pleasure to acknowledge the contributions this organization is making to the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby recognize February 10, 2003, as Texas SkillsUSA-VICA Day at the State Capitol and honor all those involved with this exceptional program for their admirable efforts and hard work. Keffer of Eastland Seaman ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 175 was adopted by the House on February 10, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House