H.R. No. 268

WHEREAS, Proyecto Azteca of San Juan, Texas, has been selected as one of eight organizations to be honored by Families Count: The National Honors Program; and WHEREAS, Families Count recognizes exemplary work in support of families in low-income communities, and the men and women affiliated with Proyecto Azteca have demonstrated a commitment to improving the lives of migrant farmworker families and colonia residents in the Rio Grande Valley by providing access to affordable housing, education programs, citizenship classes, and loan programs for starting or expanding businesses; and WHEREAS, Active since 1991, Proyecto Azteca also offers assistance to families that want to build or purchase their own homes; volunteers and staff work together to strengthen communities and give hope to children and their families; and WHEREAS, Each of the eight organizations selected as a Families Count honoree receives a $500,000 unrestricted award that is paid over three years; the award is presented through the Annie E. Casey Foundation, which sponsors this commendable program; and WHEREAS, By embracing the idea that children do well when their families do well, Proyecto Azteca and the other organizations that have been honored are changing the future by changing the present, and all those associated with these efforts are deserving of praise; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the leaders, staff, and volunteers of Proyecto Azteca be congratulated on their receipt of this exceptional honor and that they be commended for their outstanding service in behalf of migrant farmworker families and colonia residents in the Rio Grande Valley; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for those individuals who have contributed to the success of Proyecto Azteca as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives. Wise ______________________________ Speaker of the House I certify that H.R. No. 268 was adopted by the House on March 28, 2003, by a non-record vote. ______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House