78R6342 MW-D

By:  Merritt                                                      H.R. No. 309

WHEREAS, On February 25, 2003, many proud residents of Kilgore are gathering in Austin to celebrate Kilgore Day at the State Capitol; and WHEREAS, Established in 1872 when the International-Great Northern Railroad built a line between Longview and Palestine, Kilgore was named for Constantine Buckley Kilgore, who was a delegate at the Constitutional Convention of 1875 and served as a state senator and U.S. congressman from the area; and WHEREAS, In its infancy, the city relied on its cotton crops to spur its economy; Kilgore underwent a dramatic transformation in 1930 with the discovery of the East Texas oilfield, which helped to spark a boom that would see more than 1,100 oil-producing wells spring up in the city; one block of downtown Kilgore had the greatest concentration of derricks in the world and came to be known as the "World's Richest Acre"; and WHEREAS, Situated in south central Gregg County, Kilgore is today a town of 12,000 residents and has a multifaceted economy that revolves around petroleum, manufacturing, government, mining, tourism, and various other business enterprises; and WHEREAS, Throughout the year in Kilgore, residents and visitors are treated to fun and enriching experiences at the Texas Shakespeare Festival at Kilgore College, Derrick Fest, and the KTPB Fine Arts Festival, which concludes with Kids Fest; at the year's end, the Kilgore Chamber of Commerce hosts the spectacular Holiday Trail of Lights; and WHEREAS, Kilgore also features such diverse attractions as the East Texas Oil Museum, the World's Richest Acre Park, and Kilgore College; the home of the Kilgore Rangerettes, who are world renowned for their trademark high-kick routines, the college is also the site of the popular Rangerette Showcase; and WHEREAS, The citizens of Kilgore are embracing the myriad challenges and opportunities of the future while continuing to build on their colorful history and rich culture, making them great contributors to the Lone Star State and a source of pride for all Texans; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby recognize February 25, 2003, as Kilgore Day at the State Capitol and extend sincere best wishes to the delegation here today for an enjoyable and memorable visit.