78R6873 PCM-D

By:  McCall                                                       H.R. No. 321

WHEREAS, The members of this chamber would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Honorable Mike Krusee by resolution on his birthday, rather than run the risk of having to perform yet another round of "Happy Birthday to You" in front of a live audience; and WHEREAS, Born in Chicago on February 26, 1959, this yuppie Yankee left that toddlin' town for the Southwest early in his youth and spent his formative years in Turkey, Texas, and Arkansas, where he graduated from high school and no doubt yearned to return to the Lone Star State just as fast as he could; and WHEREAS, Fortunately for us, he made it, by way of Georgetown University, and after studying under the likes of Dr. Henry Kissinger and other brilliant notables, our fair hero moved back to Texas determined to make a difference in his adopted home state; and WHEREAS, Now in his sixth legislative session, Representative Krusee has done just that, and he currently serves his fellow Texans as a valued member of the House Civil Practices and Redistricting committees, as well as grand high poo-bah of the House Transportation Committee; this long-time road warrior brings vital knowledge and expertise to his role as chairman of that committee, and his self-professed talent for juggling might also come in mighty handy in the days to come; and WHEREAS, Known variously as "Please stop calling me Mr. Chairman" Krusee, Johnny Cruise, and Mike "The Highway" Krusee depending on the audience, this preppy public servant has also made a name for himself among the constituents of Williamson County and a host of others who've been singing his praises all the live long day; and WHEREAS, When Representative Krusee isn't downtown shaping state policy, he enjoys a busy professional and personal life that makes him the envy of the minivan set; together with his wife, Leigh, Mr. Krusee is the proud parent of five terrific kids, Alison, Joe, Sam, Jim, and Ben, and his role as a harried father of five may account for his rabid interest in roadways, since he must spend a great deal of his time schlepping the home team around town; and WHEREAS, Despite his "goody-two-shoes" image, Representative Krusee has been known to at least give the envelope a nudge on occasion in pursuit of what some might call extreme sports, although after winding up in a body cast following a skydiving incident, the only surfing he enjoys these days is on the Banana Republic and Pottery Barn websites; and WHEREAS, Throughout his fine tenure in this chamber, Mike Krusee has remained committed to shaping a future for Texas that is as bright as the teeth in that perfectly maintained smile, and this state is all the richer for his presence; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby congratulate the Honorable Mike Krusee on the memorable occasion of his birthday and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness in the coming year; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Representative Krusee as an expression of good-natured fun by his colleagues in the Texas House of Representatives.