78R6656 JH-D

By:  Garza                                                        H.R. No. 385

WHEREAS, On March 5, 2003, a delegation of Eagle Pass residents is visiting the State Capitol, and this occasion provides a fitting opportunity to honor one of the city's outstanding citizens, Rodolfo "Fito" Barrera, on his many civic contributions; and WHEREAS, The mayor of Eagle Pass from 1980 to 1982, Mr. Barrera is a natural leader who has given generously of his time and talents to help build a brighter future for his community; and WHEREAS, Over the years, this esteemed gentleman has served as the director of the Maverick County Development Corporation as well as president and treasurer of both the Eagle Pass Athletic Booster Club and the Lions Club, director of the chamber of commerce, and member of the IBC Bank board; in addition, he is the founder of the Barrera Heights Project and was instrumental in bringing Southwest Texas Junior College to Eagle Pass in 1972; and WHEREAS, The youth of Maverick County also hold a special place in Mr. Barrera's heart, as is reflected in his sponsorship of baseball and soccer teams in the community and contributions to the annual livestock show, which benefits local 4-H and FFA students; and WHEREAS, Named Citizen of the Year in Maverick County in 1996, Mr. Barrera has won the respect of his community and serves as an inspiration to all who know of him, and it is a pleasure to recognize him at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 78th Texas Legislature hereby commend Rodolfo "Fito" Barrera on his tireless efforts in behalf of his fellow Maverick County residents and extend to him sincere best wishes for continued success and happiness; and, be it further RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be prepared for Mr. Barrera as an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.